It used to be more Eat, Drink & Be Merry but after BC Eat Pray Love applies to me.
I ditto the exercise thread - wonderful group!
Happy to entertain, or begrudgingly get it over with
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Love to entertain
Throw a dinner party for a few or a buffet for many?
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a buffet for many (but not today....just husband and son today)
buy a honeybaked spiral cut ham or coat your own ham and bake
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honeybaked! So easy and so good!
Eat the dyed Easter eggs as is or make them into deviled eggs
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prefer eating boiled eggs but a friend brought a plate of deviled eggs over and now I have about 12 in the fridge.
(Ok, thanks....I'll peek in on the Daily exercise thread later today.....)
Pay almost absolutely everything with a credit card or still writing checks?
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Debit card or autopay directly from checking account.
camping or hotel vacation
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hotel vacation - love B&B's
vacation at the shore, or in the mountains?
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Beach....and that's where we're headed later this week. Rented a lovely condo smack dab on the beach...I love the ocean.
dessert: fruit or cake/pie?
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fruit pie (specially cherry
live on an island in the pacific or the heartland (US)?
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I live in the heartland but would like a vacation on an island in the Pacific
rather have a bird or fish for a pet
is anyone else's 'Favorite Topics' still not working?
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Would rather have a fish - had a very cute beta named JoJo, but had to leave him behind because we moved.
ruth - my fav topics is working ...... ?
at the beach - stay under an umbrella and read, or frolic in the ocean?
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frolic in the ocean if it's a clear blue ocean...if it's murky, then under an umbrella and read
vacation: take a fabulous cruise or fly somewhere and stay in a fabulous hotel in one place.
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I've done a bunch of cruises (which I really liked). But now, I'd rather stay in one place for awhile - a LONG while
for dessert: chocolate cake or apple pie or something froo-froo like cherries jubilee
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Ooohh Apple pie
For breakfast: toast or something froo froo (1) like pancakes with blueberries and cream
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usually toast...but rather have the blueberry pancakes!
cool whip or real cream
WTH, My Favorite Topics is still 'under matinence'....any techie people with suggestions for me?
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Cool Whip - yum
Chocolate or vanilla ice cream
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More ice cream: Cherry Vanilla or Chocolate Chocolate Chip
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I'm a chocoholic so no guesswork for that one
(No help from me, Ruth....I'm a techno-weenie)
are you concerned about the chicken thief who comes during the night, steals your neck and leaves his or have you not been hit yet?
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I guess I've not been hit!
Rather go to a "grown-up" movie with a grown-up or a kid's movie with a child?
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grown-up movie, grown-up company
Would you rather eat outside on the deck or inside in front of the TV?
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outside on the deck!
rather sit outdoors at a cafe or indoors?
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I was able to figure out how to get back into 'My Favorites' thanks to some good advice on another thread. Whew! It's a pain to nagivate around otherwise!
play tennis or golf
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I've never played golf, so I guess tennis, but right now I'd rather just go for a walk on the beach - not feeling very competitive these days.
kindle or a "real" book
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I have to say Kindle...I'm still adapting to it. I will say that it is really good not to have to cart around several books....I always had 3 books going at they're all in one spot and heaven forbid carting around a thousand page book....pretty nice to just tuck it into your handbag.
on a road trip: listen to music or a book on cd's?
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open the windows or turn on the AC
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Blue biro or black
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I had to look it up never heard of a biro before... I prefer black pens.
rice or wheat noodles?
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wheat noodles
when you have hair, dye your own or get it professionally done.
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professionally done
studied really hard in school or just slid by
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Sorry Gardengumby, pen is such a better word for it!
Studied hard
sunshine or clouds/rain today?