ABC Game
biology, botany
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chemistry, calculus, calculation
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deduction discovery Daltonism
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electrons, energy, Einstein, e=mcsquared
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facts, fossils, Fibonacci sequence * (the DaVinci Code)
* a series of numbers in which each number ( Fibonacci number ) is the sum of the two preceding numbers. The simplest is the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc. (wiki)
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gravity, genetics, gamma rays
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hypothesis, hypotenuse, hydraulics, heavy water, Halley's Comet, hydrogen, helium, H2O
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geology, geography, geophysics
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Johnson noise: thermal background noise in a radio receiver.
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Washington, Wichita, Walla Walla, Winnipeg, Waimea, Weeki wachee
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Snickers, I think you are on the wrong page. We are on 'science words'
kinetic - - - -caused by motion
krypton - - -inert gas
kilowatt - - -unit of power
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light, laser, laboratories
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Mad Scientist, Mercury, Magnesium, Magnetism,,Mendel's pea plant experiment
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Oh dear - I was still on geography! Guess I didn't se the latest posts. Sorry!!!
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It happens all the time!
Nova, Nuclear fusion, nucleus, Bill Nye the Science Guy
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protons, paleontology, photosynthesis
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quark, quasar, quantum theory
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radiation, reflection, refraction, rotation, revolution
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science, scientific method, seismology, studies
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temperature, telescope, test tube
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uranium, urologist, Uranus, the unknown
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voltage, volatile
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wavelength, watt, white dwarf (star)
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xylem, x chromosome
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Y-axis, y-chromosome, yttrium (element)
Topic is words associated with science.
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New topic: weather words
Air pressure, acid rain
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barometer blizzard blustery
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cold, chill, celsius