The Next Person Game
True ~ too kind I have been told. Always put myself last. As a mom of four, I think it just happens.
The next person has items to return.
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False - just finished doing that yesterday!
The next person is going out tonight!
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True ~ going to dinner with family to celebrate father in law's bday. Olive Garden - yummy!
The next person had more than four hours of sleep last night.
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True if I add em all together was restless
next person can hula hoop
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I would have to say false...since I have not tried in YEARS!!!
the next person is expecting a snow storm w/in 24 hrs!
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False, I think we're going to escape the winter with no snow here.
I had more than four hours of sleep. too. I didn't think I was ever gonna wake up!
The next person is missing friends who have no time for her.
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True, I do miss some friends , but I'm to tired to do anything about it right now.
The next person is going out to buy some bright coloured spring clothes, today.
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False to rainy to go shopping
next person loves to do puzzles
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True...esp. with my grandson.
The next person prayed today.
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true Pray every day
next person needs to catch up on laundry
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True...a few loads waiting for me when I get home from work today.
next person will fix dinner for someone other than family today.
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No....just me and dh. Leftover chili and corn bread then off to church.
The next person has seen the movie Fireproof. Me and dh are going to watch it tonight.
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False ~ never heard of the movie. New?
The next person makes homemade chili.
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True, but my dh makes it MUCH better!
The next person is planning a great vacation
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True. Planning for a great vacation that starts tomorrow morning!! One last week here in sunny FL then back to the work-a-day-play-a-day world of OH and the road warrior princess of spring-time.
The next person golfs.
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False. I would love to learn though.
The next person is an artist
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Not even close....but I know someone who is
The next person is enjoying their weekend?
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True ~ I am home taking it easy.
The next person has a blu-ray disc player.
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Nope, don't have one
The next person will eat out after church tomorrow.
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False, not yet!
The next person worked at the mall at some time.
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We must have posted at the same time misss
nope have not worked at a mall and now
the next person will go out to eat after church tomorrow
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False no going out to eat
next person loves to take naps
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Edit to say tripping over kbug, sorry!!!!
LOVE naps!!!!!!!!!!
Next person likes "Cops" the show
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False ~ No church tomorrow
The next person is not tired yet.
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true had mt dew hyped up
next person loves to go for bike rides
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False ~ not really a bike person
The next person has had colored contacts
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had LASIK, no contacts here
Next person needs reading glasses
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No, just contacts/glasses.
Would love to do Lasik.
The next person has painted toe nails.
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Im in Illinois, would love to give you referral 2new1's!
No, will pain them gold tonight. (yes, i am weird!)
next person has a serious sweet tooth
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false use to
next person loves to go to the zoo