The Next Person Game
False (Hee Hee about Bachelor). I'm watching Jaws.
The next person saw Jaws at the movie theater.
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no, I was going to California the summer it came put & knew I wanted to go in the ocean.....I have never seen it because I still like to go in the ocean!
the next person likes scary movies
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I like some scary movies, not the slice 'em up kind.
Ruth: I read the book Jaws. The next time I went swimming in a lake I jumped out as fast as I could because I was sure a shark would get me!
The next person lives near a lake where she can go swimming in the summer.
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there are two dams right outside of town & a lake 15 miles away
the next person has a cat who looks like this:
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True - that's my Daisy!
The next person thinks her cat(s) is/are the cat's meow.
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True! They keep things interesting. Today my cat Oreo was wrestling with a sports bra he found lying on the bed. Somehow he got into it & was running around the house wearing a bra (he was none too happy, but he couldn't figure out how to extract himself!)
the next person had a pet or pets when she was growing up
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true, many many pets
The next person attracts stray animals
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The next person has rescue animals
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True! 2 cats - both indoor now and very spoiled, or as they like to be referred to "privileged".
The next person has cabin fever.
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False - it was 74 degrees today so I've been outside.
The next person had an ice storm recently.
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we had ice storms all winter.....
Next person got the works at the hairdresser today....
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false, but always like it when I do.
the next person has something that smells good cooking in the oven
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on the stove
The next person can barely keep her eyes open.
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The next person watched Resurrection last Sunda[y...
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False. Don't have TV - but, I'm getting it on Friday!
The next person doesn't want to become a TV zombie.
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? I'm not sure what a TV zombie is, but I am currently on a New Girl binge season 1 the past couple of days.
The next person has tickets to tonight's Powerball drawing.
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No, but just heard it was high.....
Next person never wins the lottery anyway..
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But the next person thinks she will someday!
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Nah, not that lucky, well at least with lottery tickets.
next person has to watch her grand puppy tomorrow
0 -, I don't think I will.
the next person has ridden on an elephant
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Can't say that I have
The next person is off to bed.
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pretty soon
The next person is still adjusting to Daylight Savings Time.
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Yes, it takes me a long time to adjust.
The next person watches The Little Couple on TV.
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off and on....watched tonight & am worried.
the next person watched The Voice tonight
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false but I have it in DVR so I can watch it later and skip the ads (and right now I'm watching The Little Couple)
The next person saw a pretty sunset today
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Next person likes todays weather............will not like tomorrows
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False - I'm in Georgia, nice weather.
The next person is going shopping at Tarja' this weekend.
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The next person is getting ready to take a shower.
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The next person needs to vaccum
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Yes but my youngest college-age boy (have 3 of them) is home for spring break and said he will do it for me!
The next person is trying hard to stay on a diet!