hmmm - that's a toughy - I think the swimming will be great to follow because of Phelps
gymnastics or volleyball
ruth I do the same with DH's stuff too! shhhh
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rather watch baseball or golf on tv (and yes I know that both can be snorefests)
do your workout at home or go to a health club
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I actually like to watch baseball on TV if it is the Minnesota Twins and work out at home
have a nice relaxing Sunday planned or have a busy day ahead
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busy day - flying home to Budapest today
are you shy and reserved or more outspoken
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have a good flight
more outspoken
hate talking in front of a group, don't mind it or like it
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don't mind talking in front of a group....kind of like it
like having your picture taken or really would rather not
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don't mind as long as I get to edit them later
vacation in the summer or winter
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winter - so I can go somewhere warm
prefer chicken or fish?
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chicken usually
hot turkey sandwich or hot roast beef sandwich
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hot roast beef
mashed potato or french fries
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canoe or kayak
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potato salad or macaroni salad (Ruth's trying to make us exercise but I'm in food mode!!!)
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macaroni (but like both!)
blueberry muffins or rhubarb muffins
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gosh I love both but I'll choose blueberry
coffee or tea
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black tea or green tea
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black tea
walmart or target
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buy things just because they are on sale or only if you really need them
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Sometimes convince myself I need them if they're on sale (half off items at Goodwill is less guilt
Sea salt or regular table salt?
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Sea salt. Actually we use Himalayan salt....I order it online (much cheaper that way), pinkish in color and purportedly the least detrimental of any salt.
go to a health club for your work-out or do it at home?
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rather eat in the restaurant or outside seating
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prefer eating at the restaurant or take out and eat at home
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prefer eating at the restaurant outside eating when possible.
when stopping for a pick-up meal...rather do Chinese or Mexican?
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do the dishes by hand or use a dishwasher
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competitive or not so much
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not so much
potted plants or cut flowers
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cut flowers
diet pop, regular pop or no pop
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diet pop
waffle cone or sugar cone
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red licorice or black licorice
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dried apricots or dried prunes
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no pop
soft ice cream or hard?