The Next Person Game



  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    MissS, I don't even know what pictionary is, can you explain it.  am i dumb?

    Will you vote on the story thread and tell me if you want to stay or go.

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    False, I only have one cell phone-and that's enough for me!

    The next person is just about ready to eat lunch

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, getting hungry

    the next person is going to balance their check book today.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, I don't balance my checkbook anymore. I basically call payments in, or use my debit card.I go online to check my account and each tranaction is taken out same day.

    The next person had a good juicy peach today.

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    Not yet, I'm at work, but I've got some at home, and that sounds good!

    The next person has 3 days off for Labor day weekend

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, I am "off" everyday

    The next person loves ramen noodles

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I do like Ramen noodles, but they are so unhealthy!!! I have a whole week off starting NOW! It's my first vacation of the year.

    I recently discovered easymac and I like that, too!

    The next person likes to spend time alone.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    I love to spend time alone, but don't get to very often. Don't like ramon noodles very much.

    The next person is glad McCain picked a female VP

  • LumiPojo
    LumiPojo Member Posts: 752

    Hmmmm... no, I didn't care much, I was just curious to see whom he'd pick, and all I could think of, when I saw her, was "doesn't she look like Elaine from Seinfeld?"

    I love ramen noodles, but I am fully aware they are poison to my body... I indulge in a bowl of noodles about once a month...

    The next person is reading a captivating book.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    False I love poetry books

    Next person is a baseball lover

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806

    Not huge into sports (unless I am dating a guy who is, then I pretend to like it, hahaha).

    Next person is working the holiday like me Frown              (Hey, time and a half!)

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    False I would love to though

    Next person is going to the beach this weekend

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Nope, not close to a beach, going to stay home

    I am reading a captivating book

    MissS have a wonderful week off are you going anywhere are just relaxing at home?

    The next person likes to watch the Maury Show

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Nope watch  7th Heaven

    Next person is in love with candy

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806

    I LOVE candy, maybe too much!

    Next person is going to forget to set the alarm and sleep in tomorrow

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    I hope not, I did that today!

    The next person loves cats

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I love cats.

    Spar, I'm going to the beach. :-)

    I like candy.... gobstoppers are my fave.

    The next person has to look at the keyboard when she types.

  • tkone
    tkone Member Posts: 19

    False, I can type and watch TV at the same time and never miss a beat!

    The next person was born in March.

  • LumiPojo
    LumiPojo Member Posts: 752


    The next person's mom was born in May.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, July

    MissS, I am so jealous, would I fit in your suitcase?

    MissS, do you do any kind of crafts like painting, stained glass, making things of sticks, knitting, cross stitch, sand art any kind????

    The next person does do art in one form or another

  • Lucy47
    Lucy47 Member Posts: 72

    Sorry, I only have 1 morning cup of coffee, if I drink coffee later on in the day it makes me bloated

    I do love the ocean....just got back from Halifax Nova Scotia and saw whales there, it was breath taking

    next person has a beautiful singing voice

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I can not sing at all, I croak.  I bet that was exciting seeing whales

    Now, I want to know if the next person does art in any form

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    tkone--I was born in March

    My mom was born in June

    I don't have a beautiful singing voice, but I sure like to practice :)

    I can do some art type things.....cross stitch, cropping/scratchbooking, that's about it, but I like to try ANYTHING!

    Has anyone been to a funeral this week or going to one next week? I went to one today:(

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    No but I found out today a friend far away died.

    The next person has a airplane

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    I'm sorry about your friend :(

    False, I don't have a plane--it would be nice though

    The next person is watching direction of hurricane on tv

  • elliem1207
    elliem1207 Member Posts: 976

    true, since we were evacuated from the cayman islands this week while on vacation--those poor people in louisiana.

    the next person is having a bbq this weekend

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    we're the poor people in Louisiana :(

    false - no bbq this weekend--Gustov may crash the party.

    The next person eats ketchup with french fries

  • elliem1207
    elliem1207 Member Posts: 976


    i'm sorry-- i hope everything will be ok.

    true to the ketchup on the fries

    the next person has a child going off to college

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    We're hoping it will be ok too :)

    true, my daughter is junior in college but drives back and forth...still lives at home

    the next person loves big family gatherings (I don't)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true/false I have mixed feelings about them but always enjoy seeing my kids and grandkids

    Foots, am so sorry about your friend, you give and give to others and hope you are getting some help for you.

    I wish My stepson would go off to college but he is just working at a car part store and living with his mother whom he fights with all the time.

    The next person will go to church in the morning