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Lumpectomy Lounge....let's talk!



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,418

    If you have mixed tumor types, or multiple tumors, the more aggressive type or tumor is the one that controls your treatment.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008

    kdtheatre, there are options for HER2++ that will let you chose IHC vs FSH. It sounds like your MO is on top of things. Good to see you Moondust.

  • mustlovepoodles
    mustlovepoodles Member Posts: 1,248

    Peggy, I have no idea what the Pup might be allergic to. He's already on a limited diet dog food, no people food (he has had a couple of bad reactions--nearly died one time!) This is the time of year that weeds start to bloom, so it's possible he brushed up against something in the yard. He's not allowed to roam--we have a fenced in yard for him. The vet said if he's still scratching and picking on Wed., he will put him on an oral steroid for a few days and an allergy med that I can't think of right now. So far, so good. He hates the Cone of Shame--keeps pulling it off. What's working best is for us to just sit with him and keep his face away from his tail. Like I've got time for that!

  • kdtheatre
    kdtheatre Member Posts: 145

    Poodles - yup, the only way to determine Microscopic lymphotic colitis is via a colonoscopy. I had the '2 for 1' special (both a colonoscopy and an enderoscopy) - so I was totally out for my procedure, which was what i prefer anyway! I take Asacol for it, along with Hyocosamine - which I only use when I feel a stomach flare-up starting. It has worked pretty well so far...but def makes me loopy. So that, plus my xanax, makes for a solid night of sleep for sure! lol.

    I hear the neulasta shot I will get (the day after each chemo treatment) has horrible side effects of bone pain...has anyone dealt w/that? And is the reason I am doing AC for 4 sessions, then Taxol for 12 weeks...because of my Her2? Or is that normal chemo treatment for breast cancer in general? You all seem to have different meds listed...?

  • mustlovepoodles
    mustlovepoodles Member Posts: 1,248

    I had neulasta, but I didn't have too much pain. Well, I did after the first chemo, but that was before I knew to take Claritin. The next 3 times, I took the claritin and I only had some aching in my jaw and forehead, similar to a sinus infection. Tylenol took care of it.

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    So, KD, yes, due to the HEr2+, chemo was a given for me especially at Grade 3.  I did 6 sessions of Taxotere, Carboplatin, Perjeta and Herceptin.  Had some weird troubles with tongue and jaw neuropathy after about the 4th session...lots of the "Big D" due to perjeta first week or so every session...The treatments were LONG- about 6 hours every time...first week after an infusions was rocky- so tired and weak- tried to walk but not really realistic- 2nd week was better though napped frequently and ate bland diet- tastes very altered...3rd week, felt more like normal with energy and appetite- treatment.  Always had a nuelasta shot day after treatment.  Also, started Claritin and Alleve day of treatment and took for following 4 days to ward off joint pain. (a few times I took them longer as I had breakthrough pain so it just made sense.)  Worked for me!  I had a port since I would also continue Herceptin for a total of one year.  It was all hard but doable and nothing like I imagined.  I also recommend eating saltines every few hours even when not hungry- kept me from being too "green" first week of each treatment. Finger and toe nails are still an issue...slow to grow and break, crack and just aren't very happy since treatment.  Hair growing back...much better since finishing Herceptin.  PM anytime you have questions...I didn't find this group until later into treatment...sorry about that!  Hugs.

  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Member Posts: 705

    I did neulasta+Claritin for all 6 of my infusions. Only had bad bone pain one of them (the first taxatore). Also I was taught to do my own neulasta was very easy and nice to not have to go to Chemo clinic or a doctor for it!!

  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Member Posts: 705

    I was in 3 week cycles and like HH week one was rough (I did 2 types of chemo, they were different but in both the worst days were in the first week), 2 was tolerable (but when I had taste issues), 3 was almost normal. I worked, and exercised, week 2-3 of each cycle-week 1 I just walked a bit. There were hard parts but all in all chemo was not nearly as awful as is anticipated it would be.

  • Katzpjays
    Katzpjays Member Posts: 174

    Jill - you are looking fantastic!

    Poodles - My career was in animal health. If your dog doesn't get relief from the steroids, ask your vet about Apoquel. It is a relatively new drug that is specifically for canine dermatitis. Some vets save it as the big gun, but there is no reason to. It was developed to replace steroids. Fewer SEs than excessive water drinking or peeing. The pill has to be given everyday because it is eliminated from the system daily, but other than that reports are overwhelmingly positive. Game changer for itchy dogs (and their owners). The manufacturer is Zoetis.

    Wishing you and your DH a great time on your camping trip!

    KD - must be a relief to have your treatment plan. Surely no one goes...yippee...5 months of chemo, but now you know the steps you will take to kick cancer's butt. Everyone will be here to support you.

    To all of the other newbies..welcome. This isn't a club people lobby to join, but we support each other any way we can

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Ok, thanks.. i guess i just saw a typo.. i haven't gotten into the fitbit thing yet, have to check it out..

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi all. I had my second chemo today and the only problem was that I had a big allergic reaction to the taxotere, severe chest tightening, couldn't breathe and then felt like my head would explode with heat. Caught it quickly and called the nurse. She stopped the IV, pushed another bag of steroids and MO ordered benedryl which she pushed slowly. Waited 1/2 hour and then tried again and all was fine. Made for a long day though! And just checked my glucose levels and I topped out at 358!!! Yikes.

    KD, I had the neulasta injection and took the claritin, but still had about 3 days of pretty intense bone pain. I do have a lot of arthritis and have had numerous joint replacements so that may account for it. This time I'm switching to allegra. Someone said that was recommended over claritian. I'll let you know if there's a difference.

    Very nice to see you Alice. Your picture inspired my hat! Thanks.

    Well, off to bed. I' exhausted and will catch up on posts tomorrow.

  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Member Posts: 705

    scary Dara! Glad it was able to be controlled. Have a good rest and I hope se are easy this cycle!

  • Sloan15
    Sloan15 Member Posts: 845

    KDtheatre - I had Nuelasta shots, but I didn't have any problems or pain at all. The nurse said to expect nothing, and take a Tylenol if my tailbone was sore. I took a Tylenol once when I went to a theatre production because I would be sitting for a long time, but I was fine.

    Dara - Yikes on that reaction! I'm glad they caught it-or you caught it- early!

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98


    Hey all

    did anyone do a MammaPrint done INSTEAD of the OncoType test?

  • tbalding
    tbalding Member Posts: 383

    Dara, glad they were able to get it under control quickly. Hope the rest of your se are minimal.

  • Grazy
    Grazy Member Posts: 231

    Hi - we're out of town all this week and I haven't been on BCO, but I just had a quick peek to see how everyone is - as usual, this thread moves too fast for me to keep up with. I won't comment on anything chemo-related as I didn't have chemotherapy, but I wish everyone who's doing it, or about to do it, well. Just quickly wanted to say that I'm sorry you had such a scary experience, Dara, but glad they got it quickly under control. Jill, your "new" hair looks fantastic. Glad you enjoyed Tremblant.

  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    KD -- That sounds about what I am doing. I still haven't gotten my port yet, but will be calling the clinic for an update soon. I am one armed for the treatments too, so I don't want to wreck the veins there. I don't know what Perjeta is, but will look it up. I'm not sure what my hormone treatment will be yet.

    Lovestofly -- Keep up the fun... you deserve it.

    Peggy -- One of my cats was doing the same thing. He seems to have stopped since my Lumpectomy. Weird.

    Moondust -- That is very inspiring... I really have to get some kind of exercise program going. Out center has Yoga on Wednesday mornings that I am going to get into. Hopefully, I can find a workout buddy as, I don't seem to be able to motivate myself much lately.

    Dara -- I hope you second session went well.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Thereisnodespiar, it's my understanding that tests like MammoPrint and Prosigna are only done when the Oncotest comes back intermediate. Onco divides results into low, medium, and high risk. Mammo and Prosigna delve deeper into genomes and rank a tumor low or high risk.

    Poodles, several of my dogs got allergies to certain grasses at different times of the year. For quite a while, our vet prescribed benedryl for them. I filled the prescription and it was so much cheaper to buy it through him than the drugstore.

    Those who have taken Claritin, do you double up the dose or just take the recommended one?

  • mustlovepoodles
    mustlovepoodles Member Posts: 1,248

    Wow, Dara! That was a bad drug reaction. Glad the rest of it was okay. I only had trouble once-I broke out in hives while getting the IV anti-nausea med prior to the last chemo. Same drill-more steroid, a dose of IV benedryl. Other than being loopy and jacked up, i was fine. I didnt check my blood sugar, but im sure it was over 200 after all the steroids.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434

    I am no expert by any means, but I know that MammaPrint is less commonly used in the US (More often used in Europe, and most of the research has been done in Europe), but it isn't actually true that it is only used when Oncotype is medium range. Some MOs prefer to use it as an alternative to oncotype because it only gives a 'high-risk/low risk' result; less ambiguity. I think it is true that many insurance companies will only pay for both MammaPrint and Oncotype if Oncotype is mid range, but my understanding is that most of those insurance companies will pay for MammaPrint as an alternative to Oncotype.

    A new study based at UCSF, and published in the New England Journal of Medicine last week, could lead to more use of MammaPrint in the US, I suspect (although I haven't read the actual study.) This was a long range study, funded in part by NCI (along with various drug companies and foundations) and illustrates that the test is an effective predictor of the need for chemo. One of the interesting findings to me was that almost half of the women with high clinical risk actually had low genetic risk (per the MammaPrint test) and the study concluded that those women could avoid chemo. I believe this is one of the first US based studies of MammaPrint, although note that the women studied were in Europe (Presumably because MammaPrint is more often used there).:


  • ElizabethAM
    ElizabethAM Member Posts: 202

    Dara -- I missed your post earlier. So sorry you had a hard time with your session. Hope you are rested up a bit now.

  • thereisnodespair
    thereisnodespair Member Posts: 98

    Octogirl - thanks so much for that very important explanation regarding the MammaPrint. I don't live in the US and my insurance doesn't want to cover the OncoType because I do have a node that is involved, and now there is some suggestion I could be eligible fot the MammaPrint. Your answer was very encouraging and definately helpful to my own understanding of the test. Thank you!

  • kdtheatre
    kdtheatre Member Posts: 145

    What is the Neulasta pod?

    When do you take the Claritin? The day of the first chemo? each first day of chemo? Or before the first day?

    Hammer - what is the inger? And is Big D, diarrhea? Unfortunately I can't do Alleve or any other NSAIDs due to my stomach and colitis hoping Tylenol will work.

    Dara - eager to hear which is better the Allegra or Claritin! (and when do you take it?). And so scary what you experienced with your treatment - I can only hope I realize something is wrong and say something like you did!

    Sloan15 - I am hoping to work through this (somehow) - and unfortunately, I sit a lot for maybe I have to get a standing desk instead. lol.

    Elizabeth - I am not exactly clear what Perjeta is, but it is specific to the Her2+ and is fairly new and successful? I think there has only been one study in US for it so far....but still haven't been able to bring myself to do my usual/proper research on my Her2 status and meds.

  • fightergirl711
    fightergirl711 Member Posts: 190

    kdtheatre I posted on the triple positive thread with more details, but I had pretty much same treatment.

  • lmencken
    lmencken Member Posts: 77 sorry to hear...Glad you made out ok on the end!

  • HappyHammer
    HappyHammer Member Posts: 985

    Dara- wow- sounds scary but so glad you caught the issues early and things got better! 

    KD- sorry- that was a type- finger snf toe nails issues.  And yes abt the Big D.  :(

    As Jill (LTFly) stated- chemo was hard but doable and not nearly as awful as I imaginged!

    Hugs to you all.

  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Member Posts: 705

    The Neulasta pod is a little pod that they put on your upper arm, it is timed to automatically inject at the right time (24+ Hours after your infusion is complete. I do not believe it is available in Canada where I live.

    I started the Claritin the same day I had Neulasta, I would take Claritin that morning and every morning afterwards for seven days

  • twintwin2
    twintwin2 Member Posts: 13

    I felt so relieved when the lump came out small (5mm) with no node involvement but the past few days I have been struggling with anxiety. I think it's because I know the oncotype dx is coming. Surgeon said rads and tamoxifen but I'm still stressing. Any tips on controlling anxiety? Sometimes I just can't stop thinking about everything and my mind feels like it's racing.

  • LovesToFly
    LovesToFly Member Posts: 705

    I'm sorry twin, it is so hard, I know. Somethings that helped me:

    -activity-walking or jogging or hopping on my spin bike

    -singing along to music (very good for anxiety)


    -ask for really helps. I don't use it often, but when I need it (before procedures mostly) it really helps turn off the chatter.

  • pontiacpeggy
    pontiacpeggy Member Posts: 6,339

    TwinTwin2, we all have struggled with that awful waiting period for the Oncotype. Keep busy. Things look very positive for you from what you've posted. Try to remember that. Did you have 2 separate surgeries? What was the reason for the 2nd surgery? In the States, it usually takes about 2 weeks to get the results of the Oncotype - once they send the specimen in. Hopefully you'll have your results this week. Waiting and wondering is much worse than knowing - even if it means chemo. Good luck!
