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  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,950
    edited January 2021

    When you commit yourself to living love, you feel at peace with yourself because you are at harmony with the flow of life. Viewing life from the highest perspective, you feel confident and secure. You realize that no matter how things may appear, you are loved and protected. You know you are one with God, and you bring your peace with you wherever you go. You're not looking for love, but for opportunities to love. -Susan L. Taylor

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,950
    edited January 2021

    Wren: Congrats. It sounds like true love so in the end that is what matters the most. If Ins. or other considerations are a part of that, great. Likely a smart move coinciding with that love and devotion to each other. One of the nice parts of love is protecting each other in whatever way that turns out to be.

    Taco: Great description that you and your Dh were able to grow more together than less. What we all hope for and you said it so well.

    Raining overnight and this morning. I don't care so much about the rain as I do the gray although I hope I will find a dry interlude so I can feed the feral cats. I've had two sort of fuzzy black babies coming out and they are adorable. Wild as can be but fun to see.

    Today I will pick my a quilt that I had worked on by a friend who is a quilter. Another friend long ago starting putting it together and passed away before it was done. I had to send it away to be finished. Not sure how the over measurements because so out of kilter but when done it was I think likely quite lg. even for a king sized bed....and I have only a double. Finally found this lady who offered to cut the quilt down. Several ways -- but I just had her take off the extra border piece ( as mentioned, I've no idea how the measurements got so far off other than only measuring for one side ) all the way around. It did add to the overall look of the quilt, but if no once could ever use it due to size issues -- so I'm sure I'll be happy to have a useable quilt.

    Hope you are all going to have a really good day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited January 2021

    Taco, I know what you mean. We were 19 and 20 when we married 61 years ago. We've had some ups and downs but are happy we're still together. A lot happened but we managed to grow in the same direction.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,325
    edited January 2021

    I like the talk of love and marriages. DH and I met when we were 12, but got married at 56. We were together for 15 years before getting married. It was my mom's idea. LOL We both had prior marriages and I did not like him at 12. At 12 he picked his nose and wiped the findings on my skirt. Lucky for me, he did change over the years.

    Waiting for a tech to come and change the router out. Hope everyone has a pleasant day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited January 2021

    Mazel tov, Wren! My former singing partner & her boyfriend were together for >15 years. She had a snit-fit when I canceled a gig (6 months in advance) to be part of the wedding party for my current singing partner. She said that her first marriage was emotionally abusive so she hated weddings and didn't believe in marriage. I asked her what if her boyfriend were to propose, and she replied, "oh, he knows me better than to ask that." Well, his retirement from a park district job loomed large and he found out that they'd save a bundle on taxes if married filing jointly--and she could be on his union's health insurance policy, which he was able to convert to a Part B supplement when he turned 65. (And the survivor of them could claim the other's Social Security). So they've been married now for almost 10 years (bought & restored a house together in the U.P. of MI, sing together and are on their fourth album, can give livestreamed concerts from home, and have 6-7 cats at any given time).

    Nervous about tomorrow--hope I can get out of my alley and on to plowed streets to make my vaccine appt. in time. It's a half-hr. drive--so I'm allowing myself 90 min. to allow for traffic and poor snow removal. If I'm too early I can always hit Drunken Donuts near that Walgreen's and have breakfast in my car while I wait. Taking extra surgical masks in case mine gets wet while the snow flies.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited January 2021

    Sandy, you’ve certainly thought this out very well. Here’s to a great shot in the arm for you.

    The vaccine wait makes me anxious and I have what Mary Schmich in the Chicago Tribune calls “vaccine envy.” Most of my old! friends and some young 40ish ones, not in congregate living, have gotten their first shots- some the second. Illinois, CVS and Walgreens have messed up when it comes to Independent Living in Retirement homes. Only Wisconsin has done a worse job in vaccinating the most vulnerable. That being said, we at the Mather( 500 residents and employees), are due to get the vaccine this Wednesday, Pfizer from Walgreens. With my anxiety gene ramped up, I’m convinced they’ll cancel or run out of it just before they get to me.

    Also, today, my appointment with my shy MO who said the magic words, “ a completely normal exam.” I didn’t think I was especially nervous, but, though I have a usual low blood pressure and pulse in the 50’s, my BP was 171/80 and pulse 95. It has been two years since I first felt the lump after a normal mammogram five months before. I see the BS and the MO alternating every six months, so it’s four times a year. Don’t know how long it stays on this schedule..

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2021

    Speaking of love and marriage - DH and I had two ceremonies. 1st was a civil one in the UK. I had left my job in the US, moved to the UK & we were about to embark on a trip to the Far East, so it was a matter of practicality. 2nd one was in the US. We celebrate the 2nd one (6/30) as our "real anniversary", but report the 1st one (3/15) for "official" purposes.

    Hope that all who are able to be vaccinated sail through ok.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630
    edited January 2021

    Vaccine, vaccine, where is the vaccine? Not many sites up and all appointments are filled through Feb. already. Local news reported on a new one last night but when I went to the site first thing this morning, they were only doing 1A. I have one 69 year old friend with pre-existing conditions who managed to get an appointment at 5:00 a.m. mid-Feb. Both of us are hoping that we will actually be able to get one during our SO's appointments but I think that's not reality thinking. I am discouraged but not surprised that the virus is mutating already and the vaccine may not even be effective with the new strains.

    Cold, wet rain all week and snow up north. Most of AZ has been in drought condition for years so I'm glad. However, I realize that I have been spoiled by the AZ sun most days and feeling down. It's a chore to get Mutz out which always makes us anxious although generally he is good about waiting. He really doesn't like the rain. I can't imagine how he would do in snow.

    Ken had a second cortisone shot in his back this morning. Not the first series of these and he's had one back surgery. Hoping the cortisone will give his some relief as he has really been miserable the last 6 weeks or so. Too many hours bending over an operating table I suspect.

    Wren, Ken and I were 20 and 23 and will be married 55 years in Aug. Some tough times but we've worked through them. I knew early on that he was "a keeper" although it's probably just as well we didn't meet any earlier than we did.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652
    edited January 2021

    DH and I got married 4 days after I got my BA - I graduated on Wednesday and we got married Sunday. 43+ years - am I really old enough to be married that long!!! We waited a while to have kids, then it took us a lot longer than we hoped.

    Taco - hope the cortisone helps your DH's back.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited January 2021

    Judy, that's a classic case of "white-coat hypertension." My BP is so normal at home (whether Bob or I take it). The only way I can keep it down at s routine medical appt. is to pull up my watch's "Breathe" app. (It's also the way I get through the excruciating part of my pedis when my ingrown toenails get worked on).

    My hands are a mess: paper cut on one finger, foil cut (from reaching into a can of nuts) on another knuckle, little pinpricks from Happy's claws (when he's on my lap, purring & zoning out, he subconsciously semi-kneads, and there's no way I can trim his claws without him trying to rip my face off).

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited January 2021

    I have been tempted to buy the carrier that's thick cloth and fits around the cat's neck with velcro. I'm not sure my vet would allow Squeakers to come in that. It has a zipper in the bottom and you can take out one paw at a time to trim nails. I would prefer not paying for the vet to do that. They, of course, report that he purrs while they do it.

    I have a burn with blisters down the second bone of my little finger. I was boiling water to pour over the masks that were just washed. I didn't know the lid was not on tight, so it didn't whistle. A lot of the water had boiled away and when I poured the water, the lid came off and landed on my little finger. Luckily I had some lidocaine and used that for the pain when I went to bed.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited January 2021

    Am I the only one who goes Ugh when the paper reports a car hit an elderly woman and she's younger than me. I wonder if they would say ancient woman if I was the victim.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,325
    edited January 2021

    Sandy, I know what you mean about the kitty claws. Louie, my black cat, is doing a number on the love seat. He needs to go for a peti. His little claws are like needles.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited January 2021

    Yup--those cat claws are sharp; and seemingly right after the vet does the catti-pedi, the kitties immediately get to work re-sharpening them.

    Got my first COVID shot this a.m.--Moderna. Wanted Pfizer (which kicks in sooner), but beggars can't be choosers. 4 hrs. later, my arm's a bit sore at the injection site, but that's about it for side effects. I expect the second shot (which I can't get till at least 2/23) to lay me low for a couple of days.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,838
    edited January 2021

    Wren44: Thanks for the laugh about the terminology used to describe the poor woman. Do they use "young" lady when they are the victim? Seems to be a form of ageism to me. LOL.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited January 2021

    My arm didn’t get real sore until late at night. Took two Tylenol then and in the am and pm the next day they did the trick.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,950
    edited January 2021

    To tell a lie in cowardice, to tell a lie for gain, or to avoid deserved punishment--are all the blackest of black lies. On the other hand, to teach one to try one's best to avoid the truth--even to press it when necessary toward the outer edge of the rainbow--for a reason of kindness, or of mercy, is far closer to the heart of truth than to repeat something accurately and mercilessly that will cruelly hurt the feelings of someone. -Emily Post

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,950
    edited January 2021

    Dh and I have managed to make it for 45 ( will be 46 in July ) yrs. so far. Second marriage for both of us. My ex ( while technically still my husband ) actually introduced us. I knew the minute I saw # 2 that we would marry, but of course, we had to do some of those other things first -- like start dating. We met in Oct. and were married the following July. Ex got married the same day. My former SIL and FIL stood up for us. We were married in Ventura, Calif. at a minister's home. He happened to be one of Johnny Cash's best friends. I took it to be good luck when we were pronounced man and wife just as the clock on the mantel struck 10 a.m.

    I have endured ( being an animal person ) many kneading kitty claws over a long span of time or more like since about the age of 10 or so. I've grown very used to it, but I really don't like it.

    Wren, hope your finger is better soon. I've done similar things so many times. Sometimes just as I "do" it I realize that I was thinking just beforehand to be careful which only serves to annoy me more.

    Today was chemo day so late here again, but only one more to go. I'll be glad to get this done and hopefully can move onto less Dr. type ( no matter what the reason ) visits overall. It was warmer today than we thought it would be but a very chilly wind pretty much cancelled out the warmer temp. Looked like rain most of the day. Have to see what may happen tonight. As for me -- I'm going to enjoy having nowhere to go tomorrow morning but feeding the feral cats.

    Hope you all had a really nice day today.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,874
    edited January 2021

    A couple who gives me rides top and from church are getting their shots tomorrow. He has chronic leukemia. We have to go to the hospital in La Crosse for them. That is reasonable, fewer chances to waste any if there is no one in line for a while as it would in community clinics. But quite a nuisance.

    Dog lovers say that the rawhide chews have a lot of bad chemicals in them. I received an order from Chewy today, with a water buffalo horn. We just came back from the evening walk, but before, he was so busy on that thing. I'll be interested in seeing if it is a good distraction from scratching various areas of his body.

  • Taco1946
    Taco1946 Member Posts: 630
    edited January 2021

    Mary - a friend gives me bone rounds that have a little marrow in them. I think she gets them at Walmart where I don't shop. Mutz always has one laying around. I don't remember ever buying a rawhide bone for our dogs but am glad to know that.

    Jackie - what a great wedding memory. I think we too knew rather quickly that it might work but waited until I graduated and Ken had a year of medical school under his belt. We met on a blind date fixed up by our fraternity/sorority friends. I was their matron of honor a year after we got married and we lived in the same apartment complex when Jim started medical school.

    Cold (for here) and rainy - generally just nasty - but we sure need the rain. AZ is sadly lacking in a water conservation plan even though much of the state is a desert.

    Sandy - hydration helps according to friends. I only know one person who has gotten two shots, but like shingles, I would imagine that the second will be worse than the first.

    Ken seems to be doing well today. Thanks for asking.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,356
    edited January 2021

    Step son who is a Dr. received his second shot today at the hospital he works for. Within minutes he had a reaction - very high heart rate and lowered blood pressure. They pumped him full of fluids and he stayed quite a while before going home. Said he was ok but felt crappy. I'm hoping he feels ok after getting a good night's sleep.

    We had about 4-5 inches of snow, which isn't a lot, but it was very slippery. Friday the high is predicted to be 12! The low 3. Not sure if I'll even attempt to go out with it that cold, but never say never. After being the teachers aid all week, some weekends I just have to get out, even if it's to the drive by mail box at the post office.

    Be well, and stay safe!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited January 2021

    Bob & I met in college, during the fall of junior year when we ran against each other for student gov't and we both won. (35 candidates for 8 at-large seats--he came in first and I came in second). Our first meeting was when we were on our way to debate each other...but there was no audience. So we went out for coffee instead.

    Oddly, I had no reaction at all to my second Shingrix shot. The first one produced a spreading redness that reached nearly to my elbow before it receded.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,950
    edited January 2021

    Strength is a capacity for endurance. One of the dividends of suffering is the universal discovery the we possess a strength within us we never knew we had. Navigating through a difficult episode not only shows us that inner strength is there but convinces us it will always be there to serve us in the future. Overcoming gives us an assurance of personal confidence and value that far exceeds what we thought we possessed before our struggles began.
    Dennis Wholey

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,950
    edited January 2021

    Looking gray this a.m. I'll have to read my weather here when it comes on. No snow last night. Actually, I went out to find the cat well after dark and it was not cold at all. That awful wind stopped and made all the difference. Well, heat is coming on plenty this morning but it looks clear enough though cloudy. Here's hoping.

    Nothing special planned to today -- just trying to settle some things. Getting ready ( so hopeful this time ) to think about all the changes I feel like I've planned forever but seems something always comes up. Usually jobs ( not always a bad thing ) that seem like they won't go long and they end up being a yr. or more. So, partly making some lists ( I throw then out if they are not used ) and some cleaning tips that I found that might work well for me.

    Here is something I never knew -- there is something in powdered Tide ( should you wish to use it ) that breaks up dirt in a different way because it breaks it down. I was not aware of this. So, that is one of the things I will be trying. Can be used for walling walls, floors, etc. Also, ( I presume if you were to use it most of the time ) it also has something that is good on odors.

    Hope you all have a really good day. Wishing you sun and wellness.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited January 2021

    Sandy, sounds like you were running backwards with the Shringrix vaccination.😃 I had more of a reaction to the second than to the first.

    Illinois, thanks for the Tide info. Will keep that in mind.

    DH and I met my freshman year in college. We were both in the band, my dorm was a good ways from where the band practiced, he had a car and was willing to trek those of us from that dorm back so we could meet curfew. Didn't get serious until we were seniors, we married after we graduated and I had taken my national licensing exam. It will be 59 years this year and we are content. Raised two boys who are now fine men and fathers and we both had satisfying careers. Lots of good memories and still making them!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,355
    edited January 2021

    I went to an outpatient clinic for blood work yesterday morning about 7:30. Before noon the results were available in MyChart. Everything was in the normal range except glucose and A1c. On those I am still in the pre-diabetic category.

    I am getting nervous about the 2nd shot of Phizer vaccine. Appointment is next Tuesday. Wondering if dh should go with me. His appointment is an hour later.

    Read an article in the Washington Post advising that everyone should wear the N95 masks. I didn't think they were available but will do some research. I have quite a few cloth masks, some home-made and some bought. The home-made ones fit higher on my nose and don't cause my glasses to fog up as much as the more fitted bought masks.

    I will make myself take an exercise walk today. There's no reason I couldn't do the Silver Sneakers exercise routine here at home. Just requires doing it. So much more enjoyable with other people in a class.

    Have a good Wednesday.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,967
    edited January 2021

    I'm adding a layer to my cloth masks (I make them). The first ones were 2 layer and made by hand, but now the sewing machine is fixed and it's easy to whip them out. I have a pattern that comes in sizes so it can fit faces of various sizes. DH and I wear the same size but need different ear loops.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,950
    edited January 2021

    Okay, anyone thinking of trying the Tide soap thingy. It has to be the powdered Tide -- liquid apparently is somehow different. The instructions I read were to use 1 tsp. full of soap and swish really good. I presume to make sure it all dissolves well so really hot water. Since it is not a lot of soap I figure you must have to have a least a gallon or two of water. Also said to go over the area your cleaning twice ( making sure the water isn't too dirty each time ) and it said cleaner than ever and no streaks and marks.

    If it works that way and that well I'll not only be surprised ( so hopeful ) but so irritated at the STOREFUL of things I have already tried. I guess some experimentation here and there but I presume this same dilution works for just about everything.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited January 2021

    What I read is that the KN95s are adequate if they fit--I noticed that many medical personnel are wearing surgical masks over them at work. Yesterday at Walgreen's I wore a surgical mask, with a cloth mask to make the fit snugger. But I still have a small face with a receding chin, so I can't find masks that don't leak out the sides & bottom (the kids' sizes don't fit my ears)...except for the KN95s, which arrived after I got home. I do have an N95 that Bob brought home, but never worn it--I don't like the strap behind my head. Might put a fashionable cloth one over a KN95 when I go out.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,838
    edited January 2021

    Sandy and others: My audiologist provided me with a mask extender so I do not need to wear the mask loops over my ears and risk launching my tinnitus hearing aids into space. I asked her where she purchased them and it is from Amazon. Here is the information required for ordering and the cost was about $1 each. They are reusable, have knobs for the mask loops that make them adjustable and quite comfortable. Ted Star USA Mask Holder B089YRCSYR. It was easier to locate them using the number rather than the name. I ordered them for family members as well since not all ear loops are comfortable and I prefer to have it pass behind my head as well.