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Homophone word game



  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975

    reek, wreak

  • Nan72
    Nan72 Member Posts: 619


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 77

    For those logging in here on page 8 ... don't forget to see page 7 for the new list of words used already!!

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

    bridal, bridle

  • Nan72
    Nan72 Member Posts: 619


  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975
    nay, neigh
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 77

    none, nun

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381

    Knot, not

  • honeygirl
    honeygirl Member Posts: 136

    kneed , need

  • celia088
    celia088 Member Posts: 975

    dye, die 

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

     vein, vain, vane

  • Fllorik
    Fllorik Member Posts: 381


  • jay66
    jay66 Member Posts: 24

    wear,  where

  • hi5
    hi5 Member Posts: 125


  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

    putting/pudding (I know, this is a stretch)

  • Jen44
    Jen44 Member Posts: 194

    cask, casque

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 77

    LOL, ok updated again since I am paying attention ...

    Airy, aerie

    Aisle, I'll

    Air, heir

    Allowed, aloud

    Altar, alter

    Ant, aunt

    **Apparent, a parent**

    Ark, arc

    Ate, eight

    Attendance, attendants

    Bait, bate

    Bale, bail

    Band, banned

    Bare, bear

    Ball, bawl

    Bee, be

    Beat, beet

    Beer, bier

    Birth, berth

    Bite, byte

    Blue, blew, bleu

    Boar, bore

    Bored, board

    Bow, bough

    Bridle, bridal

    Bread bred

    Bury, berry

    But, butt

    By, buy, bye

    Bread, bred

    Caddy, caddie

    Capitol, capital

    Cask, casque

    Cane, Cain

    Carrot, caret

    Cereal, serial

    Cent, scent, sent

    Chews, choose

    Chute, shoot

    Chord, cord

    Colonel, kernel

    **Cool, kewl**

    Counsel, council

    Currant, current

    Dam, damn

    Daze, days

    Dear, deer

    Dew, do, due

    Die, dye

    Discrete, discreet

    Doc, dock

    Doe, dough

    Earn, urn

    Eye, I

    Fair, fare

    Fax, facts

    Ferry, fairy

    Finely, finally

    Flower, flour

    Flu, flew, flue

    For, four, fore

    Forth, fourth

    Forego, forgo

    Fowl, foul

    Genes, jeans

    Great, grate

    Grown, groan

    Hall, haul

    Hair, hare

    Hay, hey

    Heart, hart

    Herd, Heard

    High, hi

    Higher, hire

    Hour, our

    Here, hear  

    Hole, whole

    **Ice cream, I scream**

    Inn, in

    Knap, nap

    Kneel, Neil, Neal

    Knew, new

    Knight, night

    Knit, nit

    Know, no

    Knows, nose

    Laze, lays

    Leased, least

    Lei, lay

    Light, lite

    Load, lode

    Lute, loot

    Lye, lie

    Mane, main

    Mall, maul

    Mary, merry, marry

    Meet, meat

    Mite, might

    Neigh, nay

    Not, naught, knot

    Nun, none

    One, won

    Overdue, overdo

    Paced, paste

    Pale, pail

    Passed, past

    Paws, pause

    Peak, peek

    Peal, peel

    Peer, pier

    Pi, pie

    **Pin, pen**

    Pole, poll

    Poor, pour

    Prays, praise, preys

    Presence, presents

    Principle, principal

    **Putting, pudding**

    Quarts, quartz

    Rap, wrap

    Rain, rein, reign

    Red, read

    Reed, read

    Reek, wreak

    Reel, real

    Right Wright rite write

    Road, rode,

    Sale, sail

    Scene seen

    See, sea

    Seer, sere, sear

    Senses, census

    Sell, cell

    Serf, surf

    Sheer, shear

    Slay, sleigh

    So, sew, sow

    Sole, soul

    Sore, soar

    Stare, stair

    Stationary, stationery

    Steel, steal

    Steer, stear

    Steak, stake

    Sum, some

    Summery, summary

    Sunday, sundae

    Tact, tacked

    Taut, taught

    Tax, tacks

    Tea, tee

    Thyme, time

    Through, threw, thru

    Tier, tear

    Ten, tin

    Tort, torte

    Two too to

    Tyre, tire

    **Utter, udder **

    Vary, very

    Wait, weight

    Waste, waist

    Walk, wok

    Wane, wain

    Wave, waive

    Wax, whacks

    Weather, whether

    Wear, where

    Week, weak

    Which, witch

    Won, one

    Yolk, yoke

    You'll, yule

    Spread, spred  not listed... spred is not a word

    Steer, stear not listed... stear is not a word

    Grey, gray not listed ... spelling variation not different word

    Check, cheque.... spelling variation not different word

    I did ** on word that sound the same but are really mispronounciations. Or like "a parent/apparent" ... we're having fun but they're really not homophones.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 77

    ok the strike thrus didn't appear, I'll go back and put astericks around them.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 77

    clause, claws

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

    Hi Roctobermom,

    I think a few were left off

    kneed, need

    knot, not

    vein, vain, vane


  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

    veil, vail, vale

  • Nan72
    Nan72 Member Posts: 619


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 77

    Newter, drats!!! I won't be able to fix those til I get back to work and we are moving our systems over to the new building so probably next week.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 77

    Not and knot are there (see not)

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 77

    Choral, coral   (choral group...singers/coral...that spiny stuff in the water!)

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

    Rocktobermom, no problem.  Did not see "not" and I thought I looked twice.  oops.

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

    Plantar, planter

  • newter
    newter Member Posts: 2,670

    My kids want me to do

    Matt & mat

    Also, since we sometimes do names, add Barry to bury and berry

  • Nan72
    Nan72 Member Posts: 619


  • hi5
    hi5 Member Posts: 125
