juicy - but - I'm not picky!
for a picnic dessert - watermelon or chocolate cake?
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chocolate cake
watermelon or cantelope?
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today watermelon...just had a slice..Yummmmmm!
strawberries or blueberries
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with short cake or angel food cake?
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strawberry shortcake, huckelberry pie, V-I-C-T-O-R-Y
LOL flashback to high school
rather attend a HS reunion or a college reunion?
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I have to pass on this one, because I don't think I'd recognize anybody from either one - if they were wearing a big name tag!
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(no choice from Anne so I'll answer badger's)
HS reunion - did not attend college so not a choice I can really make.
your age: tell the truth when asked or fudge it?
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Before Cancer - fudged it! After Cancer - proud of it!
Blackberry or IPhone?
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laptop or desk top?
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is your mouse wired or wireless?
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How about your home phone?
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remotes: just one or multiple?
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Cell phone: Plain vanilla or tricked out smart phone?
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N/A I do not have a cell phone.
when you are trying to concentrate on a project, do you like background music or silence?
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In a restaurant, do you prefer music or silence?
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background music is nice while dining
"lite" classical or smooth jazz?
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well manicured flower bed or wild flowers
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mixture of both - hi ruth
dubbed foreign film, or subtitled foreign film?
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dubbed (we have a hard time reading sub-titles)
American Movie Classics or Turner Classic Movies?
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Hi Anne, I've had a housefull of company for the past week and just finished all the associated cleanup and but a lot of work too!
Don't do projects around the house until you've saved up the money or take out a loan
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not familiar with either since I don't watch TV
Vacation at the beach, woods, on a cruise, or Vegas?
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Use money saved for would only be in case of an emergency
(Hi company left on day but nice to get my life back!)
Faithfully change your oil every 3K miles or lucky to get it in at 5K or more
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Pretty faithful because that annoying reminder light comes on.
Rotate your tires every oil change or hardly ever ?
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On schedule
XM or FM radio in the car
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FM and AM but no XM
when you exercise, music or talk radio?
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make a list when you go shopping or remember everything in your head
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make a list...and stick to it..
walk along the beach or sit and watch the surf roll in
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walking on the beach
Love getting your teeth cleaned or dread any dentist appointment?
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Love getting them cleaned - I have a GREAT dentist!
General anesthesia or topical (local)?
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teeth cleaned!
car or public transit?0