red grapes...always find them sweeter and gee golly we have to feed the sugar beast.
But if you also had a or spiked with Vodka
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wearing shorts yet or still in long pants?
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long pants...but thinking about dragging out some capris
rather coach boys or girls
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Boys (I wouldn't know how to relate with girls!)
coach a sport or lead a youth group (ie scouts)
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Youth group. I'm awful at sports.
Field trip to an art museum or a science museum?
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Science Museum (I like anything that is a museum though)
Field trip to a farm or a zoo
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to a farm
ride the pony or feed the lambs?
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feed the lambs
Accompany small children or teens on an outing?
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My hair standing straight up at the thought of accompany small children or teens to an outing ... done both ... small children, a little easier to hand, and they can be controlled with snacks.!
.. groups of girls, or boys?
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You forget, teenagers can be controlled with pizza!
group of boys (the easier to bribe with pizza)
Outing to a rocket launch or an amusement park?
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amusement park
Dr Oz. or Dr. Phil
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Don't know either one of them (TV-free household)
Dr. Seuss, Dr. Demento, or Dr. Doolittle?
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All of them have memories for me...
Dr. Doolittle, the first book which was given to me by the local Librarian, Mrs. Slorp. (I can remember that 44 years later!)
Hot tea or iced tea?
0 - in winter, iced in summer.
poetry or plays?
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Mystery Dinner Theater or Off-Broadway shows
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Mystery Dinner Theater
Luxury limousine to get there or hot sports car?
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both sound good, but think I will take the limousine with a hunky chauffeur.
rather play in a rock band or a symphony orchestra
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Boston Pops or highbrow symphony?
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depends on what the symphony is playing so will choose Pops
Will Ferrell or Will Smith?
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Harrison Ford or Henry Ford
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Same as Word Ladder... can't access previous pages or posts so no clue what is going on. Anyone else?
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Can't get into any games to post...something wrong on this thread obviously. See you later
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still can't acess
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Where did my This or That game go...........all I have is a the original starting of the game, ther are a couple other games I can't get too........what's up
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Still can't open this thread
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Ditto. Still can't open this thread.
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Pissed I can't get on this thread ........................Yo moderators, what's up
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still can't get on this site0