Illinois ladies facing bc
AT the cancer seminar, an interesting quote at the end. Dr. B attended a seminar with 200 vets and a speaker said, "Thanks for not walking out during my speech."
He said that the future there will be no medicines, it will all be kinesiology (is that the spelling?), etc. Two of the Dr. B seminars patients said that their two dogs were cured via the computer. I need to get that guy's URL again, my notes are still in the car. Smile.
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gene testing
I just read the rest of your post nancy 101. I, too waited to do surgery for the gene testing. I paid 1500 extra and they did a rush, received it in 7 days.
The nurse at Rush said, Oh i dont mention that usually because everyone is in shock with the inital 3000 cost (covered by insurance most likely and in my Mom's case).
Don't worry too much, my Mom has ovca and I have BC and she did NOT have the bad genes (that are known of anyway).
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reclast zometa ah hah!
i googled it and lo and behold they are the same.
I had a sore throat when I got my zometa IV in December. Big mistake. I was down for the count THIRTEEN DAYS.
Nice, because I got to miss Christmas and New Years holidays with dysfunctional family. chuckle. I was on the couch the whole time with exception of taking my Mom to Chicago on train to get a pet scan...since family would not take her. Nice part: my cats and dogs are cuddly.
But not too nice at the time. I do not eat when I'm sick...and I have to ask to have food delivered and I only asked my Mom once. Next time I'll think about ordering from local pizza place.
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Hi everyone....
Ok- with the preface that we all know that paranoia that sets in post treatment (I keep hearing Ahnold "It's not a tumor" my head).....
Noticed on Friday a spot about three inches directly to the left (my left) of my belly button where, if I push in, it hurts. Almost feels like a bruise-- except there is no bruise and I did nothing to cause a bruise. Can't even claim situps, unfortunately. I don't have a stomach ache, nothing seems to hurt from the "inside out." But, if I'm pushing in on the spot, and breathe out, it hurts. Kind of a lot. Embarrassed that I'm honestly not quite sure what's there? Intestine? And have no idea what this could possibly be? Hernia? Worse? Should I be scared? Of course-- I've half diagnosed myself with colon cancer. (Three people I know were diagnosed with colon cancer last week- found out in a single day. One guy younger than me. ) Any ideas?
Which leads to another question- insurance related. I'm overdue for the dreaded colonoscopy...put it off last summer when rediagnosed, but now- esp. after last week's news, I've made the consult appt. I was warned, however, to be careful with insurance as they may not cover it as I'm under 50. But, with the bc/cc connection--- is it considered medically necessary and then covered? Obviously need to make the call and do some research, but wondered if anyone else had come up against this.
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Just a thought Julie, I have had diverticulitis (sp?) and that was pain on the lower left side.
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If it helps in any small way. I also have dicerticulitis. I have had it for over 10 years. It can be very painful. It is usually on my left side. Sometimes it gets infected and I have a fever. I try to watch what foods tirggger it.
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Not quite off and running for the day as I need a little more of my second cup of coffee----I really do. I just had to go back and fix three different words in that first small sentence. I type dyslexically in the morning. Julie, you are right......after cancer every thing that we once would have easily scoffed at and went on about our business now causes near panic attacks and if not that a lingering feeling of incipient dread.
I like Susan's two week rule but if you need true peace of mind and can do it....I would just make an appt. and have it checked out. Also, anyone who might have had a Avon navigator ( I still talk to mine) could perhaps give you some ideas or reassurance. I guess it's true ---- you have so much in your life that may happen ( like my thyroid collapse and stroke ) and you move on and if thought about it's seldom and in mainly random context, but when it's cancer, everything that happens past that is related. The cancer just sticks --- we eliminate it --- just like we did some of the other things....but our trust in our bodies seems forever betrayed, broken, beyond repair.
I was just reading in another cancer blog ( Kater is part of that one too ) and this person was talking about tyrosine:
Benefits of L Tyrosine
Benefits of l tyrosine..................
L-tyrosine is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein. It plays an important role in the production of neurotransmitters that regulate emotions. The body makes l-tyrosine from another amino acid, known as phenylalanine.
L-Tyrosine Benefits
L-tyrosine is found in many protein containing foods, such as meats, dairy products, fish, wheat and oats.L-tyrosine benefits include helping the brain to produce adequate amounts of the neurotransmitters L-dopa, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. All of these are necessary to regulate emotions.
If levels of these neurotransmitters are insufficient, feelings of sadness, anxiety, irritability and frustration can result. In addition, dopamine helps suppress appetite and reduce body fat, so people with insufficient levels of this neurotransmitter may find they are gaining weight or struggling to lose it.
Another way l-tyrosine benefits the body is by converting thyroid hormone to adrenaline during times of stress. Someone who is chronically stressed can have depleted levels of l- tyrosine.
Benefits of L Tyrosine
In addition to the need for sufficient amounts of amino acids to produce them, neurotransmitters can also become depleted by too much caffeine, sugar, or alcohol. Prescription drugs can also interfere with neurotransmitter production. In some cases, people find that a supplement of l-tyrosine benefits the body by providing the means to replenish neurotransmitters.
Other possible l-tyrosine benefits include helping to calm the body, increase energy and enhance libido. It is also converted into the skin pigment melanin that protects the skin from harmful UV light rays.
L-tyrosine is thought to specifically affect several health conditions, particularly Parkinson's disease and certain mood disorders. Supplements may be useful for people with these conditions as well. Several studies have also indicated that l-tyrosine benefits people with Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
I only put this here ( I in fact, seldom do anything like this ) because I was surprised. I'm not a huge advocate of tossing stuff inside yourself......but our fear and un-ease is very real. Anyone thinking of this would be well advised to throughly read up on it and think about it......but I just put it here due to the fact that we all do become so excitable/stressed out over every ache, pain, twinge, etc. after our cancer battle.
Hope you all have a fine Monday. I try daily to visualize all of you happy and well, hmmmmm, maybe I should do that for myself too....and eager for life's next adventure ( not a medical one either ). I'll be checking in later.'s it going ????? Jule, Juliet
Prayers'n Hugs,
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Morning all! Not much time as DH is home this week and needs the "good" computer....
Julie....sounds like it might be the start of a hernia from what you describe but then diver. could be the cause of the pain. Time to call and get an appt on this one! If you have ANY family members with colon ca ins. will pay for colonoscopies starting at 40. I would think tho that with YOUR hx, they would pay.
Everyone...have a wonderful, if slightly damp, day!
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Buddy and Lisa...I have diverticulitis, too. Have you ever had slight bleeding with yours? Julie, this might be diverticulitis. My onc always says to use the 14 day rule. If it's still there or bothering you after 14 days, make an appointment. Sometimes we are so intent on our symptoms that we worry about things that normally we'd dismiss and that go away by themselves. I guess that's good if you have nerves of steel.! LOL
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Y es I sometimes have teh bleeding. It gets very scary. I have never heard of the 14 days rule. What a great idea. Thanks
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Hey buddy, how much of the Empress burnt? It didn't burn to the ground, did it?
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When I had diverticulitis, I did not have any bleeding. My boss had an attack a few years ago when he was in Florida and he had a lot of bleeding.
I cannot seem to get my picture to load in, and I did have one before.
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This is so weird... so many of us have the "d" word... I don't have Divertuculitis, but I do have symptoms... it showed up on an upper Endiscopy...
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Morning my pets! Looks like we are in for a rainy, windy but mild day....then back to cold. Oh could be snow!
Kater....ON TOPIC....yep, Dr B and his nurses told me NO vitamins while on chemo. Dr. Bendre also told me no vitamins/antioxidents during rads. It was also in the literature they gave me. They don't want you to get "healthy" while on tx ... they want the tx to make your body hostile to new cell cancer cells. At least....that was the way they explained it to me and since I really didn't take anything, it was a no- brainer for me. are you feeling? Are you waiting the 14 days?????
Nothing much new around here.....hope you are all doing as well as you can this week. I envy Susan and Blackjack...I bet the weather is great for them both. Will check back later......don't anyone have fun without me.
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Good morning everyone! It does look like a dreary day. I'm off to walk my three miles early today and then make some money writing questions. WendyTY and I are actually going back and providing the entertainment for the Yoga class tonight. Maybe we'll be able to handle this beginner's class. LOL I might as well give it a try because it seems to be a good program that's offered through our cancer center.
All in all, it looks like a rather uneventful day, but as we've learned, uneventful is often nice!
ON LINE... I picked up the book Anticancer when I went to the library this weekend and want to dig into it. It's written by a doctor and researcher who is a cancer survivor, Dr. David Servan-Schreiber. He had cancer 15 years ago and then had a relapse. That's when he decided to research ways to prevent cancer and recurrences. He's held it off again now for 7 years and is sharing his insights and research. I'll let you know what I think of it as I get into it more. to start my day! I'll check in later.
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Morning everyone. Gosh, more wind today and it will I'm told bring rain. Also, some cooler temps. for a little while. Just have to keep reminding myself what typical March weather is like. After all....I was not enjoying ( well, mainly just the sunny days ) all that much weather all last year as I/dh dealt with txs. In fact, seems like we would have decent days up til' time to go to Marion---then it would be rotten. Naturally --- we were most definitely on a truck route which made the um-pleasant weather all the more difficult.
Gosh...a little late but Wendy so interesting that you got a no vitamin talk regarding your chemo. I don't recall hearing anything remotely like that.....nor do I recall ( we won't get into that ) anything in the literature. I think the nurse and most others did talk about trying to eat well.....but the nausea/vomiting cycles got me so early on....I probably canceled out my 1-A Day pretty good. In general my system held up well for all that was going on....not a sneeze, sniffle, or cold the whole way through
Dh and I are finally emptying the storage unit we have had for 6 years. What a gig !!!!!! The comments.....where did this come from ??? were you keeping this for someone????when did I get that????that definitely does not belong to us and if I find the person that put these boxes in here behind our back are they in trouble.......Sigh !!!! Some very good auction materials. If they had not doubled the price of the units I wonder how many more years we would "own" a storage unit. Getting so tired of the stuff.....
Ok--no more gripping. Have a nice day everyone. I'll be checking back later.
Prayer 'n Hugs,
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Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men.
Confucius0 -
on topic, supplements during chemo
So Wendy is saying her doctors said no vitamins or supplements THE ENTIRE time through chemo and radiations.
Dr. Karen Becker says that from 2007-2009 they have determined that you DO take supplements during treatments.
Northwestern told my Mom and I, early MARCH 2009, no supplements just two days before chemo, and three days after chemo, that is 6 days. (Meaning, okay to take a multi vitamin, but do not take __more___ than a 100% recommended dose of anything)
It makes sense to ME to keep your body healthy to fight, also, as after all, isn't cancer in all of us, and it's our immune system is overwhelmed and that is when the cancer takes over?
So as always, moderation is key since we don't know, or maybe just go with our guts, as there is a higher force looking out for us after all.
It was interesting about the conference speaker that said meds will be a thing of the past. I will look that reference up and post.
there should be a check box or something. when we get the emails from the forum, the writing is all together, there are no paragraph marks, so it's extremely hard to separate the CHAT with the important information. All is important, yes, because we care about each other, but some of us are sick...and we need to write in the best ways to reach everyone.
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Note: the aforementioned DVM vet speaks about humans, too and had BC, too. I can't help thinking when i give my dogs all these supplements, even coq10 and vit e and fish oil pills and see them run with it....that i should be taking it, too!
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I knew a guy who did research for baxter, (cancer) i believe they use dogs before us for research, as awful as that sounds.
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Kater....forgot to tell you how much I like your avatar. I'm chiming in to say I do think what you said earlier about moderation is the likely way to go with things. Most Dr.s treating anything will be happy if you keep any of your lifestyle and habits moderate. So much info out there and recently I saw a big article on how little benefit we actually get from vitamins....especially if they are not in the form of gel cap types etc. It is always something....still, I take mine even though it's a caplet and try not to worry too much. I've known people that never took a vitamin/mineral supplement their whole life and did you do have to go with your gut many times and be careful of your thoughts -- stress is a big factor and I don't think anyone disputes that.
Not a good day...Dh took my car to work...he blew an oil line and ran it dry getting home...sigh !!!
More fun.
Prayers 'n Hugs,
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Rita Jean I am so sad all of the front is gone. Its so sad. None of the game rooms were damaged. No smoke damage.There was another small fire last night. I think they are still goiing to try to open in 90 days. The unemployment office is packed. I feel so sorry for so many people who are out of work
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Hi Girls, Just wanted to check in to say hi from sunny hot Florida. I have your beach chairs waiting for you all. lol The ocean is amazingly calm and so beautiful. I am in total summer mode right now. I have not left the beach or my chair for the last 2 days. Boating is on the agenda for this week. So you see I am a happy camper right now. Missing all of you and hope everyone is doing well. Wendy could you please post our chairs.
Gotta run as this computer time is almost up.....
Remember to be happy....enjoy the one's you love
Hugs to all....
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HI All,
Just an update as I have been assigned the protocol for chemo starting April 8th and it will be cytoxan and taxotere. Not a surprise there. The info was given very professionally and pretty much know that it is all goin to be a process. Sending in for all my meds that will be needed to go along with this treatment plan. Neulasta shot to be called in shortly by Rush as well.
Thanks for being here and healing wishes being sent to all. This is some ride and have to stay strong and postive!!!
Hugs To ALL,
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Donna You are a strong woman. Rush is a great place to be.
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Hi ladies. I am looking for a little guidance. I had my first tx Tue I have been fighting nausia etc. Today at the onc I told him all my problems. constipation, dizzy week, depressed heartburn and feeling sick. He said usually he does not see this type of sysmptom until after 2 or 3 cycles. He did give me Lexapro a antidepresant. and Nexium for the heartburn. I now will also come to chemo on Every other Tues shots on wed. Thurs com back for antinausea IV and fluids. Then I dont return until the following Tue for blood work. My count was 600. Is this why I was feeling so bad. Does anyone else feel like this
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Yay! Whoopee! I am a chemo graduate! Feeling good now, but the rest of the week...not so much! I will handle it better know that this WAS the LAST TIME!!!!
Feels so good to be done!
Hugs to all Carol
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Oh carol !!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you.....we have never met, but I have followed your journey as I made my own and wished only the best and easiest path for you, I cant believe how quickly time goes by.....what a huge huge thing to have behind you ! Stay well and have done wonderfully.
For everyone who has been so kind to help with my *lack of movement* issue.....I am now fully armed and hoping for success......I have stool softener, benefiber, my prunes and my high fiber oatmeal and I have switched to Calcium Citrate with mag....and while I was at it got the proper gelcap Vit D.....if this doesnt work.....and it better.....I am clueless.
BJ sounds delightfully happy in that warm sunshine.......cant wait to follow in her month from yesterday
Julie hope you are feeling ok.....and that it's positively nothing. I think we all have a few diverticuli here and there just depends when they wish to act up.
Rain rain go away......
Love to all...
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Carol/Berrypatch.....what wonderful, wonderful news. All here including me will be and are thrilled for you. It is a rotten thing that you are through and still will have to go thru the ups and downs one more time --- almost doesn't seem fair, but it really is the last time and that helps to take the sting out of it all. Nothing else you do should be near as difficult and you will have the major satisfactionof having hung in there and did all you could to handle things. A very big congratulations.....hip-hip-hooray.
It does seem a bit unusual to have such a gamut of reactions your first time out on your chemo. I had lots of trouble with nausea and the key really is to just take the medicine well beforehand and never let yourself even get to feeling/having it. It is a lot easier to control....I learned this so late, if you just take the medicine well in advance you should be fine there. Someone else hopefully will chime in on the count....I don't know anything about that.
Raining out now...ick....that will bring the cold. Talk to ya'll later.
Kee your chin up Buddy --- asking questions right away and getting help is the thing to do to make it easier on yourself.
Prayers'n Hugs,
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Three cheers to you Carol! I know you are relieved. CEL-E-BRATE TIME!!!