Hi all! This evening(some two hours ago) I was bitten by a mosquito on the arm with axillary clearance, on the mastectomy side. I`m freaking out about lymphedema now. I washed it with soap and I`m keeping ice on it. Any advice on what to do, please? How big is the risk now?
Hello, Doctor bandaged me. All my fingers became smaller, but my thumb became bigger! Please help. I'm very scared. Do you have an idea how to solve this? How to bandage this not to happen? Why this happens?
Hi ladies! I wanted to share a link to a self lymphodema massage treatment that has helped me and my neighbor who also had breast cancer. Please ok it with your doctors before trying it, because our situations are all unique. I had a lumpectomy with node removal Mar 2021. I was able to see a lymphodema therapist soon after…