The Next Person Game
False but the iPhone makes up for the iPad!
The next person is feeling energized from the weather today!
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yup, planned to mow the back yard but the silly thing wouldn't start
The next person likes the Olympics but thinks they're getting old
(It's not about the athletes, but the commentators go on and on, and that gets old)
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False, not quite yet.
The next person is supposed to get between five and nine inches of snow tomorrow with high winds
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I'll just say "false"
The next person fell in love with a male black kitten today (came to my senses just in time as my 2 females would be jealous)
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The next person cleaned all day and is tired!
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Heck no
The next person sat around all day and didn't accomplish much
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can't say that I did
The next person has dinner dishes to do
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pretty much
Next person had dinner with her daughter tonight
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no, she's never around
The next person would love a bowl of ice cream right about now
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the next person had dinner out with her husband
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Yes I did.......he died 22 years ago.........sorry could not resist......
next person is getting tired about now.....
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awwww - no
The next person is tired but probably won't sleep
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SBD, not tired and we have hours before I will be
The next person is teaching her pet a new trick
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No, they are tucked away in their crates
The next person needs to start exercising
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yes, but not right this minute!
The next person has lots to do tomorrow
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The next person will be starting rads tomorrow
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oh, no, SDB! Didn't have to do those either time. Will be in your pocket tomorrow, if needed
The next person needs to go get sox because her feet are cold
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no - thank you!
The next person needs a pedicure
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The next person needs to mow the yard tomorrow
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The next person is listening to her cat snore
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she's too far away. What animals in the crates, SDB?
The next person needs to think of a "soft" dinner to make tomorrow because DH won't go to the dentist for a toothache
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false - dogs in crate - mashed potatoes!
The next person is still putting off doing laundry
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thanks, mashed potatoes Monday (leftovers tonight's), scrambled eggs last night, meat loaf tonight
Sort of, only half a load of darks, want to wait a day or two for a full load. Need to start conserving water where we can.
The next person got Girl Scout cookies today
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Not today, but we've been buying them from all the girls - hard to say no
The next person has eaten way too many girl scout cookies
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actually had my first one (and only) today
The next person would love to lose her cough
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The next person would love to lose her belly!
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The next person would love a massage
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not coughing at the present, hope you loose yours
the next person follows a local basketball team
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The next person uses lots of lotion but the hands never seem to get any better.
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cocoa butter, cocoa butter cream or baby oil gel (wear sox or gloves at night) seem to help me (and remembering to wear rubber gloves when possible)
The next person loves to walk bare foot