Help me honor those who survived and those who didnt...

I am creating a calendar that I will be selling to raise money for breast cancer research (part of the 3Day fundraising I'm doing). I would like to include two things: 1) on as many days of the year as possible, I would like to honor or remember someone that has fought breast cancer. It would be amazing if we could get one name for every single day of the year. I'll take dates of diagnosis, your disease-free date, birthdate or date of death for someone that was special to you. Also, we have some space to feature short quotes (1-3 sentences) from survivors about anything you'd like to cover, and some room poems or longer essays. I haven't had much response on this yet, so I would very much appreciate your replies. You can post here, or send to my email,
Thanks so much!
Hi Teresa
This is such a wonderful idea....
I am a 2 yr cancerversary date and my birthday are the same day...Nov. 15th.
I was dx'd in 2006.
I would also I like to have one of these calendars when you have them finished if possible.
Thank you
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Thanks so much for the reply. I'll add your date to the calendar, and I'll make sure I come back and post a link once it's been printed so you can see it & pick up a copy. I'm hoping to raise $30,000 with the proceeds from this - I want to see a cure in my lifetime, so I'm doing all that's in my power to make it happen. I have a sister that's lost everything to this disease. She's a survivor, but she was so depressed afterwards that she cut off all ties to the family, lost her job, her boys are living with their father now, and she's on the street somewhere (no one knows where). She won't let anyone help her, and it breaks my heart to think about it. There's got to be an easier way out there - we just have to find it.
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Im sorry your family has been hit by this can do some pretty aweful things to a womans mind and then the financial burdens it places on us too just seems to pile it on deeper...
Im really sorry for your sister and your family....
Maybe your sis will come around again once she deals with her situation in her own way.
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Thanks for the sympathy - I hope that you're right and she will be able to pick up the pieces at some time. In the meantime, I'm going to do what I can to help find a cure...
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Tess...there are 4 in my imediate family who have been stricken with bc.......Mom, 2 sisters and myself.......Mom and 1 sister passed away.....Mom in 1972 and sister in 2006......other sister was dx 1 month b4 sister passed and I was dx 4 months after that.....We don't carry the BRCA genes.....I too hope for a cure in my daughter's lifetime....She is high risk........Good luck to your sister and may she find peace and a cure.......
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Hi Teresa,
I did the 3 day walk almost 3 years ago and it was the most emotional 3 days of my life. The calander sounds like a wonderful idea.
I was dx September 9, 2002 and lost my dear friend Stacey Ssforza on April 24, 2006 to bc. I look forward to seeing the link of the calander once it is finished.
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Hi Teresa,
My mom was diagnosed 1977 died 27 november 1979 49 years.
I was diagnosed 2007 and am still going strong .
Would luv to see a copy.
Good luk
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what a great idea! i was diagnosed 9/12/08. i became a survivor 11/19/08 when i had a bilateral mastectomy.
if you need more dates, i can get dates from friends/family. i'd love to buy one of your calendars when you are done!
good luck! so sorry about your sister!
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Hi Teresa
What a great idea-I'd like to buy a copy of your calender when it comes out as well.
I was diagnosed on Dec. 22, 2006 and so far-NED
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Tess- wondering how your project is going? Need help? What can I do- I think this is a lovely idea. My heart goes out to you and your family; I don't know your beliefs, but I hope and pray that your sister is safe and that someone is watching out for her.
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Her last log in date was Feb 28, 2009...Wonder whatever happened?.......