It might be a long shot but I wanted to see if anyone ever had a similar experience with a breast needle biopsy. Mine was done over a month ago and confirmed the IDC (my DMX to flat is set for early Feb). One of three biopsy sites on the right breast sits at about 7-8 o'clock. No issues until now. I had an appointment with…
Hi! I had my bilateral mastectomy about two and half weeks ago. I still have the surgical tape/glue in place on my incisions, but I have a couple of spots (literally just a spot here and there) where the incision seems to have bled a little. Nothing dramatic at all, but whenever I change my bra, there are always new spots,…
Hi! I am new here. I was diagnosed with IDC on 12/21/22. I had an appointment with my surgeon on 1/10 where I learned that my breast cancer is stage 1 and triple positive. I am scheduled for a mastectomy on 2/2 followed by Chemo, possibly radiation, and HER2 therapy. I'm very comfortable with the doctors I have lined up,…
Hi All, This is my first post. I was diagnosed with IDC on 12/21. I learned on 1/10 that it's triple positive and that I need a mastectomy followed by chemo as well as HER2 treatment. (Sorry, I don't have all the lingo down yet, so I may not have phrased all of this correctly.) My surgery is scheduled for 2/2 - 16 days…
New Guidelines Recommend Screening All Surgery Candidates for Cannabis Use Jan 5, 2023 Regular cannabis users may have more pain and other complications after surgery, so new guidelines recommend asking everyone scheduled for surgery with anesthesia about their cannabis use. Read more...
I had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago and will have a follow up with the breast surgeon next week. Today was the first day since surgery that I went without a bra. I am having more pain and I noticed that my nipple has a dimple. Has anyone experienced this? It was not dimpling before surgery and my lum was in my right breast at…