I'll have an order of onion rings with my fries, please
on your burger, fried onions or raw onions?
0 -
fried, only cause raw doesn't agree with me anymore.
hot dogs: chili or relish on those dogs
(gosh I'm hungry)
0 -
southern fried chicken any day of the week...I love it! But, alas, alack, today I will eat grilled skinless chicken since health benefits or lack there of do count.
like to give gift cards or prefer shopping for a special gift?
0 -
I'll have chili and relish on the dog.....and if I have a clue as to what they'd like, I would rather get that than a gift card
small or medium drink
DH is home, off for the weekend
0 -
I like to shop for real gifts but often resort to a gift card.
like to receive a surprise gift or a gift card?
0 -
medium drink to have with my surprise gift..
gift wrap or gift bag
0 -
gift wrap is nicer.
open your present when you get it or wait till your actual birthday.
0 -
wait, provided it's wrapped (I do open the box)
Prefer to use satin ribbon or skinny curlable ribbon?
0 -
skinny curly ribbon
buy or make your own bows
0 -
well, if I want the package to really look nice, I'll buy one. I really am in love with gift bags.
Stock up on birthday cards when you're at a Party Factory Outlet or buy each card as you need one?
0 -
how about option C: make my own cards as I need them using my PC
rather visit the Cape of Good Hope or the Badlands?
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I'll go with Cape of Good Hope
(Badger, I don't have a color printer - have to print for work and so therefore only have laserjet black printers but I'm impressed that you create your own cards)
habitually...early or late for appointments?
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if just me, a little late; with DH ... always early
"SO" is your opposite or your clone?
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Opposite though after so many years of being together we may be starting to look like each other
write a check at the store or use a credit card
0 -
credit card............easier and faster....but pay the CC off when it comes in................
ounline shopping, or go to the store
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go to the store
Regular mall shopping or outlet mall shopping?
0 -
love outlet stores, you can find some GREAT deals
Buy/wear the latest fashion trends or stick with the classics?
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Well, I tend to like the classics or what was new in 1970
The next person gets attached to clothing items and keeps them for years!
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prefer your tollhouse cookies with or without nuts?
0 -
non nuts in my cookies, please.
eat some of the cookie dough or afraid of salmonella?
0 -
eat the cookie dough. Haven'd died from it yet!!
If you are making them fresh do you like homemade dough or dough from the refrigerater section at the grocery store?
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home-made (my house smells GREAT right now!)
use parchment paper to line baking sheets, or not?
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usually not, depends on the cookie.
prefer silpat liners or parchment liner?
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right now...........happy or sad
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tired or rested
0 -
somewhere in between
sleep well or not so much
0 -
sleep pretty well
crosswords or sudoku?
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sleep well or not so much
0 -
not so much
cryptoquotes or cryptograms
0 -
I can't do either of them!
Masterpiece Theater or Nature on PBS?
Gotta go get ready for Inspector Lewis... but I miss Morse
Good night!