sweats, more comfy
skinny jeans or loose fit?
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loose fit
like the waistband at your waist or go for the low-rise jeans (once called hip huggers :-)
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to reduce the size or supressed the muscle around?
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reduce the size
rather take a walk at sunrise or sunset?
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surya namaskar ( sun salutation) or yoga?
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yoga mat or blanket?
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yoga mat late! pj you are too funny!
Hats and horns or Fireworks?
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like a big, huge party or be with a few friends
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just a few friends is perfect!
Sit down dinner or buffet of finger foods?
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finger food
go for the salty or the sweet finger foods
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generally sweet!
Wash it down with a glass of wine or a cup of cider?
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wine but cider is good too.
cookies: chocolate chip or raisin oatmeal?
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chocolate chip
oatmeal raisin or oatmeal scotchies*?
* made with butterscotch chips mmmmm
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be good or bad today watching football: cheese dip or veggie platter with dip
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veggie platter cause I prefer it
nachos or chips?
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potato skins or buffalo wings?
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ooooh... potato skins
but wings, with hot sauce or barbeque sauce?
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hot sauce with a side of bleu cheese dressing and celery sticks
jalapeno poppers or fried cheese curds?
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poppers...I've never had fried cheese curds...googled, they sound good
cheese dip or guacamole
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cheese dip, definitely
you guys are making me too hungry... so changing course.
basic t-shirt: black or white ?
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early to bed and rise or the later the better on both ends of the day
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early to bed early to rise
we all want healthy, so healthy + wealthy or wise?
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maybe I will try wealthy just for a change!!!
Alaskan cruise or Hawaiian cruise
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polar bear or black bear
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black bear
what's cuter: a bear cub or a lion cub?
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do I have to choose?
puppy or kitten
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nah, too hard LOL
puppy... I love their little speckled bellies
plus IMHO dogs are more good-natured than cats
rather housebreak a puppy or teach a teenager to drive?
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housebreak a litter of puppies LOL!
spices: dried or fresh
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LOL! fresh
black pepper: pre-ground or peppercorns in a grinder?
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salt: pre-ground or grinder