High B12 levels

nume Posts: 85

I had 15 chemo infusions(last one 5 weeks ago), I am preparing for double mastectomy with reconstruction and had blood analysis 10 days prior to surgery.(next week) PET Scan was clean and blood results came two days ago mostly good but I had a very high B12 level of 1335. I got extremely scared reading online what high B12 is associated with.

Anybody knows how to decrease B12 or had similar values at a certain point?

Thank you!


  • kayeba
    kayeba Posts: 3

    Hi Nume, my B12 is elevated too, 1400+. The rest are normal, ALP, ALT,..

    I have been having right upper abdomen discomfort since April and I was diagnosed stage 2 in May. I had my AC+TH completed and about to have my surgery next week. My recent CT scan and ultrasound showed nothing to indicate any liver issue. I’m still following this up with my oncologist and I am wondering if your high B12 level was resolved.

  • nume
    nume Posts: 85

    Hi Kayeba!

    I don`t know if it got resolved or not. The high value appeared right after chemo. Since then I had surgery and 2 clean PETs. I think it was nothing serious because lately all my blood tests were good but I never had it tested again.

    I will let you know when I will have blood tests again.
