A couple of angels from Central Ohio

My friend Diana Coleman died last Sunday from bc. She was a really great friend, sister, aunt and co worker. She'd had it for a couple of years but I don't know the details. I don't know the details because she stopped speaking to me in June. I still don't know why she did this but other friends say it was because she was in denial about her situation and I was pretty much doing everything I could to find out about this disease. She'd once told me that she took all of the papers (i.e. test results, etc) the doctors gave her and put them in a folder. Her friends spoke of how strange is was that someone so competent in other areas of her life relied completely on her oncologist and never showed any interest in even getting a 2nd opinion. She was very evasive even with close friends and family. I cannot imagine getting the prognosis that she got -- I get almost fetal when I have a biopsy -- so I just assumed this was how she dealt with her circumstances. I am rambling because I'm still a bit angry; she was very ill when I last spoke with her but she wouldn't let me help. Her friends and family were very nice to me at the funeral but I guess this is something I have to learn to accept. It was probably for the best and this was about her and what she felt was best for her and not about me. She was pretty evasive with everybody but she knew I knew about bc and couldn't be fooled. I am rambling but I guess I have to get this out because she really was a great friend and it was so shocking and mean that she's gone now. And even though I knew she was in trouble, when I finally got the news, it is still very painful. But she is most definately an angel in heaven, and I am happy for that but sad for me.
There was an anchorwoman in my city named Heather Pick. She did the local early morning news. She suffered from stage 4 bc that had initially affected her bones. When I got bc last year it was such an inspiration to see her on the air every morning with her wig on, smiling and doing news stories. I would alway look for her and when she was off, I'd get worried but she'd always be back on air and I'd think to myself "you go girl". So when she didn't appear on tv for a few weeks I got bothered. She never returned to her on air job but she did make a couple of appearances because people wanted to know how she was doing. She was very open about her cancer and was active in fundraising and bc awareness. She died Friday morning. She was 38 years old and left 2 *very* young children.
I had just finished saying goodbye to Diana at her funeral only to come home are find out that Heather was gone too. Friday was a very bad day. Neither of these women were members of bc.org, Diana resolutely stayed away from *any*thing cancer related; I think Heather might have been on bcmets a few years ago, so maybe she visted here.
I'm finished rambling now.
I am so sorry about the loss of your friend! Unfortunately, some are only able to cope with this horrendous disease by living in denial. There was an article in CURE MAGAZINE (I think it was the September issue) about how caregivers can cope when the patient is in denial. I think if we knew how much it hurt others for us to deny what is going on, we wouldn't do it.
Some days, like today, when I hear about people succumbing to this awful disease or hear about friends who have received bad news...days like today I just want to go out and scream at the top of my lungs. This disease is so unfair; too many dear women (and men) are snatched from those who love them. Too many suffer so.
((((HUGS))) and prayers going out to you,
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Tonight is a sad night on bc.org.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend and Miss Heather Pick.
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sjack: So sorry for your loss and the sad news of your local tv anchorwoman. This disease does not discriminate, does it? Please don't second guess yourself in trying to help your friend. You did your best to help her and that's all any of us can do. Take care of yourself.
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sjack, i am sorry to read of your losses to this horrible disease. I have added your friend, Diana Cole, and the newscaster for your city, Heather Pick, to the List of Angels in Commemorating Loved Ones, in the friends and relatives section. Please accept my condolences.