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The Next Person Game



  • PinkyLee
    PinkyLee Member Posts: 427

    true.  Nice to go back to good memories.

    the next person wonders when the weather will stop being so cold.

  • 2new1s
    2new1s Member Posts: 900

    True ~  the forecast is actually looking good for the next few days.  No wind chills!

    The next person is ready for bed as my "chill pill" is kicking in,

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    No, Im still sore

    Next person loves roses

  • 2new1s
    2new1s Member Posts: 900

    True ~ I do love roses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The smell is magnificent.

    The next person has a garden with flowers & veggies.

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    True, Not very big,But beautiful

    Next person is a winner!

  • PinkyLee
    PinkyLee Member Posts: 427

    True.  I am still alive.  That mean I am a winner

    The next person can't seem to get warm tonight.  For once no hot flashes

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    True I am not having them yet and its cold

    The next person loves to eat healthy

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    I do.  And more and more each day out from diagnosis.

    The next person buys mostly organics......well, if she can find them.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - I do buy free range chicken, milk with no hormones or antibiotics, etc., but fruits and veggies, I take my chances and buy whatever they have - in the summer I always go to farm stands for locally grown.

    The next person will be seeing a doctor today - sigh.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False...not today.

    Arstsee...I got B9 results from my biopsy..that is why I was doing the happy dance along!!

    The next person does not work this weekend

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    True---no work this weekend. Will take a short road trip with mom, sister, niece and nephew though.

    The next person will have lots of sunshine today and temps in the 70's!!! (we are here)  :)

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    coonie...where are you??? I want 70's!!!  It is beautifully sunny here...but only a high of 31!

    So my answer is false..haha

    Have fun this weekend with your family. I am working all weekend..then off for 8 days!

    The next person is preparing her lunch.

  • PinkyLee
    PinkyLee Member Posts: 427

    False.  Just finished breakfast.

    The next person has been trying to get some person on the phone to change a mistake that the company made on my bill.  I have been transferred around several times.  I hate all these damn computer people.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False...and I am glad I am not.  Hope you got it handled is a pain!

    The next person is going out for happy hour tonight.

    I am...going to celebrate my b9!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - going to work and the clients would not be happy to smell booze on my breath so no happy hour for me.

    But you go girl - celebrate big time that wonderful news you got - I'm sending a wonderful toast to you now.

    The next person is considering switching internet/cable tv service

  • 2new1s
    2new1s Member Posts: 900

    True ~ I am considering switching cable/phone/internet companies!  Every month my bill keeps going up & always has errors!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The next person has a satellite dish.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    false-juse have regular cable.

    The next person cleaned house today!

  • 2new1s
    2new1s Member Posts: 900

    True ~ cleaned very quickly too.  My dad came over for lunch.

    The next person has a "date" this weekend to celebrate Valentines Day.

  • yellowrose
    yellowrose Member Posts: 181

    Well, I cleaned the kitchen and did some laundry. so kind of true...

    The next person likes to "get lost" while driving on trips to have an adventure.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False - but hey Coonie are you looking in my window?  Did you note that I SHOULD have cleaned house today?  Someone needs to jab me with a cattle prod!

    I have a satellite dish and it's going up AGAIN so my next step is to look at AT&T and see what price they'll offer.

    The next person didn't get her nap in today

  • 2new1s
    2new1s Member Posts: 900

    True ~ no nap today.  Naps will be very likely for me next week!

    The next person takes clothing to the dry cleaners.

  • yellowrose
    yellowrose Member Posts: 181

    False.  I don't like all the chemicals.  I wear lots of natural fibers.

    The next person likes to take "the scenic route" when driving on trips just to see what's there.

  • 2new1s
    2new1s Member Posts: 900

    True ~ I love long beautiful drives!

    The next person has driven to a destination over 18 hours from home.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    Yes, once we drove all the way to Vermont with 2 children in the car.  YIKES.

    ...my3girls.........congrats on the benign results.  AWESOME.

    The next person has a busy Saturday.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    True. Busy bee Saturday. Taking WB (Wonder Boy/Grandson) to his gymnastics class. He's only two, so it's actually a work out for me!!

    True. Regularly drive 18 hour trips, here and there.

    The next person is anticipating pleasure ahead.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    True - the pleasure of sleeping - hopefully a good night's sleep but at this point even a couple of hours - Just home from work and I am tired.

    The next person enjoyed some warmer weather today - first time in 2 months that I didn't have my heaviest parka on!!!

  • 2new1s
    2new1s Member Posts: 900

    True ~ it was a heat wave here 37!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The next person has skinny dipped!!!!!!!!!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    True - my husband and I did many years ago on a company trip around 1am in a deserted in-door hotel pool - however the night janitor popped in - oops.

    The next person has more than 1 hole in her earlobes

  • 2new1s
    2new1s Member Posts: 900

    True ~ I have two in each ear.  I too skiny dipped while in Florida on Spring Break, years ago!  (Reminder to self...never allow my kids to go on spring break trip!)

    The next person knows someone with their belly button pierced.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    True. My niece has her bellybutton pierced. She wore a bandaid over it the whole time we were together in FL, so my mom wouldn't go wack-doodle.

    True to skinny dipping. Summer camp. Gotta love it!

    The next person made a dent in straightening up today.