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TC untolerable moved to AC

bf0526 Member Posts: 1

TC 1st round failed Taxotere. AC for round 2 and moving forward

Er+Pr+Her2-, stage 1A, one node with 3mm, T1aN1, partial mastectomy 7-17-23, diagnosed 6-1-23, Oncotype Dx score 30. My 2nd of 4, infusions was yesterday.

Less than 30 seconds into my 1st and only time with Taxotere I had a flushing reaction, nausea, back pain, and difficulty breathing my nurses jumped right in, stopped my meds, and called a doctor over. The nurse didn't even have enough time to walk 5 feet to her desk and sit before my reaction. I had 1/2 hour of iv roids and Benadryl just before. They did not restart the Taxotere. Ran fluids, more roids, and Benadryl then started Cytoxan. I had no issues with that. By the time I was done I just wanted to go home! I slept the rest of the afternoon and woke up feeling much better.

I had some flushing with the Neulasta injection the next day. That only lasted a few minutes and was mild.

It is patience only in the infusion area, no room for company or guests. My husband had to wait in the waiting room and get status updates from nurses. I didn't have the wherewithal to ask questions before we left.

The last three weeks have mostly been uneventful. Jumping between diarrhea and constipation has been my only issue. It got easier to manage as time went on. I still have all my hair. I worry about what I lost not having the Taxotere 3 weeks ago. Have I lost time? I surely got value from the Cytoxan but, was it less without Taxotere?

Yesterday made the switch to AC. Infusion went smoothly! Felt well leaving the center to head back to work and working the afternoon. Driving home felt motion sickness coming on. That settled down quickly after arrival home and taking ondansetron.

Later in the evening nausea set in. 10pm took compazine and fell asleep. Awake at 11:30pm with nausea again. Practicing deep breathing hopefully to not empty my stomach contents until 2am when I can take more ondansetron. Rest of the night was sleep!

I have the option of two more AC or I can add one additional dose for a total of 5. This would be to replace the one i missed. Cycles are now every two weeks apposed to 3 week cycles. So overall time of chemo will not be longer due to shorter cycle length.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Hi @bf0526, and welcome to our community! We're so very sorry for the reasons that bring you here, but we're really glad you've found us. You're sure to find our amazing space a wonderful source of advice, information, encouragement, and support — we're all here for you!

    We're so sorry to hear of the troubles you had with taxotere, but we're sending good thoughts that AC will be more tolerable and you'll sail right through treatment. Others will surely be by soon to support you!

    In the meantime, you may be interested in checking out the September 2023 Chemo thread, and joining the October 2023 Chemo thread to meet others currently receiving chemo.

    Also, there's some good information at the following links to help you manage the nausea:

    We also invite you to join us for one of our In Treatment Zoom Meetups for additional support.

    We hope this helps and we hope you keep coming back for answers and support as you navigate your treatment.

    —The Mods

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178

    Originally dx in 2012, did 4 rounds of a/c. Was supposed to do 4 taxotere. Had first, wasn’t out of the office before the reaction started, but I didn’t realize it. Just thought I was thirsty. Went home. Got worse overnight, my whole body swelled up like a blimp. DH took me back in a wheelchair next day. MO looked at me, said he was stopping chemo. Ran some fluids and I recovered.

    Is that why I’m in treatment for the THIRD time? Guess I’ll never know, but I’ve always sort of wondered.

  • fireflyhill
    fireflyhill Member Posts: 28

    I had an immediate severe reaction to Taxotere on my first attempt of TC on 7/31. just seconds into the infusion. My husband (with medical training) was with me and he was very afraid for me. Nurses had to give me push meds. They stopped everything and did not give me the Cytoxan that day. Switching to AC required further tests/procedures so my treatment time was pushed out past the optimal" within 8 weeks of surgery timeframe". This is a tiny seed of worry I have but it was unavoidable.

    I just had my last AC infusion today. If all goes well the next three weeks, then I will start a 12 week course of Taxol (if I do not have a reaction to it on day one). I will be very nervous on that day. My Mo is not so much. Mo is more worried about neuropathy side effect. Said we will need to weigh risks vs reward if I start to develop neuropathy with the Taxol.

    Just sharing for those who also had interruptions to a plan treatment….it can throw a wrench in things and also leave a tiny worry worm in your brain. I am trying hard to NOT FEED the WORM…as the reaction was beyond my control.