The Next Person Game
mmmm pizza sounds good
No I am barefooted hate to wear shoes
next person is looking to buy a new grill
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No, I have one still in the box
Next person love to go on a boat.
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False - not a boat person.
The next person watched "ER" tonight.
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No watched dumbest criminals and the basketball game.
The next person wonders why they are not sleepy.
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True ~ I took my xanax and still wide awake!
The next person is not still mad at SO.
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Sort of. He is a very complex old man even thou he is only 62. Very stuck in his ways.
The next person looks forward to a stress free day.
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True ~ I don't even remember what a stress free day is.
The next person likes ice cream!
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True. Woud love some now but SO didn't buy anything I like at the store when he went this week.
The next person often wonders what makes men tick.
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True ~ just when I think I may have DH fugured out, he does something either mean or wonderful. Go figure!
DH did the SAME thing to me with ice cream, bought three flavors, knew I like mint, but got it with chocolate chips and chocolate chunks, I do not like chocolate.
The next person has text messaging on their cell phone.
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True, but don't use it very much.
The next person would love a spa day.
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I would love a spa day, I have never done it!
The next person wants to go see a new movie ot rent one this weekend!
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This weekend is all booked.
The enxt person needs to go take a shower
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Yes I do just trying to get motivated.
next person loves take a long trip
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Yes, to Paraguay, Nicaragua, Belize, or some such!
next person has a wedding to go to soon
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no I love weddings though
next person has never been to new york
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Oh but I have been to New York, and Yes I am going to a wedding next Friday in Boston. My brother is getting married. I'm lucky because I get to see my nine month-old beauty-boy at the same time.
The next person is married to someone who loves to cook and likes to do the shopping. (Lucky girl!)
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time going fast
next person is planting flowers soon
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ummmm.....they are talking snow here on, no flowers for awhile....
The next person has a quiet weekend planned.
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No - I wish!
Next person ate some chocolate today
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False ~ no chocolate
The next person would like to sleep in tomorrow!
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True, My neighbor mows his lawn at 7:30
Next person is buying Easter cards this weekend.
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I think we posted at the same time again & I goofed this one up too!
so I will answer my own post
I would like to sleep in, but we are having a fence installed that they didn't finish today, so the crew is coming back tomorrow morning! SIGH
The next person is almost ready for bad or perhaps a little snack?
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Yes - perhaps a little snack.
The next person has a dog
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False ! no doggie. Maybe next year. DD is only 22 months - she is enough to handle right now!
The next person has a fish!
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Not any more - 1 guinea pig, and 2 puppies are enough (the kids do some successful begging here!)
The next person likes to ski
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Yes, I love yellow. I also like the song by Coldfish, Yellow.
The next person would like to go shopping to four fabric stores in Maryland with me today.
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Lucky You! G-Street in Rockville, Jo-ann's (flinch), and where else? Do you go up to PA at all? It is Sooooo hard to find good fabric.
The next person is eating Italian tonight.
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Never heard of the, but like blind boy s of alabama, dixy hummingbirds, williams brothers and others.
The next person is trying to figure out why SO acts like he has a problem.
He hasn't had a drink in a few days and is real snappy to say the least.
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no I dont drink
next person is loooking forward to easter