Scrapbook is almost done. Please read.

Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
edited June 2014 in May Their Memory Live On

Hey ladies, (Those of you who 'knew' Erin.)

I'm almost done. I wanted to start a new post for three reasons:

1. So you could look at the book if you want to and make any comments, suggestions, etc. (I CAN take constructive criticism!) I have no idea if this photobucket link is going to work.

If not, PM me and I can email you the album or give you my sign on and password. I don't even want to attempt posting the pics on this thread. Please keep in mind, this is my first effort at scrapbooking but, a lot of love went into it!!

2. To give those that have not posted to her thread an opportunity to do so and be included in the book. I'll check that thread and make the final changes Monday (tomorrow) nite.

3. To do a 'survey' for lack of a better word on whether or not to include Erin's post in the book. I had somebody pm me and say (very nicely) that they didn't feel including Erin's thoughts was appropriate. Others however have said they have thought that it absolutely should go in, because of it's content. (If you haven't read it, please go back to my "with your permission, I'll copy" post.)

So please, let me know.

Hugs everybody,



  • Hanna
    Hanna Posts: 228
    edited March 2008

    Traci, you have created the perfect memory book.  It is lovely.


  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited March 2008


    This album you have made is beautiful and you are incredible for doing this gift from your heart!!!   I think that you should leave in Erin's post.  Putting her post in the album is like having the anchor that holds everything steady.  This will be really something for her daughter to be able to see how Erin's life touched so many.  Thank you for doing this.



  • jpann39
    jpann39 Posts: 92
    edited March 2008


    You have done a wonderful job on the book....Im glad that Kaleigh will have this part of her mom.....I think Erins words will someday be very special to her and for that reason alone I think they should be included in this..

    Thank you for doing this!!!!


  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Posts: 539
    edited March 2008


    Beautiful, what a wonderful thing to do for This Family!

    and I am sure {{{Erin}}} Is Smiling!


  • Diana63
    Diana63 Posts: 57
    edited March 2008

    Traci, you are so sweet for doing this for Erin's family, she was so lucky to have a friend like you by her side.

    As far as using her posts, I would think she would want them to see her posts and thoughts throughout her treatment, and how she helped so many others who needed her gentle words of encouragement.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    I guess that means the link worked! Awesome.

    Thanks ladies.

    Hugs, Traci

  • KLynn
    KLynn Posts: 490
    edited March 2008

    Wow Traci,

        The book is lovely!!!!!

        How very thoughtful of you, it brings tears to my eyes...first because of loosing such a young beautiful girl, and second because of the love and friendships started and shared here. This is such a beautiful site with so many caring women. I'm amazed over and over again by how many women really care about each other here.

        I think she would want her posts included, like Diane said they were her thoughts thoughout her treatments and journey. Beautiful.....

        Hugs to you  KLynn xoxo 


  • deb3girls
    deb3girls Posts: 2
    edited March 2008


            The book is brought tears to my eyes. I think her posts should be included as well. Her words were part of her long journey...You did a beautiful job.. Debbie

  • twink
    twink Posts: 550
    edited March 2008


    You've done a beautiful job.  What a wonderful tribute to our sister Erin.  I'm at a loss for words.


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Thanks again everybody.

    Just bumping this up in case somebody hasn't seen it and wants to include their thoughts. I'll finish the book tonight.

    Hugs everybody.


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Posts: 236
    edited March 2008

    Perfect. :-)

  • ADK
    ADK Posts: 752
    edited March 2008


    You could not have done it any better.  Thank you so much.  It is lovely and I am sure KayLeigh will so appreciate it when she is older.

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Posts: 236
    edited March 2008


    This is so beautiful. Thank you, Ann

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 460
    edited March 2008

    It's perfect as it is Traci.  You're a sweetheart.  Thank you for doing this.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Posts: 567
    edited March 2008

    Thanks again everybody. We have 23 pages of nice messages!! I think this is going to be well received!

    o.k. I added: Vickie, Brenda, Twink, Suneedazee, suzfive, Kerry, Dawn & Mtnmama.

    If anybody else wants to be added to the book, please post on Erin's thread and I'll put you in!



  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Posts: 842
    edited March 2008


    The book is beautiful.  So much love there.


  • lexi4
    lexi4 Posts: 59
    edited March 2008


    Your scrapbook is so vey sweet. Thank you so much for putting it together. What a beautiful family.

    Big Hugs,


  • sueps
    sueps Posts: 21
    edited March 2008

    Traci .... Your scrapbook is beautiful .... you are so kind and thoughtful .... and it will be forever treasured xxx

  • whoopsiedoodles
    whoopsiedoodles Posts: 224
    edited March 2008

    OMG, Traci, that was beautiful.  Simply beautiful.  What a treasure for her family.  Thank you for doing that! 

  • livesstrong
    livesstrong Posts: 207
    edited March 2008

    OMG Traci - I just found this thread - the scrapbook is absolutely beautiful.  I'm sure the family will treasure it forever.

    Thank you.


  • heatherpalmerton
    heatherpalmerton Posts: 26
    edited March 2008

    Traci, I also just found this thread and looked at the scrapbook you have so beautifully put together. You are truly an amazing lady. your friendship and kindness, you give to all the ladies here, myself included. just makes me cry with joy. thank you for all that you do. You are extroidinary women. Lots of HUGS your way. Heather

  • choca1711
    choca1711 Posts: 42
    edited March 2008


    I didn't know Erin but I am sooo touched by the wonderful scrapbook you have created !



  • dhettish
    dhettish Posts: 96
    edited March 2008

    Hi Traci,

    I did not get the opportunity to "meet" Erin. But I went and was able to read her posts and see how even at the end, she reached to comfort others. I was able to see the pix of her and her beautiful daughter who will grow up not knowing her mother. This is not right. It is so sad. What a beautiful thing you have done for her family. Someday, her daughter can read those posts and realize just how caring and thoughtful her mother was. She can read how her mother bravely faced cancer. It did not take away her spirit.
