The Next Person Game
I have a fish one a betta
next person wants to do something special for someone
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False - I had Lasix eye surgery in Canada in 1996 and have had great vision since. I do, however, need to get in for a "tune-up"...older eyes have changed.
Foots, there's a special place in heaven for you!
The next person needs to take the time to get an oil change real soon
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Yes to the oil change.
The next person is getting really tired of this broken leg/limited mobility gig.
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thank god no broken bones.
The next person's car broke down and they don't have the money to find out what wrong with it.
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thankfully, no.
The next person had breakfast out today.
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False, just got home from lunch with a friend and got on. I do need to watch the time so I can get some stuff done today, though.
The next person wore galoshes when she was small.
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Yes, they were yellow with black buckle type hooks up the front.
The next person had a cabbage patch doll~0 -
No, but my two sons did. (boy ones)
Next person going to relax out to dinner tonight?
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Not really, have to take care of my little g-daughter, she has a cold
Next person will dye her hair
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No thanks
The next person is going on a blind date~0 -
False ~ DH wouldn't like that too much!
The next person is watching American Idol.
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False to AI. Don't do much TV at all.
True to galoshes. I should try and find that picture of me in uncles fishing boots......
The next person is ready for sunshine tomorrow.
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True, And thanks for the gentleman I can share it with on the beach.
Next person loves lemonade
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yes I do made homeade a lil bit ago. What I love to have after chemo tastes so good.
next person tries to conserve energy
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I try, yes!
The next person thinks Adam (from Idol) ROCKS!
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He does, I dont watch alot though.
Next person is grateful for this day.
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Yes, I am.....thanks for the reminder!!
The next person wants summer in a bad way.
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Yes warmer is better than cold winter
next person is ready to try something new
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ummmm, I don't know. Can't think of what. When I was 38 (that was quite a few years ago) I realized a dream and took piano lessons. That was really stepping outside the box for me. But now, can think of nothing.
The next person votes after they watch Idol.
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I have in the pass but haven't watch yet this year.
The next person is longing for some excitement in their life.
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True, But one day at a time.
Next person loves to go up to the mountains.
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has driving by many mountains (and flown over) and think that's nice.
The next person will exercise today.
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True. Already finished my morning power walk with my neighbor friend. (I should pay her some money, cuz she's better than having a personal trainer. LOL)
The next person has a roadtrip on the horizon. I'm packed for MI departure as soon as I can round up the last details!
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Would love a road trip, but car is broken down.
The next person has not gotten dressed for the day.
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False ~ I am back home finally after running errands since this morning! I just changed into my comfy clothes (sweats & a tshirt). AAAAAHHHHHH
The next person has an alarm system for their house.
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Sorry about the Doberman, they are good dogs.
Obviously I prefer dogs to target shooting. My DH is a good enough shot for the two of us.
The next person is enjoying a warm fire.
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No, not cold enough today.
The next pesron had pizza for dinner~0 -
no had choc pudding
next person is ready for great news
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True ~ I am so needing some good news!
The next person likes Ellen Degeneres.