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Good places to take a winter vacation (we are in the middle of a winter storm tonight)
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Aruba, Acapulco, Alabama
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Boca Raton, Bahamas
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curaçao Cozumel. Cayman. Cartagena
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Denver Denmark down under
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Eleuthera. Encinad
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why did the "a" drop off?? Should be Encinada
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Florida, France, Fiji
(sometimes letters drop off when you are on a phone)
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To avoid the “drop off", I add 2 spaces after I'm done and then go back 2 spaces. Seems to work.
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Galapagos. Greece. Gretna Green.
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Adding spaces worked.Thank! Ruth - I am on my IPad.
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Mexico, Morocco, Montana (if you want to go skiing)
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Nevada, New Orleans, Naples (Italy or FL), Nassau (Bahamas not NY)
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Portofino. Puerto Rico.
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How about a winter vacay aboard the Queen Elizabeth luxury cruise ship.
or, Queensland Australia. It's summer there when it's winter here.
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Rio, Reno
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I'd love to visit the Swiss Alps and go skiing with HeidiHill.
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Tulum, Mexico
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Ruth, is that a tv series about Uber drivers? 😂
Vero Beach or Venice FL
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I couldn't think of any 'u' places. so I googled it.
West Palm Beach, Wyoming (to ski), Wales
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No apologies needed for a bit of research!
Viatape 🏖on the island of Boro Boro in French Polynesia
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Xalapa, Mexico
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Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico