if it gets too hot in the middle of the day, get your outside chores done: first thing in the morning or wait until the sun goes down?
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in the morning. Too buggy in the evening
Exercise in the morning or in the evening?
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morning - the earlier the better...if I wait too long I tend to prcrastinate and never get it done
turn a/c on at the first sign of warm weather or try to tough it out as long as possible before turning it on?
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turn it on baby - with hot flashes there's no toughing it out!
(speaking of getting things done, I'd better go walk, it's supposed to be 85 today)
wake up naturally in the morning or need an alarm clock to get you up on time?
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sit down and eat breakfast or grab something and go
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sit down and eat
fruit or fruit juice
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biscuit or bagel, if you're in a bakery or making your own?
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haven't ever made them myself but love fresh bagels
cinnamon rolls: home-made or store-bought?
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if someone else is making them, homemade
cinnamon rolls or orange rolls
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cinnamon rolls
rather swim in the middle of the afternoon or in the evening when the sun isn't so strong?
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if you nap in the middle of the day: snooze right before lunch or right after lunch?
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after lunch
nap on the couch or bed
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do you usually wake right up or do you need some time to get going?
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I need a lot of time. I wake up in a fog
Go right to sleep at night or toss and turn?
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usually right to sleep
sleep soundly or sleep lightly?
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Sleep soundly ... most of the time.
Like the TV on to fall asleep or need it dark and quiet?
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prefer it dark and quiet (I mostly despise TV)
have TV on all the time or only turn it on to watch something specific?
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Runs ALL the time, often on mute
Going to fix dinner now or going out to eat?
I am the former. SYL
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DH is still out so will eat in a while - see ya later pj!
Did your city/town have a Memorial Day event or not?
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rainy day where you live or sunny
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Sunny, hot day
shorts or skirt??
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faux tan or suntan
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suntan (radiation provided)
around the house: flip flops/slippers or barefoot
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both inside but not barefoot outside
prefer ice cream or frozen yogurt?
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love both, but frozen yogurt
eat ice cream: in a cone or in a bowl
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in a cone!
on ice cream: sprinkles or hot fudge
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hot fudge
banana split or hot fudge sundae
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banana fudge sundae...banana fudge sundae - can I have both?
smoothie or frappe?
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ummm, smoothie I guess
Coke or Pepsi?
0 -'s the real thing..
7Up or Sprite