The Next Person Game
the next person was in the pep band too
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true, marching band & pep band
The next person was in high school orchestra.
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the next person was in the high school choir
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The next person walked a path around a lake.
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False, but it sounds lovely!
The next person took an hour walk in the past few days.
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true, just got back from one.
the next person makes a point to exercise every day.
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false. I wish my body let me. Other then gentle stretches.
The next person prefers outdoor exercise over inside exerc
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True! (and good to see you back here Patty!)
The next person loves the mountains but is afraid of heights....
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Sort of true......I'm not afraid of heights, but I don't like to stand of the edge of a cliff and peer straight down or anything like that.
the next person has been to South America
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The next person has been to South Africa.
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the next person has been to Europe
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The next person has been to Madagascar
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The next person has been to Alaska
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The next person has been to Spain.
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Twins run in the next person's family
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true - my grandfather, my uncles & my nieces are all twins
The next person has a relative who was adopted (we adopted our two daughters)
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true, I have three adopted cousins
the next person is hungry
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true. On clear liquid diet at hospital. Yucky
Hi octo
The next person has their jammies on already
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the next person has gotten some graduation announcements
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False, but I will be attending a graduation ceremony.
The next person is looking forward to a new beginning.
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The next person had a recent birth in their family (my first grandchild was born April 4th!!)
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Congratulations! Boy or Girl?
False (and I am jealous!)
the next person just dragged out her summer clothes
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The next person has recently gone shoe shopping (I have)
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Congrats ocean
The next person wears socks in bed
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True, wool.
Congratulations, Gramma Ocean!
The next person has been to New Orleans.
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false, but I would love to!!
Thanks everbody!! A boy!! 8 lbs 5 oz!! Scott Eugene - named after Grandpa & Daddy's middle names. He's a sweety!!!
The next person has been to Alaska
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the next person has been to Hawaii (I'm glad I'm not there right now!)
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The next person loves garage sales.
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the next person should HAVE a garage sale!
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true. I have boxes in the garage that haven’t been opened since moving over 3 years ago.
The next person has lived in several states