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Can we have a forum for "older" people with bc?



  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Member Posts: 1,867
    edited January 2022

    I have a shovel available for a little exercise, but I can't use it. Maybe later this winter.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2022

    Chevy hasn't joined us in a long time. It would be great for her to check in.

    Shoveling snow isn't among my chores. I'm still using my cordless blower to blow leaves off the carport and the patio.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Last time I shoveled, in 2015, I strained my IT band & piriformis, giving me a nasty case of bursitis that put a real damper on a trip to Spain. (At least my cane got me into the "disabled express" line at the Prado in Madrid). I had shoveled in stages, but it was still too strenuous. That's when I began using a freelancer, and switched in 2016 to our landscaper.

    Chevy, I hope you're ok and just taking an Internet break.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,353
    edited January 2022

    My covid test was negative. To get results I had to drive back to the place, skipped the line and headed up to where the ladies were working. They gave me a number to text my name, date of test, date of birth and email. So I must have an old fashioned cold. Partner, he’s much worse than me as he can’t take decongestants and I can.

    Shoveling in cold weather gave me asthma. So I can do the stairs, or small walkway but I’m no good for much more. Last year during covid in NY when we were hit with almost 3 feet, I think my assist was to bundle up in ski clothes and use my arms to take it off the cars. I remember throwing myself backwards to do a snow angel land thinking I’d never get up out of the snow it was so deep. Fool.

    There was a double birthday celebration planned for tonight but partner is too sick to be among people. I’m taking down all the Christmas decorations. Little Christmas was my mothers dayto take it down and I follow it, but I’m going to miss the lights making the house seem brighter.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,651
    edited January 2022

    Cindy - hope your partner feels better soon. Sorry you have to miss the double birthday celebration. Regarding shoveling snow - those who can do it safely, like me, go for it. If you can't shovel snow, don't put yourself in harms way. I'd rather shovel 2 or 3 times with just a couple inches than wait till it stops snowing as it is so much easier with just a little snow. Sometimes I think we should buy a snow blower, but we never do.

    Baked cookies this afternoon - ones I haven't made in a few years. DH didn't remember them, till he bit into one. I'm also making brownies - I make everything from scratch - baking and cooking - except for brownies and then I make the dark chocolate fudge Duncan Hines and add walnuts. I make them in a pan that has 12 squares, but get about 16-18 as I make them smaller and that way every one is an end piece. I need to make more banana walnut chocolate chip muffins but I'll wait till Sunday. I like to have one with breakfast - this year I've been eating a small bowl of oatmeal, 4 oz OJ and a muffin for breakfast. Yogurt or cottage for lunch as they are easy to eat at work - I do snack in the morning so its not so low cal.

    Going to read as soon as the brownies are done - so maybe a little over an hour to read before the news comes on.

    Calling Chevy - hope all is okay with you and. your husband. Stay safe.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Member Posts: 3,815
    edited January 2022

    Cindy: Sorry to hear that your partner is ill and hope you get to celebrate soon.

    Woke up to a winter wonderland today with less snow than predicted which is fine with us. The birds have been flocking to the feeder and to see their tiny little foot prints in the snow is so nice, like a patchwork quilt. The temp is right at freezing so the floor installation guy was told yesterday that returning today was probably not in the cards due to the condition of our driveway when it snows. Our house faces north which means our hilly driveway doesn't thaw quickly and if you are rear wheel drive, the incline is such you will not make it up to the top. His truck barely makes it up on good days.

    Great for sledding when my children were young and now the grands enjoy it as well but treacherous to have to hike up and down. It's windy so the snow is blowing off the trees and roof making it look like it is snowing again. Our dog loves the snow and her prints show she was exploring but there are ones further over in the yard which look more like fox prints since this is an area she doesn't usually go to. DH out with the snow blower trying to clear the driveway.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited January 2022

    Just raining here. No so in eastern WA. One town got 36 in in 24 hrs and has declared a state of emergency, worrying about roofs collapsing and homebound people running out of food. Another town got 23.5 in in the same amount of time. Photo of a man snow blowing the library showed snow up to his hip level. The real problem is where to put it if you shovel.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Yup, Wren--that's the aftermath of a Snowmageddon. I recall that one pre-pandemic winter, because of having to put the shoveled snow somewhere we had drifts/snowbanks >4 ft. high. They had been predicting rain for tomorrow, but they've changed it to freezing rain--so we may have to be prepared for an ice storm and downed power lines before it turns to all rain. Then Sun. the temps will plunge again,and snow showers Mon, with no relief till at least Tues. Sigh--we've been dodging that kind of bullet a lot longer this winter than in years past, and it was inevitable.

    Feeling kind of "off" today (no fever, no congestion, no aches, 98% O2 sats--just a little more post-nasal-drippy than usual and not "up to par"). Intermittent-fasted till 2 pm, when I had a couple of keto waffles. Cooked two nights in a row--don't want to go anywhere (especially in the near-zero cold). I wouldn't mind ordering out for pizza and just eating the toppings. Will wait till Sunday--if I don't feel better, then I will self-test. My last possible exposure was dining out Tues. night. (At my manicure yesterday I was double-masked: surgical over KN95). Rapid tests often don't detect a high enough viral load early in the disease (especially Omicron), so they recommend waiting 2-3 days after onset of mild symptoms. I'm vaxed and boosted, as well as flu-vaxed--and this doesn't feel like flu either, since flu tends to hit suddenly with fever and sometimes GI distress. Even as colds go, this doesn't feel as bad as the colds I'd always had (but then again, I haven't had one in over 2 years). Feels like an allergy day except for the "blahs."

    If I test positive, I can quarantine but not really isolate, as Bob & I share a bedroom. The cats use the guest room a lot, so I might be in for Super-Allergy-Fest should I confine myself in there. No way I can isolate myself from them, as they have to be fed and insist on being super-affectionate. We have two bathrooms but only one working tub/shower. (Hooray for "adult washcloth" towelettes). My guess is that Bob has already been exposed multiple times at his hospitals (and admits to having had a scratchy throat a couple of weeks ago). He's also had the same restaurant exposure as I--maybe more, as he dines out for lunch 2-3 days a week. If I test positive Sunday I'll call my HK and tell her to stay home till the coast is clear. No way I can get a PCR, much less a full-resp. panel, from my health system's Immediate Care centers, as their lines are around the block. (So much so that there is no available parking in the strip mall my local center shares with a Petsmart. All spots are filled with people waiting in their cars for results, so if I need to buy cat food I'd need curbside pickup or even delivery).

    FDA now recommends a Moderna booster after 5 months, not 6. I wonder if that applies to senior-citizen cancer patients' fourth shots--my full-strength Moderna booster was Aug. 20. I'd ask my PCP and oncologists, but they'll give me the same old blather about my being "fully-protected" that they did until the first boosters were authorized.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022
    1. "Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." — Howard Thurman
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022

    A lot going on since last I c hecked in. Ugg, snow. That said we barely got but a little more than a good dusting. Glad for that. MC, I hear you about the nice " smelly laudry ". My daughter has something she uses, but it is now al all overbearing so is ok with me. I have though encountered people who smell something like a giant flower bed so I am aware that it coule be easy for sensitive noses to be overwhelmed.

    I have shoveled a share of sow lthough definitely that is not in my future for this winter. Like Sandy, our winter weather has arrived much later than usual so who knows what will happen. I will say though the temps. have been most unpleasant.

    Had to go yesterday to the Surgeon's NP. It was pretty good news all the way around. She was happy with my progress, if slow. She also ( thanking the healing Gods ) said that I could ditch using my family to get me up from whereever sitting and do it myself. Kibosh on lifting more than ten lbs. still, but I prayed I could get up by myself and not have to have anyone follow me around to help me sit down elsewhere --like at the dinner table. She also told me I could ditch the strong water pill and the potassium. Anytime I have less pills to take I'm a happy camper.

    Thirdly, she agreed that I could get the booster -- almost did it today but a bunch of work un-done and really cold temps. sort of drowned my enthusiam. I will go very soon though because of my worry. Since it takes some time to totally cover ( couple of weeks ) I will be in no rush to go out, but at the temps we have had I wouldn't in any case. I do have to work on increasing stamina as well.

    Lastly I don' t have to go back as she was in Missouri where my surjury took place so it's a long drive. She referred me back to my PCP who will find a local cardiac Dr. to follow up with me. So while taking alot of starch out of me to make that trip, I felt okay because the issues covered were so favorable. She also okayed my having my scope ( bladder and kidney ) as soon as my PCP got her change of orders work. I've worried about that a lot since it, a mammogram and booster were all due to take place just as my mitral valve gave up. It will be awhile for the mammo yet, but two out of three -- not so bad.

    Sorry you are felling the yuckies right now Sandy. Hope it clears quickly and that NOTHING is really going on.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2022

    Betrayal, I enjoyed your word picture of the snowy conditions at your home. I could imagine being there and seeing the bird footprints and the steep driveway.

    Jackie, I'm glad that you got a good report when you went for your checkup. It's hard to think of you as so handicapped when I know what an active person you are. We both have been on this discussion forum for years.

    We're finally experiencing some winter in January but nothing uncomfortable or restrictive so far. Years go by and my L.L. Bean parka remains in its closet. The most I ever require is a lightweight jacket when I go out.

    DH is off to a woodturners' meeting and I need to do some household chores. Also go to the supermarket for salmon for dinner. I dreamed last night that we were having salmon tonight so I guess I will make that dream come true! I have dill growing in the patio herb garden and the recipe I use calls for a yogurt/dill topping on the salmon.

    Happy Saturday to all.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022

    Perhaps the longest journey is the journey within. - Shirley MacLaine

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022

    It's official -- I now would love to have salmon with a dill dressing. I don't like salmon w/o some kind of dressing but don't think I ever had a dill one which sounds very tasty. I am something of a fish lover and keeps lots of cans of Skipjack tuna in our pantry. I was not aware until recently that canned tuna has a long shelf life. I like shark, mackerel, lots of cod on down to catfish from our lake.

    I didn't manage to get my booster today. Felt a little off when I got up but may have been due to just being chilly. It was for the most part one of our dreary days. It tried to rain a few times and mainly dripped a bit and quit. I was afraid we would get some ice, but so far ( early evening now ) no real precipation. It may or may not come tomorrow, because it warms a bit, then cools again and we ae more inclined usually to get a light case of most of the more negative weather. It remains for us a strange winter with more rain than snow.

    I did go out to the bank today because bills are due so I had to get a deposit in. Fortunately at the time I was the only one in the bank. Had my N-95 and of course the teller had the plexiglass barrier so it should have been fine. I'm still wondering about Walmart shopping service. I'm such a dolt on electronics that having to be on a phone while someone 'shops' for me with their phone just causes me a bit of a panic feeling. Dh has mainly done the shopping and Kate has done some as well. I will feel a mite safer when I have an active booster. I'm hoping though to avoid getting anything including Omicron.

    I think it may be a man thing partially, but Dh seems to get cabin fever easily. I'm almost always un-affected. For that reason he doesn't mind going to the store. In fact, when he can't think of any reason he sometimes drives to McDonalds for a cup of coffee. There is coffee here, in the regular pot and he has a K-cup maker as well.

    I bought a picture ( photo in black and white ) from our local Art Center. Once a yr. local artists do paintings, pencil drawings, pictures, which are judged and given ribbons. Afterwards many of the artists will sell their framed work. I have a few pieces. One of the artists was a good friend of mine and gave me two of her paintings for my kitchen. Hugg them ater we moved here in 2003 and they are still a joy to look at. The 'photo' I got was a nice size and was a 'winter' picture. It showed a house ( older ) with one light on. There was a wood fence ------ didn't go all the way to the house and there were some footprints walking in the snow up to the fence. Their were shawdows here and there and small snow drifts and I fell in love with the picture. House reminded me a bit of the house I grew up in. It was a good yr. for the artists.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,963
    edited January 2022

    My DH had cabin fever and went somewhere almost every day until he had to quit driving. Now he has cabin fever and can't go anywhere. He'd like to go for a walk but his balance is so bad, I'd want to tape my phone number to his forehead. I feel for him but I don't want to go anywhere and get omicron. My car is having a problem and I'm unwilling to take it very far.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    I've been shut-in (part caution, part weather) since Thurs. afternoon. Was feeling good most of today but now after dinner have a bit of GERD (note to self: no more meatloaf or fried stuff--and even 2 oz. of wine was a mistake) and postnasal drip building up in my throat. Uh-oh. Bob says he feels like this all the time and has for years. This is sort of how my annual winter cold begins--except this time my throat doesn't hurt, I'm not congested, my temp is normal, I'm not coughing and my nose isn't running. I think that despite what Bob says I'm gonna test tomorrow. (I think he doesn't want me to test because if I test positive he'll also have to test and stay home all week--which is torture for a workaholic).

    UPDATE: Bob has reminded me that I've gotten both asthma and laryngitis from GERD attacks. I should never have eaten those fries--even just a few--much less chasing dinner & wine with a square of dark chocolate. Pepcid is taking care of the GERD, Singer's Saving Grace is cutting through the throat-fog. We'll see how I do in the morning (will stay up a bit later tonight before lying down in bed).

    Just got word that due to Omicron and supply chain issues (delaying renovation of the new theater) the 2022 Bar Show has been pushed back from March to its usual December. Not surprised--spring was a weird time to hold it anyway, seeing as how until a few years ago the official name was "Christmas Spirits;" we used to end the show with either "Jingle Bells" or the Springsteen version of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," with a designated portly cast member dressed as Santa handing out styrofoam snowballs for us to throw to the audience. Taking 2021 off was not unprecedented: about 40 or so years ago when the show was held in the Hilton's ballroom (with audience, cast and band availing themselves of the free open bar), the stage collapsed mid-show (injuring several lawyers...who specialized in personal injury). The hotel, gun-shy at the prospect of lawsuits, banned the show for a year.

    Weather-wise, as I look out the window at the frozen rain, I'm tempted to parody the opening line of "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning," as "There's a bright silver glaze on the sidewalk..." Glad we have no particular place to go tomorrow.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022

    The moment one definitely commits oneself, the Providence moves, too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have otherwise occurred. A whole stream of events issue from the commitment, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamt would come one's way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022

    Some rain overnight and likely warm enough not to get dreaded ice. I'm going to call the pharmacy today and either go in later, or set up an appt. to go get my booster. We are actually going to have some sun today which will make being outside not nearly so dreaded. I slept well last night and feel fine this morning -- so no time like the present. I know the Chicago area is getting it and I feel sorry for that. I hope almost everyone can just stay home, stay warm and stay safe.

    I think I mentioned -- I'm a bit nervous about what ( when we get it if we do ) winter will be like for us since it has been nothing but strange for us pretty much all the way through. Rain for Christmas, rain for the New Yr. and rain now. We could get winter at a highly un-expected time -- sure hope if so it does not last for long. Just hard to say.

    Aside from the pharmacy I have nothing much on the schedule, but doing some bills and working on my stamina. Have a real issue with FB ( I think due to my having to go to Microsoft Edge and having to go to web mail ) and they now say I chaned my password a couple of yrs. ago and have blocked me from getting in. I may be doing something wrong -- but it won't give me a screen so that I can reset a new password. Really frustrating me. Well, H & H may have to help me work on it. Drat --- seems like I was just there having to do some things. They will be open on Monday so maybe if by tomorrow I haven't figured somerhing out --- I'll likely be un-plugging to take my pc mini tower to them again. I don't do too much on FB but what little it is already has made me feel like a duck out of water.

    Hope you all have a good day.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,353
    edited January 2022

    Verdict from upstate NY friends and family, everything is covered in ice, don’t go anywhere. My sisters older dog was sprawled out on the ice in her back yard and she had to go out to help him up & in the house. Others have sent me pictures of ice covered driveways. My god son plowed my drive but didn’t shovel the walkway. Which is a good thing right now, no black ice there.

    81 and partial sun here in SWFL. So many events being held this weekend but both of us are sick, him more than me. His son, who is a Dr, said if by Monday he’s still this bad he should go to urgent care. I opted for Zicam Rapidmelts every 3 hours until bed, for 2 days as soon as it hit; nasal spray 2x a day; Advil as needed; Claritin D, my normal allergy routine. He’s doing DayQuil and night quil, regular allergy meds and a lot of herbal stuff; hot shower 2x a day to get it on his face. I’m 8 days out from its start, I think his started Monday. If I’m repeating what I’ve posted days ago, forgive me.

    I spent a good part of yesterday trying to finish up more of my paint by numbers - cardinals on a fallen log in a winter scene. I started it in NY; on road for 17 days; FL unpack and clean, shop etc. Before my niece & her daughter came for Christmas I focused on painting the two cardinals, just so you could fully see them. Now it’s filling in blah colors, with some crappy rubbery paint I need to add water to constantly. It’s pretty but I’ll be glad when it’s done.

    I’ve started to see a group chiropractic service down here. Not so sure it’s working on me. My normal NY Dr is a muscle therapist chiropractor. I see her once a month when I’m doing good. She does full body massage and focuses on tight muscles that can pull me out of alignment. After that she does your adjustment and it all takes about an hour or more. Down here it’s less than a 10 minute adjustment. First appt I felt good afterwards. Next two, I’m more sore than when I started. Tuesday I’ll go back but let them know I’m not sure this is the place for me. I’m at the point that maybe a cheap flight home on Frontier would be worth the trip.

    Hoping everyone has a good Sunday and stays safe.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Cindy, did you or DP test positive? If negative and you don't have fever or aches, 8 days sounds more like a cold than COVID (especially Omicron). I'm reminded of the old maxim about the length of a cold: nine days--three days coming, three days with you, and three days going. Instead of NyQuil, I've always been partial to my own recipe: cough suppressant, mucolytic (e.g. Mucinex), non-drowsy anti-histamine to dry up the drips, and Cognac (or brandy of your choice). For a sore throat or laryngitis, Chinese hot & sour soup works wonders (learned this from a friend who sings in a Grammy-winning gospel choir); as does very warm (not piping hot) tea with a squeeze of lemon, dollop of honey and a tablespoon of your designated booze. Sip it with a Ricola held between your teeth (like my Russian-Jewish grandma used to do, but with a sugarcube).

    Salt trucks came down the streets overnight, but the sidewalks still have a thin glaze (maybe even just 1-2 mm, but that's still enough to be dangerous). Deck & porch are clear, though. It's getting colder as we speak (was 34 at dawn but now about 20, dropping to 10 overnight here by the lake and 8 inland). Tomorrow it'll struggle to get up to 15 and will go down to 3 here and -3 inland. Tues. will start to climb into the teens--so no melting till Wed. (unless I salt).

    Feeling much better today, but still staying in--that icy pavement is a hip-fracture waiting to happen. I know Petsmart will have parking spaces because N.Shore Immediate Care isn't open for testing today, but the kitties have enough food to get them through the week without my having to replenish their pantry. Cooking again tonight (made brunch too, as Bob didn't want to miss the Bears game by venturing out again). Not comfortable dining out indoors anywhere that's open tonight--despite strictly-enforced vax-card mandates, people have to unmask to eat & drink. And the places I trust are closed today (either because they're "dark" Sundays & Mondays or due to COVID)--it's also too cold out for patio dining, even huddled by the gas heaters. Don't want to venture out on slick roads, parking lots & sidewalks.

    Sigh--Bears are once again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The coach & GM are toast. WIll take off my jersey (I probably jinxed them), and just wear my sweats.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,651
    edited January 2022

    Sandy - does Petsmart deliver?

    Ice is the devil!!! I will walk in bitter cold, snow but I will not walk in ice especially if its black ice. Growing up, the only way we drank tea (mostly Salada brand or Lipton) was with lemon and honey - and that wasn't being sick, just the way to drink tea. I don't add anything to my tea - I drink mostly herbal or now sometimes flavored green tea. guafenesin is my go-to for anything sinus related. I can't do anti-histamines - the last time I took them I had heart palpitations and never was willing to try again. Since I can't take any NCIDS due to kidneys, acetaminophen is the only pain med I can take. Narcotics bind me up too badly. Trying to stay healthy so pretty don't go anywhere other than grocery once/week. I did have a board meeting today but I was double masked and kept 6 feet distance. Don't want to find out if I'll get a mild or bad case of Covid. Hearing too many stories of people fully vaxxed and boosted and getting Covid. A doctor friend, who is an infectious disease specialist said we're all going to get it eventually. Praying my hubby and I manage to stay in the small % that don't get it. Underlying health conditions for both of us can turn it ugly.

    Broncos ended season 7-10. Just saw that they fired the coach. They haven't had a winning season in 5 years. I don't follow sports except scores on the news.

    Cindy - hope you and your partner are feeling better. Would a massage help?

    It's cold out today - 36F, but going to warm up this week for the next few days, then turn cold again by the end of the week.

    Everyone stay safe and stay healthy. Have a good rest of the day.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    Karen, Petsmart and Chewy deliver. Chewy has a larger selection & lower prices, but they are very careless about shipping--half the time I've ordered wet cat food from them boxes have arrived damaged with many cans dented.

    Growing up, we also used to drink Salada or Lipton; in my teens I discovered Twinings & Bigelow (especially Constant Comment). My grandma loved her Swee-Touch-Nee brand tea bags. They came in a little treasure-chest-shaped flip-top tin that (once the tea was gone) she'd use for buttons, coins, etc. She would drink the tea not from a cup or mug but from a glass--that had usually previously held a yahrtzeit candle (which glasses were much bigger back then). She didn't have those soda-fountain-shaped glasses with the fancy silver handled holders that you find these days in Russian restaurants (like Russian Tea Time here, Seattle's Russian Samovar or NYC's Russian Tea Room). Those restaurants would serve the tea with a side of sugar cubes (to hold between the teeth) and raspberry or strawberry jam to stir into the tea.

    I'm a coffee geek now but I never drank it till halfway through college--either cappuccino at the Ferrara pastry shop in the Village on "date night," or laden with cream (later Weight Watchers packets of powdered skim milk) and Sweet & Low at Chock Full O'Nuts (which used to be nearly as ubiquitous in Brooklyn & Manhattan as Starbuck's is now). I used only canned coffee till we moved to Seattle for grad school and a friend visiting from NYC brought us beans from McNulty's (which I ground in a blender and brewed in a percolator--both wedding gifts). I was hooked--on our next trip up to Vancouver we went to Murchie's on Robson street. Soon after, the first branch of Starbucks other than the Pike Place Mkt. original opened in the University Village shopping plaza--where I bought a Melitta, a flip-drip pseudo-espresso pot, and a little blade grinder. (At the time, the only place you could find espresso or cappuccino in Seattle was the funky No Exit coffeehouse in the U. District). Back then, Starbuck's used to sell only beans, teas, spices & chunk chocolate--not drinks; they'd serve samples, and after they sold their big copper espresso machine they sold "coffee of the day" from air-pots. When I tried a sample of their Celebes Kalossi (now called Sulawesi) black, it was an epiphany. I still drink coffee only black, except for cappuccinos--or at German pastry shops that serve unsweetened "schlag." I don't even sweeten my espresso (Italian restaurant waiters think I'm nuts).

    Speaking of Starbucks, the first one I encountered that sold espresso drinks was here in Chicago--in 1988!

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022

    There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you. . . In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself. -Ruth Stout

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited January 2022

    ChiSandy - I was a bit late to coffee drinking as well. Did not start drinking it until a work trip to Italy (Rome) in the early 1980s. The controller (a very dishy Brit) would pick me up from my hotel and we would stop at a little coffee bar enroute to the office for an espresso and pastry.

    As a sign in one of my favorite local coffee shops (called Reality Tuesday) states: Some things are just better rich - men, coffee and chocolate.

  • cindyny
    cindyny Member Posts: 1,353
    edited January 2022

    I tested negative for covid, partner hasn’t tested. We thought his was allergies but believe he now has the cold our 12 year old guest brought us from NY.

    I still don’t drink coffee. Love the smell, hate the taste. With tea, I’m even worse. I hate the smell and the taste. I’ll drink a hot chocolate if I’m frozen to the core.

    I should seek out a massage. I think I’m using a heating pad way too much and will end up discoloring my skin from too much heat - as I did years ago when my back first went out.

    Stay off the ice, be safe and warm too.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2022

    I wish I could drink hot chocolate--though I've found a keto version--Lakanto--that doesn't taste half bad with hot almond milk and unsweetened whipped cream on top. Unfortunately, one of Bob's Christmas presents from a patient was a dozen "hot chocolate bombs."

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,651
    edited January 2022

    sandy, my mother used Melitta in the 1960s . She loved her coffee. A$P brand, Choc full of nuts years later. My DH is a coffee aficionado, Grinds his coffee. With a professional grade grinder. French roast. These days percolator. Son hand grinds his beans, old cooktop expresso maker. Dd#2 loves her coffee too. String but adds milk and sugar. Dd#1 doesn’t drink. I’ve had 2 cups in my life and the last one probably close to 45 years ago. I don’t like anything coffee. Oh yes, sugar cubes. If no honey, then sugar cubes in tea. Those were the days. Memories. Used to enjoy hot chocolate but haven’t had in years. Only drink hot beverage in the morning, herbal tea, but it has to cool down to not so hot.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022

    There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout: This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision. When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad--you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you.

    Stacey Charter

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,881
    edited January 2022

    I think cooffe for most is a habit of sorts. We have tried most types of coffee. We have ground our own daily and had the more old fashioned stove percolators which I really liked to the Melita types on the stove with filter. Those did seem to make an excellent cup of 'everyday' coffee. Tried expensive drip makers ( fast brew time ) and in-expensive ones. Dh finally settled on a Cuisinart drip maker. He says it is the only one he has found that he likes that holds the temperature at a point where it doesn't turn the coffee bitter. We used a Faberware electric percolator for many yrs.

    Lastly, I guess I continue to drink coffee because it tends to aid in colon elimination for me although it could be possible that other morning hot drinks would do the same. Just have stuck with the coffee.

    Sounds like we will have sun all day today. I was under the impression that we would have snow, but Dh said no. Well, that won't make me un-happy.

    Checked CVS yesterday for booster. We ended up having to get in the car and go to our local. Their phone recording was so jumbled with info we couldn't determine what was available. Turned out they didn't offer Moderna at all. There are a couple of places that do -- so I will check today if appt. is needed. I still feel concern when going out for anything. More so because Omicron seems far sneakier than Delta. It is hard to say whether our area will get hit harder with Omicron than it did Delta. So far our numbers don't sound worse, but that could change quickly. Also our county juts into a couple of others so while we get only humbers for our county -- I do look at the 'near' counties to see how they fare.

    I know we are all tired from this and I do worry that medical and hospital facilities are overwhelmed by all of it, Sometimes seems ( though we do tend to find some way of adjustment to adverse conditions ) normal if it ever comes is a long way away. Fingers crossed.

  • petite1
    petite1 Member Posts: 2,323
    edited January 2022

    Good morning, ladies. A little rain this morning, so it is gloomy. I love coffee and tea. I am into Sleepy Time for night. I think a lot of people think it is just a cold, when they do in fact have the latest variant. I heard there is a new one Flurona. I guess it is the flu and Corona. That sounds miserable. Hope no one gets that one. Not much going on today. I have to take some of my ebay sales to the post office and stop by the vet's to pick up Miss Felix's diabetic cat food. Boy, has the price gone up on that! Hope everyone has a pleasant day.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2022

    I have an appointment to drop off my Toyota Prius at the dealer at 9 am this morning. That means getting on I-12 which can be an "iffy" proposition for getting from here to there in the morning. It often looks more like a parking lot than an interstate. DH will follow and pick me up. The Prius is being recalled for a software update that takes hours. We'll wait until tomorrow to pick it up, avoiding an afternoon pickup with all the commuter traffic.

    I'll have to use his Tundra pickup to go to the gym. No problem since the YMCA has a large parking lot.