The Next Person Game
I do love math. If I became a teacher, I would pick math as my specialty (and be the computer teacher as well).
The next person speaks a second language.
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Yes I taught English to some people and they taught me Spanish.
Next person has done most Christmas Shopping
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false, although I did buy some things yesterday
the next person can drive a clutch car
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True, My dad made me learn how when I first learned to drive. many years ago. ;-)
Next person is having a marathon watching Hunger Games.
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the next person watches Dancing With the Stars
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The next person had family over for Thanksgiving.
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false, we went to them
the next person will have family for Christmas
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The next person is a night owl.
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Not so much
the next person is an early riser
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The next person skips breakfast
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Usually true
the next person is having a snowy day
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False (sorry about the snow, Ruth)
The next person will have a sunny weekend.
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Mostly Sunny today but rain tomorrow (according to I'm not much of a fortune teller. )
The next person loves to wear boots.
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False, I like the look but I have a weird arch so have a hard time finding boots that are comfortable
the next person never wears shoes in the house
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The next person has a pair of fuzzy slippers.
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(I'm going to see if this will keep going)
The next person is ready for Christmas.
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About 76% ready
the next person has seen, or will see, the new Star Wars movie
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true - haven't seen it yet but we will.
The next person was neither the youngest nor the oldest at the most recent family gathering.
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The next person is the middle child
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The next person owns something with a peace symbol on it.
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true (Happy New Year!)
There's snow on the ground where the next person lives.
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the next person did something fun to celebrate New Years
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The next person currently has a book out on loan from the library.
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False. This would've been true a couple of years ago. The next person has three children
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the next person has multiple pets
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the next person has made a new years resolution.
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The next person has blue eyes;
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the next person drinks a cup of coffee (or more) every day
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The next person likes to cook.
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The next person is cooking a turkey for dinner today