Long term "high oncotype test" survivors
Is there any long term survivors who have had a high oncotype score. I know that this test is relatively new but I also know that it has been on the market at least 4 years. So I know that "long term" regarding this test isn't very long term. I had it done 3 years and 4 months ago. My oncotype score was 52. My onc told me…
ROLL CALL ---- High risk oncodx and chose no chemotherapy
Just trying to find out if the following: (People with hisk oncodx and no chemo) Oncodx number Number of years NED
Oncotype Score
I recently had a lumpectomy for Stage 2 ILC which was ER/PR+ HER2-. Tumor was 29mm. There was a micrometasticts found in 1 of 3 lymph nodes. I am 41 years old. I received my Oncotype report today and am hoping others may be able to comment or share their story with similar results and what treatment they moved forward…
Genomic Test Helps Decide Which DCIS Needs Radiation
Genomic Test Helps Decide Which DCIS Needs Radiation Dec 8, 2023 Dr. Seema Khan explains her research looking at the ability of a genomic test to help make radiation decisions for DCIS. The Oncotype DX Breast DCIS Score test is used to help people and their doctors make decisions about whether radiation after lumpectomy…
Podcast: Genomic Assays: What Are the Different Kinds and How Do They Work?
Is Oncotype test always ordered? Are there are genetic tests I could request in addition?
Had a lumpectomy 10 days ago and SBN. Stage 1, grade 1, no lymph no involvement 90/98 EST/PR. My surgeon has made no mention of the Oncotype score and when I called the lab for my biopsy results, they said I would need to ask my surgeon to submit for genetic tests. Is this normally how it's done? Also, are there any…