Candles - Some flower scents can be a bit overwhelming
rather walk on a dirt path in the woods or a paved path along the ocean/lake
0 -
Paved path at the lake.
Healthy breakfast or doughnuts?0 -
Healthy - I think I will have oatmeal (with brown sugar)
fanatic about a clean house or a little dirt doesn't bother you
0 -
clean is important - neat not so much.
willing to use chemical cleaners or green all the way
0 -
using some chemical but have been reading lately about making your own at home
Drink filtered water or right out of the tap
0 -
drink distilled water
prefer still water or effervescent
0 -
still water
Over or under 5' 6"
0 -
over or under 150lb
0 -
over, I am 5'8". I lost 30 lbs. at the beginning of treatment and became accustomed to eating to gain weight. Now have caught up to where I was before.
Grew up in the country or the city
0 -
now live in country or city
0 -
Can drive a stick shift car or never learned how
0 -
can (that's all I drove until about 3 years ago )
love chocolate or can take it or leave it
0 -
love chocolate
Use canned spaghetti sauce or make your own0 -
single or married
0 -
divorced so now single
heels or flat shoes
0 -
Get your driver's license at age 16 or later
0 -
got married (first time ) in your twenties or thirties or .....
0 -
didn't marry until I was 35 (which is probably why it 'stuck')
the next person has broken an engagement
0 -
The next person has children who are in their 30's
0 -
Always eat breakfast or sometimes skip it
0 -
didn't eat breakfast for years, now always eat a little something
leather or cloth seats
0 -
Wash your car yourself or go to the carwash0 -
carwash in cold weather, wash it myself in nice weather
like black licorice or not
0 -
yes, I do
like black jelly beans or not
0 -
love black jellybeans (remember Black Jack gum - I think you can still buy it)
If someone was treating you to dinner - order lobster or steak?
0 -
Lobster. Diamond or pearl earrings?
0 -
Don't wear earrings but diamond if I did.
Like music when you are in the car or prefer quiet
0 -
have Sirrus Radio or not
0 -
do not
onion rings or french fries
0 -
usually the fries
regular or sweet potato fries