early afternoon
while the women do the dishes, the guys usually: help or watch football?
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The last few years they help, better late than never. LOL!!
watch football or take a nap
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I never turn down an opportunity to nap LOL!
prefer college or pro football?
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pro, but watch both
basketball: college or pro
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For the most part, I like college sports better than pro sports.
rather buy season tickets to athletic events or cultural events (ballet, theater, etc)
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athletic events
strawberry jam or raspberry jam
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Pacino or DeNiro
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Robert Redford or Paul Newman
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go to a film festival at: Sundance or Cannes?
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Johnny Depp or Johny Depp
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Johnny Depp
Captain Jack Sparrow or Edward Scissorhands?
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Captain Jack
Elvis Presley or Elvis Costello
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hmmmm... Costello I think
Mark Twain or Shania Twain?
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downhill skiing or cross country skiing
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ice skating or roller skating?
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ice skating
ice hockey or football
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new movie: go to the theater, rent the DVD, or wait until it's on TV?
(I guess it's a "this, that, or the other thing" question since there are 3 choices lol)
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rent DVD
laws or rules
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pad of paper: regular size or legal size?
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grocery bags: paper or plastic
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I have a couple of cloth bags but when those fill up I ask for plastic bags
line your small wastecans with: new trash bags or recycled plastic grocery bags?
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recyced grocery bags
King or Koontz
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I am in Florida now
take a walk on the beach or soak in the hot tub facing the beach?
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walk on the beach
walk or ride bikes?
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should I proceed or quit the journey.
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electric bikes or regular bikes
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welcome rajkumari/snehlata, in this game you answer the previous post with your choice from the options given, then pose a new choice for the next person to answer.
(I love that we have people from all over the world playing these games!)
regular bikes
street bike or mountain bike?
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mountain bike, I wish.
walk in the rain or snow?
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walk in the rain
without raincoat or umbrela ?
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to keep your ears warm: wear a hat or a scarf?