TC 1st round failed Taxotere. AC for round 2 and moving forward Er+Pr+Her2-, stage 1A, one node with 3mm, T1aN1, partial mastectomy 7-17-23, diagnosed 6-1-23, Oncotype Dx score 30. My 2nd of 4, infusions was yesterday. Less than 30 seconds into my 1st and only time with Taxotere I had a flushing reaction, nausea, back…
Healthy Diet and Exercise Improve Response to Chemotherapy in Women With Breast Cancer Sep 14, 2023 Eating a healthy diet and exercising improved pathologic complete response rates in certain women receiving chemotherapy before surgery. Read more…
A place for the November chemo sisters to gather and support each other! Please share your start date, regimen, side effects, and tips for others here. For inspiration and what to expect, see the Starting Chemo Sept 2023 thread. Good luck with your treatment — we're all here to support you!
I am feeling just awful. Three days post dose #3 of AC, and I feel pretty bad. Lots of nausea. I'm trying all the things I've done before - small meals, hydration, Compazine, lorazepam, and I still feel very nauseous and very down. Like this is never going to end. We've just moved house as well and I can't find anything.…
I’m starting TCHP chemo this week and am really frightened by the side effects that may happen. Please post advice and tips for getting through this challenging regimen. Thank you.