The Next Person Game
not right now.....but I need one
the next person is going to a Christmas party tonight
0 -
False - Have fun at the party!
The next person talked with a relative today.0 -
yup, spoke with Dad earlier, my DS now
The next person is listening to the rain now0 -
False - but it's coming soon.
The next person will be attending a Christmas play this holiday.0 -
Next person had gotten no xmas cards yet..0 -
False but I have yet to send mine
The next person watched a Christmas movie last night
0 -
does earlier today count?
The next person is drinking a glass of wine0 -
Nope, that'd be beer
The next person wanted to be a cop when they were little
0 -
The next person, when they were very young, was confused that there was more than one Santa at the mall at the same time0 -
Next person is tired and it's only 7:30 EST...0 -
false, only 4:30 here (ask me in 3 hours, lol)
The next person is huddled under a warm blanket (quilt, afghan, throw) right now0 -
throw, sitting in my recliner....getting cold here.....
Next person has a winter mix tomorrow...0 -
what's a winter mix, Ducky?
The next person is craving chocolate right now0 -
The next person likes watching House Hunters0 -
yes I just was, now Love It or List It
The next person has lots of projects to do around the house0 -
more than I care to think about...geez!
The next person is putting off doing some of those projects around the house0 -
absolutely, especially this time of year (more fun things to do)
The next person needs to put down the iPad (laptop, whatever) and make herself some dinner!
BBL0 -
Next person will go to church tomorrow...
Well 2......where you live you probably don't get a winter mix.......snow, to sleet, to rain.....0 -
the next person always goes out for lunch on Sunday
0 -
The next person is going to have a lazy day today0 -
Next person loves company but never gets any.....0 -
The next person has a cat cuddled up with them
Ducky if I was east coast I'd come for a cup of tea with you0 -
No pets...put my Boston down a few years ago...loved the little guy.....
Tea sounds good......
Next person owns a pet of some kind.0 -
The next person is going to make soup today0 -
no, maybe tomorrow......
Next person is getting snow right now.0 -
Oh yes. And now I start worrying about everyone who has to be out in it.
The next person is going to stay inside all day.0 -
False...we need to get out and buy a tree
The next person has watched a good movie lately....if so, please share0 -
false but I am going to see Philomena this afternoon, will let you know how it is
The next person has a chocolate stash in her house....0 -
yup, dad got me a package of truffles from Costco (2 bags inside), working my way thru it closely (not the way to lose weight)
The next person will watch football today
Thanks, Ducky for the explanation, now I know and why I didn't know0 -
The next person is going to a movie today
Maddy I have a stash too but it's all Christmas stuff and it's very hard to ignore.....0