The Next Person Game
Next person is going to's 1:45am....0 -
10:45 here and I just woke back up. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep again soon.
The next person is planning something fun for tomorrow.0 -
I was till I was excluded......long story
Next person has nothing to do least that is fun.....0 -
not really, in the kitchen baking swan cream puffs for my twelve days of Christmas gifts. I am on my third batch as I've never made cream puffs before (and I only need seven!) They are finally starting to take the shape I want them to. The gifts are for my coworker and friend who has been a huge support through my b/c journey. It's worth it!
The next person needs a cleaning lady to come clean up her kitchen.0 -
don't I wish! DH made the turkey for Thanksgiving, did a good job, but doesn't give a hoot about doing things gently - he got broth all over the oven. Have sprayed the oven with Easy Off and wiped a couple times, still not clean. At least the worst job in the kitchen will be done.
The next person has lots of leftovers to eat0 -
none.....DD said "Mom do you want etc"......said no each time....never ask a person with a full Thanksgiving stomach if they want leftovers......invite them back.......
Next person will do nothing today......0 -
No, went to my SIL & BIL, still have a little pecan pie. Everyone has made me hungry with talk of Prime Rib...had my LAST Taxol yesterday, so I will be eating very light for a week
Sorry Ducky, that you got the boot...
Next person is reading a good book....0 -
yes just finishing........They Killed Our President.......great non-fiction.....
Hole in one....Long booted for my DD in-laws, but was going to see the MIL's family, who invited me, so with my SUV acting up, and that was the biggest vehicle......"SIL" said..."not using it", using his truck which seats 6........I was #7, so was told..."it's his family", and it is, so I stay home....just thought it was tacky, considering his "fat ass father drives...
Next person really did not have to hear someone else's "whoa is me story"..lol0 -
Love to hear any stories that let's me get to know you all better.
(Newbie here, hope it is okay to jump in, looks like a FUN board)
The next person is going to sleep in tomorrow - guilt free0 -
hopefully a little longer than usual, still need to get up for church.
The next person has wrapped a few presents today.0 -
LOL....what presents.....
Next lazy person gives a generous gift card or money......ME......
Why you ask......don't like, don't want, don't need, wrong size, hates color, hates style.....doesn't fit, too small, too big,.......hmmm, 6 months later you see it in Salvation Army's window...........soooooooo.................take the money and buy your own crap.....0 -
Welcome Jonetta, I am a newbie also.
Ducky, thx for the info...never fun to miss the party..
No wrapping for me yet, I did get out a little, bought a b-day gift card for 16 yr. old..
Next person is going to a ugly sweater party this year..0 - invited to go to dinner with another of my kids, and grand screw the I said...tacky.......shocked my daughter had no problem with it......very unlike her.....0 -
maybe she had a big problem with it but didn't want to create a scene... SIL will probably get an earful later!
No tacky sweater party for me.
The next person is EXHAUSTED!0 -
pretty much, I have been getting stuff done, I had my last Taxol yesterday, so it's starting to set in....
Next person is ready for a quiet evening...0 -
true....mostly because DH got food poisoning from a buffet last he spent the whole night in the bathroom, which meant I was up most of the night too....blech!
The next person would make a very bad nurse!
0 -
False..hope DH is feeling better
The next persons DH/SO is a very good caretaker (mine is)0 -
mine is pretty good...I am not a very good 'care receiver'.
the next person buys Christmas presents for their pets
0 - spoiled
The next person takes their fur babies to Pet Smart0 -
false, they're cats (they hate the car), but I buy litter and food there
The next person has more than one fur baby0 -
true, two cats....
the next person will travel over the Christmas holidays
0 -
Next person has a fake xmas tree.0 -
true, DH has asthma and real trees make it worse
The next person loves buying a new (or two) every Christmas0 -
a new what? (probably my answer will be true no matter what the question is....need the 'wink' emoticon back)
the next person has a bunch of Christmas CDs
0 -
was supposed to be ornament....
True to the CD'S
The next person decorates more than one tree0 -
2...,,,I don't even decorate 1.......
Next person stopped sending xmas cards when the price of stamps got ridiculous0 -
used to, now down to one
a person has one of those 'Christmas Through the Years' books and puts pictures & writes their memories of each year in it
0 -
false, I wish I would have started that years ago
The next person is thinking of weeding out some of the ornaments this year0 -
not me
Next person has a digital camera0 -
true, but don't use it any more, cell phone does that as well as videos
The next person has outdated technology in the house0