The Next Person Game
The next person is tired
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False (had a STRONG coffee)
The next person slept well last night
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The next person sleeps too much
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I wish!!!
The next person needs a nap in the afternoon.
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Not a napper.
The next person stays up late at night.
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not so much anymore
The next person’s clouds have a silver lining.
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I try to look for them but sometimes they are hard to find. Lol
The next person tries to see the glass half full versus half empty.
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That’s a hard one! I go back and forth. I can still talk myself into a positive attitude.
The next person needs coffee in the morning.
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I'd say yes! The hardest thing for me after surgery was when my PS told me "No caffeine". I was like "You're kidding, right?! You can't be serious?!" Lol
The next person drinks 8 glasses of water a day.
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I rarely sleep well
The next person likes BBQ ribs
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the next person listens to music every day
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Surprisingly, false!
The next person listens to podcasts.
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The next person is a back-to-the-land, Earth Mother type who plans on canning the bounty from her garden.
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Oh, heavens no!! Lol
The next person loves modern conveniences.
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True, but not over-the-top cutting edge, e.g. I love my iPhone but it is not convenient to be constantly inundated with updates that only complicate its everyday use.
The next person used to build “forts" in the woods.
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true. So fun
The next person will not wear s bathing suit in public
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The next person is getting better at throwing things away.
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the next person is in the middle of a house project right now
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Not yet, but my daughter is moving and we'll be doing work at her house soon.
The next person enjoys home renovation.
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I enjoy researching and planning, and I enjoy it when it's done. Not so much the actual doing (which I am in the midst of right now).
The next person has plans for the 4th of July
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True - I'll be at the beach!
The next person likes 4th of July fireworks.
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The next person enjoys a good old county fair.
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The next person watches the queen get crowned at local fair ?
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I'm not sure I've ever watched that at the county fair.
The next person has participated in their local Relay for Life events. (I've walked the Survivor lap the last 2 years. Last year was on a chemo day. This year I called it my "Victory Lap!!")
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I have in the past, I've been out of town when it was held the last couple years.
My favorite kind of weather is....
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sunny and 70 degrees!
The next person has a hobby
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Yessssssss I love painting, drawing ...
The next person will be in Europe this summer.
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I wish I could, but I have been to Europe several times in the past and in Belgium twice! Love your area of the world!
The next person has long fingernails. (I have long nails and have to cut mine frequently!)
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Oh, no! I can't stand long nails - I feel like they are curling backwards when they get too long! Lol
Long hair or short? (I had long nearly to my waist before chemo - now that it is coming back in and I have what I would consider a cute, short style I am getting way more compliments on it short then I ever did when it was long!! I may have to keep it short!!)
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chin length bob haircut - unfortunately I have genetically thin hair I try and take really good care of
Next person hair color