lots of, ice, ice, baby!
soda: regular or decaf
0 -
decaf these days but I miss the caffeine kick
Do you enter your home through the front door or the garage door?
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single or double stall garage
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home alarm system or not?
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do 'watch cats' count?
play pool or ping pong
0 -
neither much but I am better at ping pong
pool in the neighborhood bar or the church basement?
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play Karoke or just watch
0 -
I haven't done it but I think I would want to play.
Need a drink before getting up to sing or just go cold turkey?
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probably would sound better if everyone else would have a drink before I'd sing!!!
the next person has sung a solo at some event during their life
0 -
True, Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star at age 3. Not since.
The next person can not carry a tune in a bucket!
0 -
I love to sing
Rather write a letter/essay to express your point, or speak your mind aloud?
0 -
probably the letter
stand up for yourself or just hate confrontation...
0 -
Stand up and be counted!
Return a crappy restaurant meal, or make the best of it?
0 -
Usually I'd return it, but don't get many bad ones.
Watch movies in another language with subtitles or dubbing?
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Prefer to listen to French, Italian, or Spanish?
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French cause I can almost understand it
The next person can speak a second language ... well.
0 -
Not fluently
the next person has lived in a foreign country
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The next person has lived in more than one state
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the next person now lives in the state where she was born
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The next person lives in the town where she grew up
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The next person likes where they are living now
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The next person hopes she never has to move !
0 -
maybe just away for the winter
the next person owns her own home
0 -
The next person has lived in a condo at some time
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the next person once lived in a furnished apartment
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The next person needs new carpet
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True, well... it was a duplex really.
The next person once lived in a mobile home too.
0 -
the next person once had a really, really wierd roommate
0 -
boy, did we get off track....wrong game...THIS or THAT Game LOL!
0 -
Holy Cow, and we've been off for awhile I see!!
chemo brain or just losing it for no particular reason