The Next Person Game
True. I'm not that good at it but I include jogging during my fast walking.
The next person has been watching Feud: Bette and Joan on Sunday nights. I think it's fascinating.
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false but my friend was just telling me today how good it was
The next person prefers radio to t
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I loved listening to radio but with digital and static - need a modern radio! TV not on till lunch for news only,
The next person uses "On Demand" to catch up with shows on too late!0 -
The next person has Netflix or something similar.
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false I see it as an option on menu but never checked it out
The next person could live without modern electronics
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not very happily!
the next person likes to shop
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False. Never been a good browser/ shopper. Usually go in with one goal in mind.
The next person shops for clothing onlinr.
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Not very often, because sizes aren't standard (my petite niece has gotten several nice gifts from me when I've ordered a 'medium' that turned out to be 'small' on me!)
the next person has been on a cruise
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True - Alaska - land & sea
The next person has taken a River Boat cruise........0 -
False but I would love to go on one.
The next person has dogwood trees blooming where they live.
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true. So beautiful
The next person was out in the rain today
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false, no rain here
the next person has seen some robins this spring (I FINALLY did yesterday)
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False - not yesterday but beginning of March (unusual warm couple of days, we had at least a dozen eating berries from Holly trees) - Yesterday, saw our first House Finch (bit of red head and chest).
the next person has put away winter coats .................0 -
Partly. My husband has. I still wore mine yesterday. Our early Spring took a cold, rainy break this week. We really needed the rain!
The next person had family visiting this week.
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the next person has family who lives in their same town
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True. Four of 6 grandkids live here. Only one of three kids (grown) is still in town.
The next person has weekend plans
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True - triathlon - reading, napping, eating (saw this on another thread)
The next person has a favorite hiking area
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the next person has been up in a hot air balloon
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False. Wish I had though.
The next person has been scuba diving.
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false. Not comfortable enough in water for that.
The next person likes to garden
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False. I hate to garden. However, I love being in gardens and I love harvesting and eating garden grown fruits and vegetables. Go figure. Fortunately hubby likes to garden.
(do love scuba though)
The next person loves adult coloring books.
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The next person likes jigsaw puzzles.0 -
The next person likes crossword puzzles
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True - even better.
The next person is planning an Easter Basket......for..........0 -
an old lady friend who lives in a nursing home
(I love crosswords and adults coloring books!)
the next person had snow coming down when she woke up this morning
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False. Just the last of many rainy days. Sunny now!
The next person has been horseback riding.
0 -
The next person has ridden on a camel...
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the next person has ridden on a motorcycle
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true, but only once and on the back when the father of the boys I was babysitting gave me the coolest ride home.
The next person has riddenon a snowmobile.
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The next person has ridden on a tractor.