New Here - Feb 2023 surgery, anyone?

Hi All,
This is my first post. I was diagnosed with IDC on 12/21. I learned on 1/10 that it's triple positive and that I need a mastectomy followed by chemo as well as HER2 treatment. (Sorry, I don't have all the lingo down yet, so I may not have phrased all of this correctly.) My surgery is scheduled for 2/2 - 16 days from now! Yikes!
I would really love to connect with others facing a similar path. I'm super nervous about the surgery and recovery. I'd also like to learn from others who have been there, done that.
I'm so sorry that we're all here talking about this stuff - but I sure am glad to be able to possibly have people to connect with who know what I'm going through.
I’m new here too!
2 weeks ago, I finished chemo, and I’m anxiously awaiting my bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction on Feb 14th. New boobs for Valentine’s Day. 😂
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DMX on Feb 07. So frustrated that I was first promised it would happen by the end of Jan and then due to the surgeon's load the surgery was pushed out a little. The waiting is the hardest part indeed.
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Hello! Unfortunately I'm back a third time (after two separate mx w/ diep & implant reconstruction over past 9yrs) to remove my nipple due to Pagett's and have lat flap reconstruction on Feb 02. I'm super anxious about this procedure but trying to stay positive as I have a wonderful husband and great medical team to get me through it. Wishing you all easy procedures and smooth recoveries!
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I am another newbie here. I’m having surgery today after a long process of scans, mri’s and biopsies that started in early November. With the holidays mixed in, it took a long time to get to this point, the day of surgery. I am having a BMX with no reconstruction. Although waiting is hard, I have had plenty of time to reflect on my decision and reconcile my choices.
It’s hard to convey how helpful this forum has been for me. I haven’t been posting, but I have been lurking and absorbing so much information. Many thanks to all of you that share your experiences. You are helping in ways you may never realize.
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Hello Again,
My surgery date was moved back a week to 2/9. I find myself "nesting" like I did before I had my daughter. I'm cleaning out closets and trying to organize everything.
Also, after my MRI showed no cancer in my right breast and my genetic testing came back negative, I decided to go with a single MX. I am going to have an expander put in as well. The plastic surgeon said he could even up the right breast later on.
I wish all of you having surgery soon the best of luck!
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I'm coming to you from my hospital bed. I had my left side MX with tissue expander placement yesterday and all went well. I had a nerve block that still hasn't worn off, so the only pain I feel is a sort of sore muscle feeling when I deeply inhale. I should be going home soon.
I was feeling really scared in the lead up to surgery. I've never had any surgery beyond little out-patient things. A friend suggested guided imagery recordings by Belleruth Naparstek for dealing with fear and anxiety. She has one for preparing for surgery that I listened to many times, even when I was waiting in the OR prep area. It really helped me to feel less afraid and more calm. Just throwing this out there in case it might help anyone. She has recordings for fighting cancer and chemotherapy as well. I downloaded the surgery recording from Audible, but they are available on her website too.
Good luck to any of you facing surgery this month!
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Hi Again,
My MX surgery was on Thursday. It is now Saturday evening. I was given a nerve block prior to surgery and it hasn't totally worn off yet. Am I going to be slammed with pain when it does wear off? I'm nervous!
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How are you doing now?
I just scheduled bi-lateral Mas on March 10th. Super scared and crying right now.
Are you able to manage your personal (bathroom tasks) on your own. What are the things you are not able to do?
I am going to listen to that audio like million times now
Hope you feel better soon. lots of love
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Hi Battleangel,
I'm doing really well! My surgery was 8 days ago. I am totally surprised by how smooth my recovery has been. I had a single mastectomy, so I did have full use of my right side, which definitely made things easier. The first few days were the hardest. I got my drain removed on day 4, which is pretty early. I think most stay in for about a week. Once that drain was out, I was on easy street! I never dealt with unmanageable pain. I only took half of the stronger pain meds before bed for the first 3 nights. Otherwise, Tylenol was all I needed.
Thank you for asking. Best of luck to you. I hope the guided imagery recordings bring you the same sense of calm that they brought me!
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Hi Battleangel,
I had my surgery on 2/10, and it wasn't as bad as I had built it up in mind. I only took a few of the heavy-duty pain pills and managed with Tylenol fine. Sleeping on my back and getting past the anesthesia recovery the day of the surgery has been the worst part, honestly. I did only have a single and my right arm was free, which did help. You won't be able to lift your elbows above your shoulders for a while, so you may need a little help with personal stuff like showering, hair, etc. The discharge nurse said no showering with my drains in, but my dr said it was okay after 48 hours...I listened to my dr.!
The waiting is the hardest part for sure. I couldn't wait for surgery day to get here just to get it over with. I feel the same way about chemo...I just want to get it started so that the big mystery of what it will be like is solved.
Best wishes to you and to everyone else who has had or is about to have their surgery!
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Hi, all -- I am new to posting but also have been reading other posts for a while -- very helpful! This is my second "go-round" - had lumpectomy left breast in 2013 and almost made it 10 years. Left-sided mastectomy without reconstruction on 2/9. Recovery pretty uneventful, no acute pain, mostly managed with tylenol. One drain removed on 2/21, which was a relief due to pulling sensation, anxiety about tubing, general "ickiness", and fear of infection! I didn't even notice when the NP removed the drain! Now dealing with the trajectory of recovery, which I am finding is not linear -- some days, feel much better, lots of energy, other days a lot of fatigue and soreness, especially under the armpit. Trying to pace myself and try different types of bras and camisoles but I guess it just takes time to heal and I am not a particularly patient person!!!! Very supportive friends and family, but I often do not want to talk to them (except for my husband) as I navigate to a new "normal"!!! Still back-sleeping with pillows and tylenol at night, some positioning to unaffected side helps. A bit worried about going back to work in 2 weeks -- luckily I am primarily virtual but will have to commute into town via commuter rail and carry my laptop to the office. Like everyone I am sure, looking at clothes and figuring out how to dress!! So glad to find this topic and know we are not alone -- we will get there and happy to share the experience!!
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Another beginner here is me. It's difficult to express how valuable this forum has been to me. Despite the fact that I haven't been posting, I have been reading and learning a ton. I appreciate you all sharing your experiences. You may never be aware of how you are assisting.
Greetings to you and everyone else who has been or will soon undergo surgery!