rather travel by: private jet or luxury yacht?
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luxury yacht (just as long as it's not owned by the ill-fated handsome patron in fort/unfort)
deep sea dive or parachute jump?
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(... a three-hour tour...)
deep sea dive
SCUBA dive or diving bell?
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diving bell
sunken treasure hunt or archeological dig?
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getting there: use a GPS device or follow your nose?
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follow my nose (and right now I'm smelling fresh baked bread wafting from veggie's home)
handkerchief or tissues?
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lotion tissues or plain tissues?
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moisturizers: lotions or creams
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scented or unscented?
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perfume or not
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not (can't tell what's in 'fragrance' so won't use it)
e-mail or snail mail your seasons greetings?
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mail pkgs.: USPS or UPS
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USPS, others used to be cheaper but not so much anymore
prefer gift or gift card?
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depends on if it's someone who knows my tastes or not.....if it's from my DH, a gift card
rather shop for clothes or shoes
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clothes, but shoes are good too - weight up or down does not matter
stay up til midnight on 12-31 or in bed at 10:00 PM?
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stay up all nite if I can (2011 represents a brand new start, gonna be the best yr ever)
new yr resolution: stop doing something or start doing something?
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Start doing something.
Night owl or early bird? (Given the time, that's probably a biased question.)
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both (depends on my mood)
sleep with your head facing south or north?
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head facing south
ketchup or mustard on a hot dog?
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lipstick or lipgloss?
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Both (lipgloss over lipstick)
Beach or mountains?
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zippers or buttons?
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buttons.......easier to
jeans or trouser
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shoulder bag or handbag
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shoulder bag that doubles as a handbag
leather or cloth
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like an open bag or one with lots of separate compartments?
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open.....I loose too much if it has a lot of compartments!
like a large or small bag
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on the smaller side, I can't find anything if the bag's too big
(it seems that, no matter what I'm looking for, it always sinks to the bottom!)
let your DH stow gear in your bag or make him carry his own stuff?
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he usually only has his keys so I let him put them in my bag or else I'm the one that has to mend the pockets of his pants
always carry a travel pack of tissues in your bag
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true it's best to be prepared (and LOL on the holes in his pockets, I can relate!)
I take my DH's reading glasses...otherwise when we go out to eat he can't read the menu
When you eat out, do you try new things or stick to what you know is good?