Weird sensation when drinking hot or cold beverages

Okay, so for the past few days, whenever I drink either a hot beverage or a cold glass of water, I feel it going down the middle of my chest. (Had my PBMX 12/19). It feels so weird. I guess its because the fatty breast tissue isn't there to absorb the heat/chill? Anyone else?
Yes! How funny, I was just noticing this recently too. I had my mastectomy 2 years ago and felt the temperature sensation shortly after the surgery. It went away for awhile, but I've noticed it again this winter. Boy, you can feel it go all the way! I agree that it is probably the lack of "insulation" there.
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Yes!! It lasts for a few weeks and then will go away as you get used to the new you.
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I felt that for about a month after my BMX. It gets better - I rarely notice it now. It was really strange at first though!
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Yes, lol, such a weird feeling. It passes though. Not sure when I adjusted, but I am 4 months out and it has been a while already.
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I only realize it when someone mentions it. Too funny!
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I've noticed it too! I just figured it was from lack of "insulation".
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I felt like that too, but it eventually went away. Now I have implants that get cold like icepacks at time....oh well. At least they are cancer free....
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Hi, I also feel the cold but it is down my side. I am almost two years past MX. You do get used to it after awhile. SharonH
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Me Too! Thought maybe it had to do with my TE's. Guess not.
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I'm with you. They are so cold, but you're right. Tthey are cancer-free. I wear more layers now than I used to, and my DH just laughs when an ARIMIDEX hot flash hits. I peel like an onion.
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Oh wow, amazing, me too! When I took those first few sips of water after surgery, I was pretty sure I had a "leak" somewhere, that the water was spilling out on my chest. I had my hsuband and mom looking for leaks while I swallowed...
I still get it, if I am warm and the drink is very cold...what a funny sensation no one else could understand!
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I'm about 5 months out on my right side and 3 on my left. I'm not having the sensation very much now with hot liquids (or at least I'm not noticing it) but just this week found that ice water still really triggers that "waterfall" feeling. It's not particularly unpleasant, just a bit disconcerting.
Crystalphm - thinking that you'd sprung a leak is just too funny.
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It was bitterly cold here yesterday (NY) and hubby and I stopped at a diner on our way home from errands. I took a gulp of hot coffee and let out a yelp, grabbed a napkin and frantically wiped my chest...but there was nothing there! LOL I thought I spilled the coffee right down my blouse!
kmpod: 'waterfall'... great description of the sensation drinking a cold beverage!
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I have the same sensation. Although it is more when I drink cold beverages. The sensation has lessened a bit. I thought it was because of possible swelling still. My bilateral mastectomy was Dec 8.
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Cats, yes, I have felt that too, it is so unique! So you thought you sprung a leak too :-) Or dribbled, it feels like that too.
The word waterfall describes it so well...
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I am 2 years out from bilateral with no reconstruction and still get that feeling every so often, but only with cold beverages. It is indeed very strange!
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When I drink something cold, even still (had bmx 8/30/10), I can feel the chill! I just thought it was me.
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I still feel the cold "waterfal"l since May 2010.. never noticed hot but will be checking it out tomorrow morning with my cup of coffee
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Sometimes I yelp!
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so I have noticed that when I drink coffee I can feel the heat of it going into my right brest. Any feedback?
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For awhile after my mastectomy, I could feel hot and cold beverages in my armpit. It went away though.
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Does this happen with a single mastectomy or just with a double?
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I think it can happen with either and with recon or no recon. I had implant recon and I remember feeling it in my chest when I drank cold beverages. It is considered completely normal so no worries. That sensation did go away at some point but I don’t remember when.
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Thanks, exbrnxgrl!
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Hi I had the same felt really wierd at first, Eventually just went a way of just got used to it.