The Next Person Game
the next person recently got her passport renewed
0 -
the next person is taking a vacation soon0 -
not very soon
the next person's family has at least two TVs
0 -
Yes. 4. But only 3 have cable.
The next person has a trip planned next month.
0 -
true - going to Maui for 2.5 weeks (hooray!!!!)
the next person is moving0 -
false. I cannot imagine packing everything up and moving it all.
The next person has worked in the same place (classroom in my case) for 27 years.0 -
nope retired in 2000.......
The next person can't wait for snow......0 - (it might snow here TONIGHT!)
the winter is really long where the next person lives
0 -
false, sunny again today Ruth
The next person went to the gym this morning0 -
false, but went this afternoon
the next person is craving macaroni and cheese
0 -
The next person is enjoying the autumn season and the changing colors of the foliage.0 -
the next person has put away her capris and sandals until next spring
0 -
The next person has a meeting tomorrow.0 -
true. It will make for a 13 hour day...
The next person has not put on the heat yet...brrr!0 -
Very False, it had been COLD here!
the next person is going walking out in the cold tomorrow
0 -
false, (enjoy your WOW group walk Ruth)
The next person held a new baby this week0 -
false, but one of my WOW ladies didn't walk today because her daughter was in labor, so maybe soon!
the next person is going to have a yummy dinner
0 -
True. I'm making lasagna. One dish to eat and 3 to freeze.
The next person likes Girl Scout cookies (had a meeting about the cookie sale this morning).0 -
Yes, of course.....
the next person tends to eat a whole row at a time when she opens the box of Girl Scout cookies
0 -
Ruth, you made me lol. Yes, I'm sure I will!
Th next person has already started their Christmas shopping.0 -
false but now you have me thinking about it...
The next person will do yoga tomorrow.0 -
the next person is watching the World Series
0 -
The next person is watching Top Chef0 -
The next person needs to turn off the computer and go to bed0 -
False, it's only 5.42pm here!
The next person has a secret they have never shared with anyone?0 -
maybe (wink)
the next person is soon going to a family reunion
0 -
went to one the other evening
The next person just got a new cell phone0 -
false, but nearly right, I'm going to get one soon
The next person has chipped fingernail polish.0 -
no finger nail polish right now
The next person has a sleeping pet on their lap0 -
very true. My cat has no sense of personal space and he plops down on top of me with his nose right next to mine. Such a love!
The next person must get ready for work very soon. (Sorry cat...)0