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Poll: How does Breast Cancer Awareness Month make you feel?

Select the answer below that best matches your emotions and expand your thoughts in the thread below.

Poll: How does Breast Cancer Awareness Month make you feel? 118 votes

angered about brands using the month for marketing
bcincoloradorockymwren44fe_princesscinnamonsbffjons_girlforzamswifedancemomtrishyla1bananaraniwayoutwestnewfmamainoregonheandmeminniesmombestrong123mmerlina71 17 votes
empowered and supported
chuckee1104bella6162pappauw 3 votes
hopeful and motivated to help spread the messaging
catsmelinsnyedaprildavies72jarolandm8521jolieanradiation_cinderellabcfightr24warrior2024kateo31Love4Alldmataraz1shelbycyrusjulie66hmalik01baygrasspenny13appleladyloves2quiltinxanadu68 23 votes
irritated and triggered by the constant reminders
cgs19ottermikainsbts542001lacombattanteformydaughterakslowwachafrancesca30abigailjbchmom03ginny.bnorah2024lukasmomfrog44lularoseegrannycarolrafiki3socaliedensprite 24 votes
isolated because I don't feel represented
rhgsrmiriandrasf-cakesnerdherdertrustin1lordnocturnal71bernardstuckinnz 8 votes
mixed emotions, some positive, some negative
marlie67exbrnxgrlluvmyfamgeorgiaredskiningerpzipmonktowardshealth17puzzled1jennyjo20copperminecolorado_girlkathrynw1thaseamaggiehopleysimplysuelindaminnie43ars31178amesisland715nimblewarriorteri_afreedom2010 35 votes
neutral; I don’t feel one way or another
princessbuttercupjhlheymama2jlgarberlmlfieldmelanierdori0307day.glow.23 8 votes


  • linsnyed
    linsnyed Member Posts: 2
    hopeful and motivated to help spread the messaging

    The pink color is triggering.

  • aprildavies72
    aprildavies72 Member Posts: 4
    hopeful and motivated to help spread the messaging

    To me, anything that can bring awareness, regardless of the "money making" opportunity somewhere for companies, is something positive and good! Breast cancer took a lot away from me, thankfully it didn't take my life, and I "feel" October so much differently now, because it was my fight too. I just can't see anything negative in this. But that's just my personal opinion.

  • dm8521
    dm8521 Member Posts: 3
    hopeful and motivated to help spread the messaging

    While I appreciate the the feelings of those who dislike the reminders and marketing use, I still feel it is the perfect time to remind, gently or forcefully, my friends and family to get screened. I can post my reminders as well as share the ones posted by others, all month long, without disclosing my own situation or feeling guilty about so many reminders/memes.

    Denise D

  • julie66
    julie66 Member Posts: 2
    hopeful and motivated to help spread the messaging

    I understand people’s feelings regarding the idea of earning money on BC month pink merchandise. I never really thought about that. I also feel so much empathy for people that are stage 4 or have longer more difficult journeys than I’ve had so far, hearing about early screening during the month. I also feel it brings so much hope that others won’t have to suffer so much if they receive early treatment. I also like seeing pink and the messages because it reminds me of all my pink sisters and how we are all in this together and how grateful I am about that. I wish no one had to go thru this, I also like the fact that it brings so much awareness which hopefully will result, one day, for a cure and better treatment options.
    i have IDC, had lumpectomy starting chemo in several weeks and will follow up with 4-6 weeks of radiation’.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,240
    isolated because I don't feel represented

    "Saving 2nd base!" "Save the tatas!" "Bros for boobies!"

    Saving the bumps on our chests is less important than saving the woman who is going through aggressive treatments for a life-threatening disease. I am heartened that more and more women who choose a mastectomy as part of their treatment are choosing to go with an AFC instead of a mound reconstruction. We are learning more and more about BII and other risks from implants, expanders, and flaps; and it's great that doctors are being more proactive in offering all the options. But the media still harps on the false idea that you won't feel like a woman unless you have monster boobs after fighting cancer. Screw them.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,790

    Keep them coming. Very helpful and important to hear all your voices.

  • rockym
    rockym Member Posts: 386
    angered about brands using the month for marketing

    I'm so sorry ts. That is effed beyond belief.

  • forza
    forza Member Posts: 150
    angered about brands using the month for marketing

    everybody seems to want my money , I’m stage 4 and not going to walk around with a pink ribbon.

  • forza
    forza Member Posts: 150
    angered about brands using the month for marketing

    Just wanted to add : it’s worldwide. In France : Octobre Rose

    yesterday in a French supermarket the self scanner added a donation before I even scanned my shopping and again after. Had to delete twice. The perfume shop also asked me loudly in public for a donation. I said NO BECAUSE I HAVE CANCER. DO YOU GIVE DISCOUNTS TO CANCER PATIENTS ?

    Yes it gets me in a bad mood 😂 I’m ok really.

  • miriandra
    miriandra Member Posts: 2,240
    isolated because I don't feel represented

    You totally should have gotten a discount! We need as many silver linings as we can get.