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  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited February 2021

    My project for tomorrow is to find a roofer to rake the snow off the roof and break up the ice that may be damming up before the coming thaw causes it to melt and leak through the ceilings.

    Bob made it home today but parked on the street a block away because he didn't want to chance getting stuck in the alley. (The city was supposed to send garbage trucks through to compact the snow enough to drive on, because they won't plow for fear of breaking garage doors & getting sued). Housekeeper made it out of her alley to get her DH to & from dialysis, and will be in tomorrow. (We'll take my Outback--which can get through the alley--to & from my mani-pedi because there's no parking near the nail salon even when the streets are clear; I'll drop her off by her car on the way back).

    We have over 2 ft. of snow on the ground, not counting drifting, plowing & shoveling. Oak Lawn, where Bob had been staying at a hotel the past 2 nights, has 34". The hotel couldn't get a plow service for its parking lot and half its maintenance staff couldn't make it in--so guests (mostly doctors & nurses at Advocate Christ & Little Co. of Mary) had to borrow shovels to dig their cars out.

    Gordy's fiancee's parents in Katy, TX still have power & water but are rationing energy just in case.

  • keywestfan
    keywestfan Member Posts: 367
    edited February 2021

    Second Pfizer shot yesterday. Walgreens showed up here, friendly and efficient from 9-5. But I am very disappointed. I didn't sleep well the night before, so don't know what was being tired and what was the shot. I wanted a strong sick reaction. Got a little chilled, but often am. Felt foggy, but do when I'm tired. Felt off, but, not unusual; Waved arm around like crazy; only sore when I press it. Felt old and creaky, but so...?Took no pain meds, didn’t even take usual vitamins. Feel a little dazed from melatonin late-last night but ok enoug to go on treadmill now. Wish i had an immune system that reacted with a vengeance.Gil the same.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,325
    edited February 2021

    Good morning, ladies. I am hoping those snowed in with out power will soon warm up. DH tried to call a close friend in TX and none of his phones worked. We are going to the 80's today, but cloudy. Next week I have Mamo, Labs, and MO.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652
    edited February 2021

    Keywest - I had no reaction to either first or second shot (Pfizer) either. The local news station expert and another local expert have both said no reaction to really sick - no rhythm or reason to who does or does not have a reaction, but reaction or not does not affect efficacy of vaccination. So I have to trust what they are saying. Some people I work with have gotten quite sick from it and they are all much longer than me - go figure.

    We got a couple inches of snow last night - hoping all the TX folk are getting power back and the midwest folks are faring well too.

    Have a great day.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2021

    Had my second covid shot on Tuesday. Finally feeling like I’m back in the land of the living. My arm was difficult to raise even though I kept moving it around the day of the shot. Had chills and a dull headache and my eyes hurt. Went into deep sleeps off and on yesterday. When I told my DD, who had covid, what I was going through she said that’s what she experienced with her other symptoms. When I woke this morning, it was like yesterday never happened. Glad it’s over

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,352
    edited February 2021

    It made my day to go to the gym yesterday and walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes. It was early afternoon and there were very few people there exercising with me.

    It's ugly outside this morning, gray and gloomy. I'm hoping to go to Chair Yoga this afternoon at 1 pm. It feels like forever since I attended a class.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Texas update: we have power, at least off and on with more on than off but no water ( with boil orders when it comes back on) and it is snowing here! Supposed to be in the 40s tomorrow and warming after that.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited February 2021

    There are simple antidotes to complacency. Gratitude is one of them. Every morning we can take a few moments to appreciate all the goodness in our lives. Another powerful antidote is taking the time to consciously contact our Higher Power. God is always available to help us; we simply have to open the door. Sharing hope with others is perhaps the most powerful of the antidotes because it helps at least two people—ourselves and the listener who hears our story. -unattributed

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited February 2021

    Beaverntx, that is good news and I'm sure hoping it gets better. Warmer temps I know will be totally appreciated. Even though we have had some issues here I have to think of it as nothing compared to Texas.

    Nothing much going on today either. We may be able to start using the cars -- sure hope so. I think I will skip work a couple more times. Not because I wouldn't like to go, but I'm fairly sure no one ( they are my age ) can clean their driveways and I will not be able to get in and out till things get a lot better. We are looking at temps. going up okay -- that is good because we do have a lot of snow that needs melted. A little sun out today -- could be brighter, but we will take it.

    Glad to hear of those of you getting your second shots. I know we still need caution, but it is your being protected yourself since we all have a number of risk factors to think about. Still, I don't want to inadvertently pass it to someone else, but I will feel much safer when I do go out to the store and a couple of other places around here. I've worried so much about the people who just seem to have no use for wearing masks. So inconsiderate.

    I hope you all have a good day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited February 2021

    Judy, it took Bob almost 24 hrs. for his second-shot reaction to kick in. But I read the same article that said a mild or no reaction doesn't mean your immune system is weak. I'm nervous about next Wed., since Walgreen's might not have enough Moderna on hand (IL got only 10% of the doses it was promised this week), and we have one more whopper of a snowstorm coming Sun. and then a thaw: just enough for all the roadways & alleys to be water-over-icy snow like we had in 2014.

    In Jan. 2014 I had to be pushed out of a rut in our alley; en route to a gig in Madison, when I was about 1/3 of the way there my singing partner called to tell me to turn around because it was so icy there that semis were jackknifing all over the Beltline; it was so icy in the parking lot after I got out of the bathroom at the outlet mall that was my turnaround spot, I was afraid I'd fall walking to my car. I screamed for help, thinking someone would just assist me walking--instead they called 911, and the EMS wanted to check my vitals. I declined, but let the state trooper and one paramedic walk me close enough to my car that I could plop myself itnto the seat. They made me promise to go back to Chicago, and followed me on to the tollway to make sure. I phoned home (Gordy was still living with us), and Gordy said the alley was still undriveable. So I spent the night at the Holiday Inn (less than a mile from the Walgreen's in question), with no change of clothes or AM/PM meds. (I now keep a "go bag" with all that stuff, plus water, a crossword book, and Atkins bars in the trunk).

    Gordy's fiancee's parents in Katy still had water, power & heat as of last night (they may be just outside the TX grid). I'm hoping my sis in the DC burbs of northern VA doesn't get ice-storm slammed. We're slowly digging out; on my roofer's wait-list for raking and ice-dam breakup (he's serving only existing customers--he did a new roof for us in 2010). Our roofs are pitched & gabled; the only flat one is a reinforced "IRMA" (rubber membrane) over the rear of the attic. Gordy & Leslie's back door froze shut so that he couldn't take the dog out to the yard, so he had to walk her at 4 a.m. Doggy-daycare is closed too, and their alley is as messed-up as ours anyway (Leslie's SUV notwithstanding).

    Blew off the mani-pedi, as my HK was late coming in after shoveling her own house & car, and there was no parking available at the nail salon (SpotHero lot was a 1/4 mi. walk). She's not coming in tomorrow, as the dialysis shuttle service for her DH isn't working. I can manage a 3-day weekend (which I thought last Fri. would begin, not knowing 3 days would turn out to be 6). But it's nice to have the laundry & cleaning done, the litterboxes emptied & cleaned, the floors swept & vacuumed (no point in washing off the salty footprints since we're getting more) and the ice-melt canisters filled.

    Bob will park on-street again, as trucks going through the alley made the ruts deeper & center hump higher again. But if I lend him my Outback, it's possible he might keep it down in Oak Lawn all weekend and I wouldn't be able to get to my ocular-onc checkup & imaging Tues. and vaccination on Wed. This is getting old, but it ain't TX. (Kinahurrah. Hope God doesn't reply, "here--hold my beer"). Minus, Illi, Beav--stay as warm & safe as you can. Hope your bathtubs full of water don't freeze.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    We are currently keeping the house at 59 in the hope that we will eke out the propane until the truck can get here, likely no earlier than tomorrow as we have newly fallen snow on top of the icy roads. Supposed to get into the 40s tomorrow and 50s on Saturday so hoping for propane before the weekend is over. We do have power back on so can cook with the electric appliances, just can't dawdle over a meal, because the food cools quickly. This, too, shall pass and in a few months we will likely be complaining about the heat and humidity.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited February 2021

    Sandy, if you haven’t heard from your sister, one of my DDs lives in Leesburg about 40 miles outside the city. They didn’t get much. She sent me a picture and it looks like a couple of inches of snow and sleet. We compare the differences in weather when storms roll through the area as they are outside the beltway and they get more rain or snow than those of us inside the beltway.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited February 2021

    Thanks, kath. My sister is just "inside the beltway," on the border of Arlington & McLean (Rock Spring). When she was substitute-teaching pre-pandemic, it was in both Arlington & Fairfax counties. She's also social director and a soloist for the Alexandria Singers.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,325
    edited February 2021

    Beaverntx, hope it warms up for you soon and the water issues resolve. DH was able to connect with his friend in TX.

    The cat woke me up early, but will stay up to get the labs done and might take a nap after labs.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Petite, naps are always good to have in the plan of the day!

    Supposed to make it above freezing sometime this afternoon. Sun is shining brightly which is a good mood lifter.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,836
    edited February 2021

    It's cold here at 32 F and it is snowing yet again as if we have not had enough of it this week. Seems every time I have an appointment at the audiologist, I have to cancel due to snow so this week's appointment was cancellation number 3. Not sure how much snow we will get from this one because I have been avoiding weather predictions. The deer are hungy and have been nibbling on the junipers I had planted after our house suffered damage from the trees. The poor junipers look moth eaten and hopefully they will recover this summer. Spread bird seed on a section of the patio that is under the eaves so the birds can eat.

    Sad to hear about what Texas is enduring but living in a state where we truly have 4 seasons has provided us with experience of both temperature extremes and wild storms. It was a direct wind storm that did damage to our house. After losing power many times related to winter storms, hurricanes and other wild weather, we bought a generator. It has been a godsend because we lost power once during an ice storm and went without power for 4 days. We used the fireplace to keep the family room at 59 F but the rest of the house was freezing. Had the tropical fish in a Tupperware bowl by the fireplace but lost most of the exotic ones. To prevent pipes from freezing we would drip the faucet in the powder room. Outages in the summer always occurred during heatwaves and the humidity in this area can be brutal since it matches the temperature. We have lost freezers full of food during the summer outages as well and that is heartbreaking because it was usually right after it was stocked. I think what always astonished me was after being without power for days there was never any significant dip in the electric bill!

    We have kept our house phone and that has always worked during power outages. During other storms we would see others roaming looking for cell tower power for their phones so glad we are not totally reliant on them.

    Hope that Texas is back to normal soon and that they can decide that an alternative to their current electrical supply is in order. Seems we need to be prepared for the challenges that climate change is presenting.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited February 2021

    If you take the position that your happiness is primarily in your own hands, you give yourself enormous power. You are not waiting for events or other people to make you happy. You are not trapped by blame, alibis, or self-pity. You are free to look at the options available in any situation and respond as wisely as you can. -Nathaniel Branden

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited February 2021

    Sun is shining today and it is sure appreciated. No work again today for me. Dh was prepared to take me, but in both places when the snow plows came thru they left snow piled in front of driveways. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I presume they knew people would not be able to get out and maybe no one could get in. I guess the idea was, " I did my job ", and you could say that, but it was not the help it could have been. At any rate -- I am home again today. Frankly, I'm sort of enjoying the time off, but like anything you can't or don't plan for it could be better. I worry about how much I will have to make up when I finally do start making the rounds again.

    We do know that something on my car will have to be repaired though -- this not going in snow won't work. Interesting that we are having winter right at the farthest end of all past winters. Also, you might know, huh. We will get some stimulus to help us which I'll likely have to spend on my car. Sigh !! Then again, it does seem when I have a need it is filled by something I wasn't expecting. So the miracles in disguise show up to keep my path going forward.

    Hope everyone is able to move around okay if you must and that all of these eases up for people everywhere. I really do feel for the people in Texas.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,355
    edited February 2021

    We had 3-4 inches of snow, all in all not bad. It was easy to shovel, more or less pushed it around. And we hit 33 so it was melting too. No sun.

    I went to my ENT today, dx tinnitus. He said my records indicated back in 2016 when I had vertigo I reported tinnitus then. I don't remember it, so it must have gone away. Scheduled another hearing exam to compare to 2016. It's not bad, just annoying and no fluid nor tumor was seen, so I'm happy with that.

    I drove to a local church that gives away clothing and household items for free, to drop off all those curtains. I'm happy they're gone, and they were happy to get them.

    Doesn't feel like a Friday. Without school happening I'm very much enjoying catch up around my home, but the days are a blur.

    Still have more to do on that front bedroom. Books, maps, and a ton of sports cards. We're going back up tonight, trying to commit at least 1 hour a night. I want my weights put up there, turn it into workouta area - hopefully not just a spot to store them until the next cleaning!

    Enjoy the night, stay warm and be safe.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,836
    edited February 2021

    CindyNY: Just heard that sports cards are now worth some money so don't toss them without checking it out first. As far as the maps, if you have a Peleton or some other indoor bike, you could use them to plot your destination (goal setting) using push pins to mark when you achieve them. If they are road maps, there is also a market for them now.

    Don't know the types of books you have but some areas have resource collectors for school teachers where they pay a nominal fee for access to theses resources. I just found one and am donating surplus office materials including 3 ring binders, pendaflex files, paper clips, etc. I do have some books that would be appropriate for high school students so I am donating them as well. Feels good to know that they will have a second life.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,416
    edited February 2021

    Our alley is finally passable for sedans--so fingers crossed, Bob can get into the garage and won't have to park 2 blocks away. Sunshine most of the day too despite never making it much above 20F or so. Lost about 6" of the garage roof snow from what I could see. Going down to 5 tonight, so I'll drip the faucets again starting at midnight. More of the same tomorrow--but starting Sun. aft., more snow--this time wet & heavy but not lake effect--so probably no more than 2". Monday begins the thaw. Wintry mix early Tues. morning before it hits 40F (of course, that's when we'll have to drive downtown to the ocular onc at UIC); warmup may continue through Wed., when I have to drive out to Norridge for my second shot. "Light snow" again Thurs., and then snow (but not deep-freeze) over next weekend.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited February 2021

    There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you

    it's going to be a butterfly.

    - R. Buckminster Fuller

  • puffin2014
    puffin2014 Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2021

    I got my first Moderna shot today from our local health department. Had my name on 4 lists, contacted 2 of them and told them to remove me, will call the 4th on Monday. I'm tired this afternoon but don't know if it's from the shot or all the running around I did today, probably a combination of both.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited February 2021

    Good news to hear Puffin and likely you are tired from 'running around '. Anything is possible but it sounds like most people on the first shot don't have too strong a reaction which I hope continues to hold true for you. I felt like I also felt tired the day I got mine just from the relief of being half way there so to speak. I've heard yesterday and today that ( it does take a couple of weeks ) that you are fairly well covered ( approx. 85 % I think was the figure mentioned ) after the first shot, but you need that second one. It provides the extra coverage and extra safety in that way.

    Good to continue hearing of those who have been able to get their first and in some cases now second shots. Not sure how much of that is due to our current new government taking a lot more control but I would imagine that has given it all a serious push. No promises being made but it was mentioned there was a little hope that by Christmas 2021 there was the possibility of having an almost normal one. So much can happen and there are variants to think about but just the thought of the possibility is great. So far as well, it sounds like the Pfizer and Moderna are more apt to be able to handle the variants.

    I await the second Moderna injection and the two weeks after when it should have taken hold. I will get my CT scan done the same day and maybe see Dr. Dave if I can get an appt.

    Hope you are all having a good Saturday -- a thawing Saturday if possible. We are doing a little. It has warmed to about 29 or so and the sun has shone all day. We should so some tomorrow -- so maybe are making a start out of our foot of snow. That would sure be nice. Hoping the same for everyone -- and very much hoping that those ( mainly Texas I think ) who have had power loss from the bad recent weather events will soon have it back on.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited February 2021

    Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself,
    and know that everything in life has purpose.
    There are no mistakes, no coincidences,
    all events are blessings given to us to learn from.
    - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

  • nola70115
    nola70115 Member Posts: 61
    edited February 2021

    carolehalston - I’m not over 60 but I’m saw you are in Louisiana getting treatment at Ochsner and wanted to reach out. I just got dxd with a recurrence and the support groups at Tansey don’t meet again for weeks but I’d love to have some local survivor contacts. Do you know of any groups for this area, or could we chat sometime?

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Finally got some propane and boil water restriction was just lifted so now we can set about learning to live like we used to just over a week ago! Praise be.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,942
    edited February 2021

    Beaverntx - It's the little things huh !!!


    Doesn't have anything to do with propane -- but I had been thinking about things to be grateful for and this came up on the screen so I thought I'd share.

  • beaverntx
    beaverntx Member Posts: 2,962
    edited February 2021

    Jackie, love it!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,423
    edited February 2021

    Beaver - So glad you got propane. We also have water & power - and the "boil" restriction has just been lifted. I took my first shower in a week & washed my hair this afternoon. What a lovely treat.