I had 15 chemo infusions(last one 5 weeks ago), I am preparing for double mastectomy with reconstruction and had blood analysis 10 days prior to surgery.(next week) PET Scan was clean and blood results came two days ago mostly good but I had a very high B12 level of 1335. I got extremely scared reading online what high B12…
Hi. My 30 year old wife's been diagnosed with TNBC. Unfortunately our treatment right from the start has not gone as per the standard algorithm. In fact her 4cm lump was determined to be a fibroadenoma and excised by a general surgeon, and it turned out to be tnbc with LVI, ki-67 65-70%, necrosis present, closest margin…
My wife's currently undergoing treatment for stage IIIb TNBC. She had a 4cm mass that was misdiagnosed as a fibroadenoma and removed via lumpectomy. Subsequent PET CT showed an enlarged axillary LN 3.6cm with no evidence of distant mets. She's currently completed 4 AC and 8 cycles of weekly pacli and carbo (with Keytruda…
My wife noticed a family large lump (4cm) on her left outer breast on 8th sept. We immediately consulted a general surgeon who said he was absolutely certain that it was a fibroadenoma. He sent us to get an ultrasound, and the radiologist saw two lesions 3cm and 1cm next to each other, and said they're definitely…