go natural - grey hairs are sexy!
short hair or long?
0 -
Long enough to pull back
curtains or blinds
0 -
computer: Apple or PC
0 -
keep the computer in one place or drag it around with you
0 -
Drag it around, couch, bed, table, recliner, kitchen counter
newspaper or news on line?
0 -
both and TV too..
in the car: talk radio or music
0 -
Currently, talk. I go through stages.
gardening or gardener
0 -
gardening (but someone else mows)
grass or ground cover?
0 -
outdoor grill: gas or charcoal
0 -
gas ..
eating BBQ dinner indoors, or out on the back porch?
0 -
either but usually indoors
tomatoes from the grocery store or the farmers' market?
0 -
farmers market
broccoli or cauliflower
0 -
Real whipped cream or Cool Whip
0 -
cool whip
cool whip or ice cream on pie
0 -
ice cream
pie: warm or cold?
0 -
I'll take pie any way it comes (love pie).
cupcakes or slices of cake?
0 -
waffles or pancakes
0 -
American idol or CSI?
0 -
Criminal Minds or NCIS?
0 -
Criminal Minds
Money: Earn it or Spend it?
0 -
spend it but that means I have to earn it
frugal or a spendthrift?
0 -
Have more faith in Social Security or gold bars under the bed?
0 -
Ha! Since I have no gold bars under the bed, I am probably screwed!
the next person is going to watch Elton John on SNL tonight
0 -
Haha - same here Ruth!
false to SNL
The next person thinks the original SNL cast was the best comedy troupe EVER!
0 -
Of course! Now I just watch on rare occasions as I don't find a lot of the sketches very funny (is it them, or is in me?)
the next person need to get new windows in her house $$$$$$
0 -
(it's them...)
unfortunately, we do need new windows ain't happening though
The next person is pretty handy around the house, even if she does say so herself.
0 -
pretty handy
which game are you playing: this or that -or- the next person?
0 -
bumblebees or butterflies?
0 -
lady bugs or those cute little inch worms?
0 -
inch worms - we've had a couple of summers where those darned lady bugs were like hordes
Wal Mart or Target