just let em grow, they last longer in the garden.
wear insect repellent or just swat at them?
0 -
hate it but sometimes repellant is a necessity
while outdoors: citronella candles or bug zapper?
0 -
citronella candles, bugs in Florida are too big for zappers !
Prefer a windy day or a calm day?
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Calm day....but enjoy warm tropical-like breeze.
(Got an email that said put Listerine in a spray bottle to battle mosquitos. Don't know if it works or not but might be worth a shot)
Wash your own car or go through a car wash?
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car wash.....................
front load washer, or top load
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always use the dryer or hang things out to dry when it's nice out
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dryer (no clothesline)
fabric softener: add liquid to the wash or toss in a dryer sheet?
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usually wash in cold, warm or hot water
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cold or warm, not hot
iron your t-shirts that you wear around the house or just fold and go?
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what is an iron? fold and go
rather have appetizers or dessert (if one would have to choose)
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always dessert
Rather have salad or soup?
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really like soup
a cream or broth based soup
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usually broth based
rather go to the Doctor or the Dentist?
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Neither, but dentist I least their news usually isn't bad
GP, or Internal Medicine Doc
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groceries: shop at Super Walmart or a smaller (maybe local) store?
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Super Market...........but not Walmart
Like your in-laws, or think their all morons
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I plead the fifth amendment on that one!
the next person has some relatives of her own who make her shake her head
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True, and some I gave birth to
The next person has a wedding this year
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mow our own
perennials or annuals?
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Answering ducky: Yes, I have 3 weddings this year....yipee, I love weddings
Teklya: Perennials....not much of a gardener
inground sprinklers or play watering the grass yourself
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water hose and me
rather have a boat or a camper?
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boat, I love the water
go boating on a lake or the ocean
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Sit on the beach.......sit by your pool
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sit on the beach... more to see
wade in the water or stick to the packed sand?
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wade in the water
stay close to shore or swim out
0 -
close to shore
beach: play volleyball or go parasailing
0 -
parasailing, in my dreams
boogie board or blow up float?
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blow up float (I think) a boogie board a surf board?
throw caution to the wind and get a real suntan or use fake tan gel?
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boogie board (small flat board for skimming waves or riding waves on your tummy but not for surfing)
real suntan (natural Vitamin D )
sunglasses or visor?
0 -
sunglasses, Clip ons actually
ball cap or straw hat?