The Next Person Game
my DS's bathroom! 16 year old boy! UGH!!!!!!! I make him do most of it, but her never gets it really clean!
The next person has a stack of bills waiting to get paid on payday this Friday!
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Yes I do
next person needs to throw out old cereal
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True - tho it's not OLD cereal but healthy cereal that truly does taste like cardboard.
The next person feels like she's coming down with some bug..ugh
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I hope you're not coming down with a bug. I'm more worried about serious pain than germs this morning.
The next person would like to walk.
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Very True... just moved to Romania and finding walking a problem - no footpaths, or is it sidewalks for the US translation? Really missing my daily walk with my dog.
The next person has been skinny dipping. and be honest!
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False, But it's never too late.
The next person loves to dress up.
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sometimes not often
next person loves to throw parties
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True....... total of 5 grands...... plus one expected this summer. Have 3 just down the road!! We're going to the zoo together, momentarily!
Do love to throw parties, but they're always the kind where everyone helps.
The next person has some sort of 'lucky charm.'
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Not really.
The next person loves to sing gospel.
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I do.
The next person watches or listens online to Joyce Meyer
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True! I love Joyce Meyer. Watch her on tv and read her books.
The next person still has ice cream trucks in their area.
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False - but my heart still skips a beat when I hear one.....great memory.
Who is Joyce Meyer?
The next person had a nice nap today
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no nap here
next person loves to play tennis
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False because I'll only push myself at one sport.
The next person likes watching golf.
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Nope to gold. Unless it's the 18th hole and a big deal historically or something, not typically tho.
The next person is absolutely spell bound in a good aquarium.
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True...I think aquariums are beautiful and relaxing.
Joyce Meyer is a Christian author, teacher, speaker, motivator...
The next person likes the smell of Pine Sol (I'm weird, but I do)
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True ~ I love the smell of Pine Sol, the original one - not the new scented fragrances!
The next person is arguing with someone!
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Does cat count?
Next person is ready to plant vegetables (yum)
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False ~ I would if I had a garden - my in-laws have the most amazing garden!
I am arguing with DH - have not spoken a word to each other since about 1pm! GGGRRRR
LOL - arguing with cat!
The next person is wanting a snack!
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True Chocolate, But will have popcorn.
Next person like to walk by lakes or ocean
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True ~ but have to be barefoot!
The next person has been to California
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I live there by the AFbase and went back to visit, not the same.
Next person love to eat healthy
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Kind of true ~ I TRY to eat healthy - don't love doing it
The next person pays bills via internet.
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No I go to the Post Office
Next person loves to dip vegetables
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I do love that.
Next person makes cakes from scratch
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Cookies and banana bread from scratch, they are wonderful!
The next person likes to use a crock pot.
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False - I like raisins but don't eat them because they're loaded with sugar
The next person makes smoothies
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False ~ no smoothie making here.
The next person wears glasses or contacts.
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False ~ I had to try it after all the rave reviews of it - YUK, still have the whole box, should just throw it away.
The nest person needs a nap!