ABC Game
Do you mean small in space or small in general?
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I meant small in general. They don't have to be things from outer space. I was thinking what's something different? Well we can't really have the opposite of things from space, because that's everything on Earth. Then I thought that most things from the previous round were very big, so that's why I picked things that are small.
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bugs, babies
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crab, capsule, kernel of corn
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earrings, earthworms
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fingernail, fleas,
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gerbils, grasshoppers
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hamsters, hairballs
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ice, inch, insect
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jelly beans, jacks
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keyhole, kernel,
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lantern, leach
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moth, mole, breath MINT
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necklace, necktie
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peanuts, peas, pearls
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rice, baby rabbits,
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snot, snails
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tea bags, thimble, tooth,
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UPS tracking sticker
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vial (small bottle)
votive candles
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wood-ticks, worms, weeds,
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x-acto knife, X-cromosone0
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yoyos, Y chromosones
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Someone else please pick a topic, since I picked the last two topics (lucky me).
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Famous Women from History
Amelia Earhart, Anne Frank, Abigail Adams, Anne Bolyn
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Harriet Beecher Stowe
Lucille Ball
Barbara Bush